War God Supreme

Chapter 2701: Annihilation

Nine Star Moon Sword has reached its peak state, the line of life and death has reached the top, and nine crystals are brilliant.


  The people of Fengshenwei have all been killed except the captain of Fengshenwei.


  Li Lingtian feels that his body is transparent. In this void, Li Lingtian feels that he is very small, but yet very powerful.


  Looking at the Fengjia too elders who are still fighting the big puppets, hey, Captain Fengshen.


  The big puppet just used the invincible golden body, the others were not used.


   But that's it, and they have completely contained the two, forcibly controlling themselves not to hurt them.


  Li Lingtian jumped into the air and flew to the big puppet.


   The elder Fengjia Taishang and the captain Fengshenwei glanced at each other, and said in a very tacit understanding: "Withdraw!"


   "Since it's already here, why should I leave?"


  Li Lingtian burst into horror killing intention, sneered.


   Captain Fengshenwei and Fengjia Taishang elder immediately fled in two directions.


  Li Lingtian said in a cold voice: "If the two of you, unite to fight with me, this may have a little life, but now you don't have any chance."


  The puppet immediately rushed towards the elder Fengjia Taishang, and Li Lingtian pursued Captain Fengshenwei.


   Qianyan Shengyi fanned, taking Li Lingtian to swim above the starry sky, just like an eagle who has been flying wings of Dapeng.




  Li Lingtian's body finally burst out.


   Stellar seventh order! Stellar eighth order!


  Break through two consecutive levels, Li Lingtian is not surprised, he now breaks through without any bottlenecks at all.


   It's just that he didn't choose to break through deliberately, otherwise he should be able to reach the top of the stellar ninth level now by the level alone.


  Break through two consecutive levels, Li Lingtian's speed increased again, and he continuously crossed in the air, and quickly captured the figure of Captain Fengshenwei.


   Captain Fengshenwei felt Li Lingtian's horror and panicked in his heart.


  Li Lingtian held the Jiuxing Moon Sword, and then chopped it with a knife.


   Captain Fengshenwei, flicked Fang Tianhua halberd, and bombarded Li Lingtian's Jiuxing Moon Sword.




   A sound of metal collision sounded from it, and Fangtian Huaji immediately divided into two halves.


   Captain Fengshenwei also has self-knowledge, knowing that this Fangtian Huaji must not stop Li Lingtian's Jiuxing Moon Sword.


   Therefore, he gave up Fang Tian Hua Ji at that time and directly walked away.


   For Li Lingtian, it was just a matter of breathing.




  Li Lingtian said disdainfully, his body flew away, and the Captain Fengshenwei felt horrible coercion, which was getting closer and closer to him.


   Captain Fengshenwei escaped frantically, Li Lingtian was chasing after him.


  Li Lingtian's Jiuxing Moonblade exploded in terrifying power, and the nine crystals did not operate according to the rules.


  Daomang appeared, Li Lingtian swung out with a knife, and the terrifying might burst into burst.


   Captain Fengshen's face was dark, and his body immediately evaded to the side.


   But the speed of Li Lingtian's Daomao was faster than his evasion, and he chopped it on the arm of Captain Fengshenwei with a knife.


  Blood spurting blood, immediately became a one-armed hero.


   Captain Fengshenwei at this time is desperate. It can feel the transformation of Li Ling's weather situation, and he can still feel the breakthrough of two consecutive levels.


   This is too terrifying. For Li Lingtian, is there really no bottleneck?


   Not to mention the terrible strength, it is so random to break through.


   was already strong enough, and now it is even stronger. It really does not give him any activity.


   Immediately turned on the intelligence to prepare some records and sent them to the Fengjia owner. He knew that he could no longer survive, so he would do something for the Fengjia.


  Li Lingtian immediately felt that Li Lingtian's horrible strength could not be fully exposed, because this time the Feng Family provokes his end, it is destruction.


   "The Law of Time and Space!"


   The power of time and space exploded, and the space began to reverse, the time and space were twisted, and the captain of the Fengshen Guard gradually receded backwards.


   Captain Fengshenwei was surprised: "It turns out to be the law of time and space!"


   is indeed the law of space-time. Li Lingtian has never used the law of space-time before entering this universe.


   The law of space-time is the most powerful law, and there is no one that can distort space-time, reverse time and space, and bring the dead back to life.


   is really against the sky, but because it is too against the sky, so he entered the universe and never used it.


  The law of time and space is more powerful than the world's greatest treasure.


   "Yes, you can see the law of space and time before death, I think you can look at it too."


  The time and space are twisted, and the captain of the Fengshen Guard is forcibly brought back. Li Lingtian splits out, and the captain of the Fengshen Guard is split in half, the golden ratio is divided.


   Captain Fengshenwei is dead, and the other Fengs are too elders, even worse.


   Captain Fengshenwei also fled for a while, and this wind house was too elder, and the puppet's innocent water was trapped just after running.


   is in the water without traces, is unable to return to the sky, it is difficult to die.


   Li Lingtian immediately flew over and saw the Fengjia elder who was struggling in the traceless water.


  Li Lingtian looked at the elder Fengjia too elder and sneered: "Old man, don't you know how to wash this cold water bath?"


   The elder Feng Family is too elder, looking at Li Lingtian and saying, "You let me out, we will fight for justice!"


   "Don't make me laugh, let me play a fair battle with you? That's not equivalent, do you want to insult yourself?"


  Li Lingtian directly responded, "How could Li Lingtian take this naive radical method seriously."


  Li Lingtian flew to the unmarked water, grabbed the elder of Fengjia Taishang, and threw it directly.


   Fly straight up, kick and fly, Li Lingtian followed up and said to the elder Fengjia Taishang: "I will see today, do you have the strength of a fair fight!"


  The elder of the Feng Family, struggling desperately, finally stabilized in the air. At this time, Li Lingtian appeared again.


   Fist like a raindrop instantly swayed.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  The endless voice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With Li Lingtian's **** bombardment, the Taishang elder of the Feng family is also spurting blood with a sense of rhythm.


  Li Lingtian watched that the elder Fengjia Taishang had entered a period of depression.


   is bombarded, so it makes no sense.


  Nine Star Moon Sword appeared, and suddenly bombarded the elders of Fengjia Taishang.


  The elders of the wind family too want to avoid it, but they are also helpless.


  Dao Mang cut off the body of Elder Fengjia Taishang and divided it into two sections. Li Lingtian's eyes were quick, and he immediately collected the fifth-order primal **** soldier of Elder Fengjia Taishang.


  Although he can't look down on the ordinary fifth-order source soldiers, he has to say that he can buy some stars.


   also took off the space ring, and the Halloween fire appeared, wrapped the body of the elder Fengjia, burned into ashes, and scattered around the world.


  Collect all the items that got all the space rings together.

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