War God Supreme

Chapter 2702: Battle of attrition

The person of Fengshenwei is a bit of high value in the hands of Captain Fengshenwei, and there is nothing valuable in other people's space rings.


   There are some 20 million stars in the space ring of Mrs. Feng’s elder, which is nothing to Li Lingtian now.


   Organized everything, riding the big puppet, and found the previous spaceship.


   Prepare to fly back to Yaoshi Holy City, and then deal with the affairs of Feng Family.


   This spaceship Li Lingtian feels pretty good, and he is going to stay. Li Lingtian has prepared a billion stars and put them in the energy conversion pool.


   All transformed into energy, Li Lingtian started the spaceship and flew to the shining holy city.


   Just started the universe because of the spaceship, and immediately felt the breath of terror, Li Lingtian immediately opened the crystal screen.


   saw 600,000 miles away, a spaceship hurried to go.


  Li Lingtian knows the situation and situation of the four big families. The Feng family can touch, the twenty people of Fengshenwei, and the two star-level peak powerhouses.


   So this shouldn't be a Fengjia person anymore, and Li Lingtian can feel the hostility of the other party.


   "The spaceship has been locked, please give instructions!" The spacecraft alarm prompts.


  Li Lingtian was even more certain that this was a hostile force, since there is no politeness in this way.


   had just reserved one billion stars of crystal energy, Li Lingtian immediately locked the opposite spaceship.


   Continuously pressed the buttons of the three-level and three-level collection guns, and the turret was mobilized to aim at the spaceship hundreds of thousands of miles away.


  The three collection guns bombarded continuously.


   The spaceship in the distance is the spaceship of the Purple Family. Zifeng wants to take over Li Lingtian by the hand of the Wind Family.


   However, I was a little uneasy. I wanted to be a wind house, and Li Lingtian must have lost some, so I could take advantage of the fisherman.


  When they came here, they found that their Zijia spaceship was still in motion, not sure that the Fengjia had occupied the spaceship,


   It was Li Lingtian who killed the Feng family directly. Before he was sure, he locked the spaceship first.


   But I did not expect Li Lingtian to be so direct, and directly attacked their spaceship.


   In this spaceship, there are ten people in total, all of which are the ninth-level stellar powerhouses.


   Obviously, from the perspective of an extra peak-level strongman, the preparation of the Purple Family is still more sufficient than that of the Feng Family.


   The principal of the Zi family is Ziyang, Zifeng's clan, but not a descendant but a side.


   However, Ziyang is also a stellar ninth-level pinnacle strongman, and also has a certain right to speak in Zijia, so he is directly sent out by Zifeng.


  Ziyang saw three collecting guns rushing directly in their direction, and immediately said to the man driving the spaceship: "Turn on the third level of defense!"


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  Three violent vibrations burst into space.


   The enchantment of the third-level defense also showed cracks. Li Lingtian was constantly monitoring the spaceship.


   Seeing the other party's spaceship has begun to crack, and Li Lingtian's mouth showed a smile.


   There is still a lot of energy displayed in this energy slot, and after three consecutive clicks of the button, three third-level acquisition guns burst out again.


   Ziyang looked, and shouted: "Turn on the third-level collection gun!"


   The driver of his own spaceship immediately controlled the opening of the third-level collection gun to bombard it.


   Ziyang immediately took out the reserve star crystal from the space ring and poured it into the energy conversion port.


   At this time, Zifeng pops up a video window to connect to Ziyang.


   Ziyang immediately turned on, and Zifeng's face was exposed in the virtual screen.


   Zifeng looked at Ziyang and asked directly, "How is the situation now?"


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  The huge vibration sound came from outside, and the spaceship was turbulent. This is exactly the third-level collection artillery of the spaceships on both sides.


  Zifeng also felt the vibrating sound of the knife in the video.


  Ziyang immediately said: "The other side doesn't know which side at the moment, but has started to confront each other."


  Zifeng nodded and said, "Li Lingtian is among the spaceships. He has just received news from the wind family. The wind family sent all the wind **** guards and the elders of the wind family."


  Ziyang, as an insider of the Zi family, naturally knows the secret team of the elders of the Feng family and the Fengshenwei.


   Ziyang asked with some shock: "So Li Lingtian still won?"


  Zifeng nodded and said, "Yes, I got the news from the Feng family. The people sent by the Feng family have been destroyed, and no one can contact them."


   "That was the pinnacle of the two stars of the ninth order, even the whole army was destroyed." Ziyang was still a little shocked.


  Zifeng nodded and said: "Yes, we saw that his strength may be only part of it, he may still have hidden strength, so this should be careful."


   At this time, Li Lingtian's third-level collection artillery bombarded again.


The driver of the Zijia spaceship immediately opened fire and drove away.


   Zifeng frowned and asked, "How many spare star crystals?"


   "There are three billion stars!" Ziyang answered truthfully.


   "Okay, don't save, this Li Lingtian should not be underestimated. He used the Star Crystal to bomb him down as much as possible. Before he shot a lot of things at the Qibao auction, there should not be too many Star Crystals in reserve."


   Zifeng analyzed Ziyang.


   Is the video closed? When Ziyang hears Zifeng, she immediately pours all the stars into the energy conversion port and converts them into energy.


  Li Lingtian cut out one billion star crystals and cast them into the energy conversion port to transform them into energy.


  Li Xingtian doesn't care more than Xingchenjing, and Li Lingtian has learned all the functions of this spaceship.


   This kind of spaceship is a special type spaceship, not a standard spaceship, so there is no level.


  The first level of ordinary energy attack ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the collection gun is divided into three levels, the first level is 10 million star crystals, the second level is 40 million star crystals, and the third level is 100 million star crystals.


   There are laser cannons on it, and the laser cannons are also divided into three levels.


   First-class laser gun, 200 million star crystal, second-level laser gun, 500 million star crystal, third-level laser gun, 1 billion star crystal.


   defense is divided into first-level defense, second-level defense, third-level defense, and all the way to nine-level defense.


   The ninth-level defense can resist the attack of the main power in the dwelling area, but it is also very huge. The four-level defense requires 500 million stars.


   This spaceship has an energy conversion port, so it can gather all the energy together, so it can form a huge power.


   Really terrifying spaceships can kill domain masters, but their value is very high, and the individual has no ability to bear.


   is generally only a big family, at the same time, the star crystals that need to be consumed are also huge.

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