War God Supreme

Chapter 2707: Kill 1

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   Ziyang looked at Li Lingtian and said coldly: "You are also forcing me!"


  Li Lingtian looked at Ziyang coldly and said: "Kill No.1, it's time to show up."


   "Now that you already know, then face the shock of Killing One!"


  Ziyang took a silver iron box one meter long and half meter wide from the space ring.


   directly thrown into the air, the iron box was in high altitude, immediately changed form, and soon all limbs and heads appeared.


   is made of Longjing Iron. This is a robot, but it looks more terrifying.


   One long sword, one long sword, two eyes made of two blood-red crystals, and two gun barrels on the arm.


   has a 10-meter-long flying wing behind it and a crystal helmet on the head.


   can vaguely see the robot, physically connected to the blood.


   There is a blood trough in the center of the body, which is not yet filled.


   Dragon crystal iron is a very hard iron, known as ordinary chaotic treasure, it is difficult to break.


  This killing one, but from this perspective, it is very scary to create the star crystals needed.


  The intelligence in Ziyang's hands responded to the signal of Killing One, and the eyes of Killing One opened.


   Immediately scanned around, when locked to Li Lingtian, locked in the target, Ziyang issued the order: "Kill!"


  Killing No.1 Li Lingtian immediately rushed away, flapping huge wings, and the speed already had the first order speed of the domain master.


  Li Lingtian looked shocked, and it would be so terrifying. This universe is really a high civilization. This is the robot on the earth.


   It's just that there is too much difference. This robot is built by Longjing Iron, but this speed is terrifying.


   With a long sword and a long sword, he immediately attacked Li Lingtian, but this robot had no original power and could only fight in close combat.


   From this point of view, it is weaker than the big puppet.


  Li Lingtian held the flame of extinction, and a blaze of flames bombarded him.


  Killing No.1 doesn't know what to avoid, just as always hitting.


  Finally, the fiery sword blasted on the killing No.1 body.




   A ray of fire appeared, a loud noise, the killing No. 1 was safe and sound, and the flaming sword had disappeared.


  Li Lingtian was shocked again. It was a little horrible. This kind of defensive force definitely left many people behind.


  Under No.1's arm, a flying claw suddenly appeared and ejected at Li Lingtian.


   is also a flying claw created by Longjing Iron, which has a terrifying speed and powerful penetration.


  Li Lingtian waved the flame of extinction in his hand, attacked the flying claw, and immediately flew away.


   Killing No.1's eyes flashed red and bleeding, his arms changed, and he became a small turret with a barrel in his hand.


  Killing No.1 locked Li Lingtian, and the small fort saved energy and immediately bombarded Li Lingtian.


   "Dragon Crystal Cannon!"


   The dragon crystal cannon, with terrifying energy, pierced through the muzzle, flashing light, and bombarded Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian looked dull. The power of this dragon crystal cannon was actually comparable to the spacecraft's three-level laser cannon.


   also has a lock function, Li Lingtian Qianyan Shengyi flew away and fled to the distance.


   Simultaneously destroy the **** set, destroy the **** master, destroy the god's life, destroy the god's golden crown, all the defensive equipment works together, and destroy the god's book also blessing Li Lingtian.


   Li Lingtian immediately appeared a defensive aura, covering Li Lingtian's body 360 degrees.


   At this time, the Longjing artillery bombarded Li Lingtian's body, although the defense of this body had removed most of the power of the Longjing artillery.


   But the remaining power is still more horrible, and directly drove Li Lingtian all over.


   Fortunately, wrapped the body with Qianyan Shengyi, opened it instantly, and stabilized his figure.


   This killing No. 1 is really powerful, even Li Lingtian feels like this.


  Killing No.1 has locked Li Lingtian, and hit Li Lingtian, and suddenly two laser cannons were shot in his eyes.


   fired on Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian moved in his heart. If this laser cannon is bombarded, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.


  Li Lingtian immediately summoned the big puppet, and the invincible golden body immediately opened.


  The killing laser gun bombarded the puppet.




  Big puppet body exploded thousands of miles away. The big puppet had opened the invincible golden body and had been bombarded thousands of miles away.


   He is much worse than Dayan Puppet's defense, Li Lingtian is puzzled.


   This high-power attack, such as dragon crystal cannon and laser cannon, must be supported by a certain amount of energy.


   Spacecraft must have a relatively large energy conversion port to convert the star crystal into energy.


   And this killing No. 1 seems to be completely unnecessary, only the existence of blood trough.


  Ziyang looked at Li Lingtian a little embarrassed and laughed: "Did you see it? This is the killing one, you are not an opponent!"


  Li Lingtian wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale. Although Killing One was powerful, he wanted to put him to death, which was somewhat whimsical.


   The great puppet is not only defensive, but also offensive.


  The big puppet, under the control of the ancients, returned to fly back.


   Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the Tianlong Temple appeared again, and suppressed to kill No.1.


  Kill No.1, flapping its huge wings, swept a gust of wind, the fort was set up, and the dragon crystal cannon was ready.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


   Continuous sounds of blasts sounded, and the Dragon Crystal Cannon fired four rounds.


   All bombarded in the Dragon Temple~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fire was shining, and the sky was shaking.


  Li Lingtian's original law was instilled in the Tianlong Temple, and it was running crazy, and a barrier broke out in the Tianlong Temple.


   Block all attacks of the Dragon Crystal Cannon.


   This is the world's treasure, the dragon crystal cannon can destroy the chaos treasure, but want to destroy the world index, but it is a bit worse.


  Li Lingtian continued to control the Tianlong Temple and bombed away, killing No. 1 did not escape.


   One-handed sword, one-handed sword, bombarded the sky dragon temple, the swords were all refined by the essence of dragon crystal.


   This is not an ordinary dragon crystal iron, but the essence of dragon crystal is refined, with a terrifying attack power.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  The huge wings of Killing One fluttered, and their terror went upstream.


  Just killed No. 1 and the Dragon Temple started a terrifying collision.


   This killing one is really terrifying, absolute defense, terrifying attack.


   should compete with the Tianlong Temple, but the Tianlong Temple is more powerful.


  Ziyang saw that the situation was wrong, and the puppet puppet hadn’t acted yet, so it was a little lost to the Heavenly Dragon Temple, which was not a good thing.


  Control the intelligence in your hand and click the next button called Madness.


   Killing One immediately changed, the blood on his body was completely unfolded, the dragon crystal iron turned out, and Killing One immediately changed.

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