War God Supreme

Chapter 2708: No. 1 blew

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   The whole version is everted on the external blood path, and the body is filled with a layer of blood gas, **** eyes.


   is now nothing more than Scarlet, and now Killing One is not like a robot, but more like a horrible demon.


  This gives Li Lingtian a very bad feeling. When changing, the power of Killing One continues to increase.


   Li Lingtian immediately rode the big puppet and hit the past. The speed of the big puppet was no slower than that of the killing one, and soon rushed past.


  The big puppet's innocent water immediately erupted from his mouth, and was trapped towards the killing one.


  Li Lingtian immediately withdrew the Dragon Temple, and now he cannot fully explode the strength of the world treasure.


   So if you keep the Dragon Temple outside, it is just a waste of time.


  The puppet's innocent water trapped the killing one, and three pairs of wings flapped wildly.


   The world changed color, the gusty wind swept, the sky thunder rolled, and the thunder and lightning of the hundred feet thick thundered from the sky.


   Some of them bombarded on the killing body, most of them were bombarded in the innocent water.


  The mines merged to form a terrifying thunder pool and trapped the No. 1 killer in the thunder pool.


  Li Lingtian rode the big puppet and rushed towards the killing No.1. The invincible golden body opened, and he was fully prepared.


   The speed of the Big Killing No.1 in the Thunder Pool also dropped significantly. Sure enough, the Thunder Pool still has a certain influence.


  Killing the machine, his arms immediately transformed into the turret and bombarded Li Lingtian.


   Li Lingtian's complexion flickered. The power of this dragon crystal cannon, Li Lingtian was afraid to have any direct contact with it. This power was too terrifying.


   The Tianlong Temple was summoned again and immediately blocked in front of Li Lingtian. Two laser cannons immediately bombarded the Tianlong Temple.


  The big puppet broke away from Li Lingtian's control and slammed into the killing one.


The speed of the big puppet is also terrifying, and its invincible golden body is also very powerful.


   And in Lei Chi, the operation of Killing One has been limited.


  Li Lingtian took control of the timing, controlled the Tianlong Temple, and bombarded No. 1 Killing.


  The existence of a big puppet has been contained, and Li Lingtian's Tianlong Temple immediately attacked the past.


   The explosive power of the Dragon Temple was completely exploded.


  The **** light sprayed from the killing machine, which could not resist the offensive of the Tianlong Temple, and immediately blasted the killing one.


   But still in the Lei Chi, still subject to great restrictions.


   Li Lingtian flew away, watching the killing machine's turret already set up, ready to use the Dragon Crystal Cannon.


  Li Lingtian was holding a flame of extinction, and it was a knife up, and the violent sword immediately exploded and bombarded directly on the fort.


   The laser cannon originally intended to be fired was immediately returned by Li Lingtian.


   At this time, the big puppet also bombarded, accompanied with the rolling thunder, all bombarded on the killing No.1 body.


   The killing attack on No.1 was already a little shaky in the Lei Chi.


  Li Lingtian seized this opportunity, and the Dragon God took him in the bombardment, the terrifying bombing power, and the destruction of Tianlei.


   directly hit the light of the killing No. 1 to some safety.


   Ziyang looked ugly, how could this be, this killing No. 1 could not suppress the big puppet.


   This killing one is indeed strong enough, but this big puppet is a high-level puppet composed of four ancient beasts.


   No matter in terms of value or power, it is much more powerful than this one.


   This killing one is like a small spaceship, but it is more flexible, but what makes Li Lingtian wonder is, where does this energy come from?


   But now this time, it is necessary to defeat this killing No.1.


  Killing No.1 has been damaged at this time. The place where the laser gun was fired has been smashed by Li Lingtian’s Tianlong Temple, and no Longjing cannon can erupt.


  Ziyang is crazy to recover after clicking on the smart virtual screen,


   Killing One is indeed gradually recovering, but the recovery speed is too slow,


   has not been fully recovered, and the destruction of Li Lingtian and Dayan Puppet has begun again.


  The impact of the big puppet is more fierce. The big puppet after the invincible golden body began to be particularly terrifying in melee.


   The talents of Zhantian Giant Ape are not a joke. Li Lingtian controls the Tianlong Temple as a raindrop and bombards Killing One.


  Ziyang looked anxious, killing No.1, and had already shown an alarm signal, **** it was lack of energy.


  Li Lingtian knew that Killing No.1 was no longer the first killing No.1, and could see that Killing No.1 started to degenerate slowly on the blood road.


  'S body is getting weaker and weaker, and Li Lingtian controls this Heavenly Dragon Temple to bombard Killing One more fiercely.


  Zifeng stared tightly in front of a crystal screen in the Zi family.


   has a three-dimensional image on it, and the number one is also marked in the center.


   "Alarm alarm, insufficient energy!"


   "Alarm, serious damage!"


  Zifeng's face is ugly and on top of his beautiful face is serious and emits terror.


The girl next to Zifeng looked at Zifeng and said, "Miss has started Killing One. Isn't it Li Lingtian's opponent?"


   "We don't know what Li Lingtian is, but it is obvious that the energy of Killing One is scarce, and it is almost exhausted."


   Zifeng's maid heard Zifeng's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said shockedly: "Miss, Li Lingtian can't be alive anyway, otherwise Killing One will be exposed."


  Zifeng naturally has a lot in mind, and one in his heart said: "There is no other way, Li Lingtian can't go out alive."


   found the self-explosive system on the killing No.1, and the Xianxianyu finger suddenly clicked.


   In the starry sky, the killing No. 1 breath expanded in an instant, leaving only the remaining blood all gathered in the blood trough.


  Li Lingtian was overwhelmed, this was a self-exploitation, he saw it at a glance.


   riding a big puppet, immediately fled to the distance.


  At this time, the killing number one exploded, and a trembling noise spread out a million miles away.


   The huge energy fills the radius of destruction within a hundred thousand miles.


  The sky is full of fire, Li Lingtian has no chance to escape, and has been blown away by huge energy.


   The same is true for Ziyang, killing the horror of No.1, which already has the strength of the domain master's three blows.


  The big puppets have been blown away for miles, not to mention Li Lingtian.


  Ziyang was far away from the place of battle. At first, it was afraid of hurting innocent people.


   Even so, Ziyang, which is 50,000 miles away, has also been affected. It is only lighter, but it has also been seriously injured.


   The killing of No. 1 is really not a joke.

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