War God Supreme

Chapter 2712: Mass murder

Li Lingtian followed the waiter to room 666 in the attic, and the waiter tapped three times.


   Soon came the voice of Blue Sky: "Please come in!"


  Li Lingtian entered and saw that the blue sky was in the room, and his face was a bit ugly.


   Obviously, the impact of this killing No. 1 is not small.


  The waiter also came in, and Lantian looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Look at what you eat, then let's talk."


   The waiter's speed is fast, and a restaurant-specific smart is immediately taken out, which is used to order food.


   is just like the menu of the earth, but it is much more advanced.


  Li Lingtian glanced, simply ordered a few dishes, and when he reached his strength, he was particularly indifferent to things like eating and drinking.


  The waiter left, and Lantian looked at Li Lingtian and said: "This video has been passed to our Blue Parents Association, ready to shoot against the Purple Family, I don't know what Ling Tian brothers think?"


Li Lingtian said with a sneer: "This Zi Family must be destroyed. I have learned from Zi Yang's mouth that all the energy maintained by Killing One depends on the essence of blood. To start Killing One requires tens of thousands of strong stars. Of blood."


   The blue sky looked surprised, repeated the rhetorical question: "It takes 10,000 lines of star blood to start?"


  Li Lingtian nodded and said: "Yes, so I said that this Zijia must be destroyed, and this Zijia also developed the killing two."


The Zijia thought for a while and said, "I suddenly remembered that before 2,000, a small city pool in Yaoshi Holy City, all 30,000 people died, and there was no bones left. At that time, it caused a huge sensation. In the end, there was no clue. , It’s not enough. At that time, the officials of the Holy Alliance all offered reward reward tasks, and they didn’t work.”


   "This is estimated to be the Purple Family, let's move on."


  The blue sky nodded and said: "There was really no place for doubt before, but if you say this today, it is very likely that the Zi family did it, and only the Zi family can do it without leaving any clues."


  Li Lingtian looked at the blue sky and said, "In this case, it is no longer a single thing for you and me. This is a matter for all the people in the Holy City."


   Blue Sky solemnly said: "You are right, this matter is not trivial. As you said, this killing one has the strength of the first order of the domain master. If it can be mass-produced, it is really terrifying."


Li Lingtian shook his head and said: "It should not be, this dragon crystal iron is very precious, and this killing machine needs enough blood. This is what Ziyang said, it has killed a million people, but this is for For the killer of No. 1, this is nothing."


   "You are right." Ziyang thought of it as well, recalling the horror of the killing No. 1, if this thing can be mass-produced, no one is an opponent of the Zi family.


   At this moment, the blue sky's intelligence rang and a voice call came.


  Lantian looked at Li Lingtian and immediately opened the call.


   There was a very urgent voice from inside: "Young Master's event is not good. A million people affiliated with Yaoshi Holy City have all died, and each person's body has only one layer of skinny."


   Li Lingtian and Lantiancai's complexion moved at the same time. Is this enough?


   had just said this, and there were one million deaths. Ziyang didn't hesitate anymore and immediately sent the man over to coordinate.


  Li Lingtian and Lantian only left the room at the same time and were hit by an oncoming waiter.


  The waiter saw the two in a hurry, and immediately asked, "Lan Shao, have you stopped eating?"


  The blue sky did it while saying, "Hang the bill on our blue house."


   Then the blue sky only felt a little guilty and said, originally I wanted to invite you to have a good meal, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.


  Li Lingtian naturally understood it too, and immediately said, "The business matters!"


  Li Lingtian's spacecraft was just outside, and the two immediately entered the spaceship. On the navigation system, they found the coordinates and immediately began to fly.


  The attached cities of Yaoshi Holy City are all small cities attached to Yaoshi Holy City, which are under the jurisdiction of Yaoshi Holy City.


  Affiliated cities also need grades, some have a large population, and some have a small population.


  A few affiliated cities may have thousands of people, while the larger number of people will be in the hundreds of millions, which is so terrifying.


   The position of this coordinate is not particularly far, only two million miles, so it will arrive soon.


   This affiliated city has been blocked by the Lan family, and thousands of people are waiting on the blockade line.


  Li Lingtian and the blue sky got off the spaceship, and immediately a person greeted him.


   The blue sky looked at the person who came by, and immediately said, "Lan Zixuan, what is the situation?"


  The person who was called Lan Zixuan immediately said, "We have a business firm in our affiliated city. We came here today to check the accounts, and only then discovered that this has become a dead city."


   Lantian and Li Lingtian walked in and saw a corpse directly in front of them.


   This corpse is skinny, only bones can be seen, and there is still a layer of skin.


   When he looked at it, he immediately knew that it was caused by the draining of his blood.


   walked into the attached city immediately and saw more than one hundred corpses, all of which were the cause of death, and immediately knew that it was because of blood.


   This is not because of the killing of No. 1, it may not be associated with the Purple Family, but the matter is here, is there anyone other than the Purple Family?


   The answer is naturally no, Li Lingtian looked at the dead city with corpses everywhere.


   "This Zijia family is really mad and mad. It can do all kinds of things that are so harmful. This is a population of millions."


  Blue sky said angrily.


  Li Lingtian was also very angry. This Zi family actually hurt millions of lives for the benefit of their own family.


  Li Lingtian has already felt that he can't control the original law in his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lantian looked at Lan Zixuan and asked: "Anything about this attached city, besides our Lan family, do anyone know?"


  Lan Zixuan shook his head and said: "I dare not take the lead in this kind of big event, otherwise it will cause great panic, so I have blocked the entire city."


   Panic? Lantian knew that this panic was just the beginning.


   said to Lan Zixuan: "Take a complete record of everything and immediately pass the news to the major families, as well as the people of the city's main palace, naturally don't forget the Purple Family."


  The blue sky made the decision immediately, because he knew very well that this kind of thing cannot be solved by low-key.


   must unite all strengths. After being instructed, Li Lingtian and Lantian died together in the city.


   The city is already covered with dead bodies, and the cause of death is the same.


  Li Lingtian sighed and said, "I might be a fuse."

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