War God Supreme

Chapter 2713: Murderous

Blue Sky frowned and looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Where did you start?"


   "Perhaps it was because I was unfavorable to their Zijia and knew the existence of Killing One, so it was the killer that hurt so many people."


  Li Lingtian recalled what Ziyang said, and the cruelty shown to him in Zifeng's eyes.


  Blue sky immediately said: "This may be related, but this is also a good thing. If you don't know yet, the Purple Family cannot kill such a large area, and it will not kill less."


  Li Lingtian looked at the corpses and had resented the Zi family to a certain point. This is definitely not the beginning nor the end.


   At this time, the blue sky's intelligence rang again, and the blue sky was just a look, it was the voice call of Sirius.


   "What is he doing at this time?" Lan Tiancai was puzzled and picked it up.


   "Something happened to Nancheng, please hurry up." Immediately after connecting, Zhan Sirius said immediately.


   The blue sky immediately asked: "Don't people in Nancheng also become a dead city?"


  Zhan Sirius heard this word and looked at it, and immediately asked: "How do you know that other places have also fallen?"


   The blue sky didn't say much, and immediately asked the war Sirius for the coordinates.


   The blue sky looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​are you going with me or will you stay here?"


   "Let's go together, I also want to know, how does this purple family go against the sky?"


  The two immediately flew past the spaceship. Above the spacecraft, the blue sky said coldly: "This Zijia really doesn't want to be good. This Nancheng conservatively estimates that there are more than two million people."


   More than two million people. This is still a conservative estimate. In addition, the place discovered by the Lan family is more than three million people. This is just a matter of a day.


  Nancheng was known by Li Lingtian as a subsidiary city. It had a population of more than 2 million a decade ago, and the current population is estimated to have 3 million people.


   Even if it is not, it is definitely similar, so this purple family is really guilty.


   The two soon reached the edge of Nancheng, and Sirius was already waiting for the blue sky at the gate of Nancheng.


  The blue sky and Li Ling drove the spaceship, and the war Sirius immediately greeted him. Seeing that Li Lingtian had just begun to feel that Li Lingtian was familiar.


   quickly remembered the matter of the auction and said, "This is Li Lingtian, Brother Ling Tian,"


  Li Lingtian is a foot you respect me, I respect you for a long time, Zhan Sirius is very polite to speak, so is Li Lingtian naturally.


   immediately responded: "Hello, major war."


   The blue sky didn't say much, just entered the gate of the city, looking out, boundless, all corpses.


   still died of lack of essence and blood, and was all extracted.


  Zhan Sirius looked at the blue sky and said, "You just said a word, did this happen anywhere?"


  The blue sky nodded and said: "Yes, this situation also happened in Dongcheng, more than one million people, all died."


   When Sirius heard the blue sky, he was all looking away. In this way, this matter is not small.


   "Lan Shao, this is definitely a big family, otherwise it will not have such terrible strength, killing more than 2 million people, silently, we will only know afterwards."


  Battle Sirius briefly analyzed it.


   only took a look at the blue sky and sneered: "I think you guessed it, it should be able to guess."


   Hearing what the blue sky said, Zhan Sirius thought about it and asked tentatively, "Are you talking about Zijia?"


   Blue Sky only tuned out the video sent by Li Lingtian to him in intelligence, and the video of Killing One and its war.


  After watching this video, Sirius really saw the power of Killing One, but Li Lingtian,


   looked at Li Lingtian and said: "In the face of such a powerful thing, you can come back alive."


  Li Lingtian immediately said: "Fortunately, fluke."


   The face of Sirius shook his face and looked at the blue sky before asking: "Is this the legendary killing machine,"


   The blue sky nodded definitively and said, "Yes, this killing number one and killing number two don't know whether the development is successful or not, but this is a machine that requires energy to activate energy."


  Zhi Siren heard this and realized: "So it turns out, if you say this, then you haven't run away, it must be the Zi family, and they also have this kind of strength."


  Li Lingtian looked at Zhan Sirius and said, "I have forced some questions out of Zijia Ziyang's mouth. In the previous days, Zijia has intermittently murdered millions of people."


  Blue sky nodded and said, "Do young warriors remember the massacre of a year of money?"


   The face of Sirius moved, and then I remembered the things before, and suddenly realized.


  The three of them walked together into the Nancheng. They were almost exactly the same as the former city. There was nothing missing in this city.


  Even if it is a business, there are some valuable things that are not lost, and they are all placed here in a safe and lossless manner.


  This shows that when killing people, it is also very urgent, all of them are mainly murderers, plundering the blood.


  Zhan Sirius looked at the body of the city and said to the blue sky: "This time the incident is not small, you must contact the city owner, otherwise this Zijia is really not so good to deal with."


  The blue sky looked at the distance and said: "This kind of thing must let the city master know that none of us can afford this responsibility. I have already contacted the city master and there are major families."


  Zhan Sirius nodded and said, "It's really an eventful autumn. We were in the Qibao auction. Although we blocked the Zi family, this killing machine is also terrifying."


   "A killing machine is the first-level strength of the domain master. Such a machine is afraid of too much, otherwise it will not become a climate." Blue Sky only agreed.


  Among the Purple Family, above the Hall of the Purple Family ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a middle-aged man, wearing a brocade, looking very glamorous, and beside him is Zifeng.


   Zifeng looked at the man and said, "Father, we just got the blood of nearly four million people. Are we ready to go to war?"


The middle-aged man is the head of the Purple Family. He shook his head and said: "This is still a little bit worse. Although the previous reserves have reached five million blood, but it is still not enough to be enemies with the Holy City. of."


Zifeng frowned when he heard his father’s words: "Father, our massacre this time has been discovered. I know that Li Lingtian is not dead. The killing machine has already been spread. We have no choice. ."


  The owner of the Purple Family sneered: "Relax, that is, if you don't admit it, they will not dare to do it for a while."


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