War God Supreme

Chapter 2735: Wipe out

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The three-eyed demon wolf, among the third eyes, erupted in a terrifying light and bombarded Li Lingtian. Book Fan Building

Li Lingtian couldn't break out of the law of origin, and could only engage in close combat.

The outbreak of the law of origin is bound to be discovered, and the breath of a normal unilateral beast.

Even if it is felt by oneself, there is nothing. After all, in Wuya Mountain, there are still many giant beasts.

It is normal to accidentally trigger a war.

As soon as Li Lingtian moved, he immediately turned into a virtual image, and his phantom shattered, while Li Lingtian appeared in another place.

Holding the Jiuxing Moon Sword, he bombarded the three-eyed Demon Wolf again, and the speed exploded. The Jiuxing Moon Sword directly stabbed Li Lingtian.

The three-eyed demon wolf, blood spewing wildly, is terrifying.

There was a sneer in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, and the law of the origin broke out, and through the nine-star chop of the moon, he slammed into the bodies of the three-eyed magic wolf.

The wound instantly expanded, and the three-eyed magic wolf burst into a roaring roar. Li Lingtian did not hesitate, but also directly bombarded it.

Li Lingtian waved the Jiuxing Moon Sword madly and bombarded the three-eyed demon wolf non-stop.

It didn't take long for the three-eyed magic wolf to be scarred, and Li Lingtian jumped forward, slashing his head on the three-eyed magic wolf.

The head of the three-eyed demon wolf was cut off by Li Lingtian Qi, and the blood was flowing like blood.

Zi Chong was relieved to see that the three-day magic wolf was dead. Li Lingtian directly incinerated the body of the three-eye magic wolf.

The puppet puppets were also put away, because this is already within the monitoring range of the Zijia, so it is better to be careful.

He and Zichong quickly shuttled through the map. When they opened the map, they saw that the killing base was not on the mountain, but inside Wuya Mountain.

But in the mountains, there are also some patrolling people.

Li Lingtian suddenly looked up and saw a spaceship above.

"Hurry up!"

When Zichong heard Li Lingtian's words, he immediately hid it. I saw this small spaceship hovering for a while, and then flew to other places.

After the spacecraft left, Li Lingtian and Zi Chong stood up.

"Your Zijia is really careful and cautious enough to do things." Li Lingtian looked at the spaceship far away, but had a certain improvement on the Zijia.

Such a careful treatment of this killing base may be more difficult this time than imagined.

Li Lingtian and Zi Chong continued to move forward, and soon saw that the Zi family's patrol team.

Here, the patrol squads of the Purple Family are all strong stars of the ninth order, which can show the importance of this.

And this patrol team is not yet a team, Li Lingtian and Zi Chong simply calculated.

There are five patrol squads, all the stars of the ninth-rank strong, and five patrol squads, which patrol each other alternately.

Therefore, during this period, it is impossible to enter the base without risk.

Lanyun's map is marked in great detail. Every geographical location, and many other things, are clearly marked.

So Li Lingtian knew that his location was not far from the killing base.

But the killing machine is inside Wuya Mountain, so it is very obvious that you must enter the channel before you can enter the base.

And the patrol on this mountain has manpower, and there are high-altitude spacecraft. Obviously, there must be someone in the base, monitoring the entire Wuya Mountain all the time.

And according to such strictness, it will definitely be more terrifying than Zijia Prison.

There are already a lot of collecting artillery and laser artillery in the Zijia prison, and there are secret powerhouses.

The strength of this base is obvious, and it will definitely be more terrifying than the defense and attack of Zijia Prison.

At the Zijia Prison, Li Lingtian was a little worried, not to mention here, so they had to enter the base without any awareness.

Li Lingtian looked at the patrol team. During a period of time, the five teams alternated.

Every hour, there will be east, west, south and north, and the four teams are farthest away.

And the unit in the center patrolled at the center. Li Lingtian didn't care much.

Li Lingtian made Zi Chong hide, and then he finally started to act.

Having mastered the dynamics of the detachment, he rushed over immediately, quickly, but his figure was completely hidden.

Then he sneaked down and waited for the arrival of the patrol team.

Ten patrol squads, each holding a sword weapon, the captain of the squad is a fifth-order prince soldier, and the remaining nine are all fourth-order prince soldiers.

Li Lingtian thought about how to eliminate all these people silently. This is the most important thing.

Li Lingtian calculated that if all these ten people were resolved quickly, and there would be no sound, they would not be discovered by other patrol teams.

To the edge of the place, between the two patrol units, there can be five hundred miles apart.

The location of the team and Li Lingtian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is getting closer and closer.

Li Lingtian took a hand, splashed a stone, looked at the patrol team, and gradually came over.

Looking around for a while, I saw that there was nothing unusual, and the captain of the squadron turned to leave.

The stone in Li Lingtian's hand finally played a role, and then bounced out.

The stone flew over, and the person in the small group immediately felt it, turning around and catching the stone with one hand.

The rest of the team had nine people and looked at each other in secret.

Without knowing it, there was no loud voice, and they walked together in the direction of the stone ejection.

The Nine Stars Slash Moon Festival broke out, nine phantoms appeared, and some laws of origin also appeared.

The patrol squad immediately began to move and rushed in the direction of Li Lingtian.

After Yuanyuan Divine Soldiers erupted into the range, Li Yuantian's body fell immediately after bombardment.

"No, this is a phantom!"

One person finally realized it later, and it was too late.

Because Li Lingtian was already behind the ten people, he summoned a big puppet and started directly in the most direct killing mode.

Li Lingtian, holding a nine-star chopper moon knife, began a frantic attack, killing one, and immediately turned it into ashes with the Halloween Fire.

With the perfect coordination of the big puppet, the speed of murder is extremely fast.

A horrified look appeared in one's eyes, and he was about to speak and shout.


The knife flashed, and a trace of blood was drawn, and the person immediately died. The ten-member team was so vulnerable that Li Lingtian was killed.

But in the end, the man's cry, although he had not finished it, still attracted the nearest patrol squad.

Li Lingtian incinerated all the corpses and hid them again.

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