War God Supreme

Chapter 2736: Killing base

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Chapter 2737 Killing Base

The captain of the patrol squad in the central position felt as if he had heard some voices and looked in the direction of Li Lingtian. Please search (Book Fan Building) to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

Asked the people around you, "Did you hear anything just now?"

"It seems a little, but it's normal. There are so many monsters around."

"Or are you mating, can't you help yourself?"

Members of both teams said so.

The team leader shook his head and said, "It's not like the voice of a beast, it's like a human voice, let's go and see."

A team member said: "There are five teams patrolling the range, there should be no problem, otherwise it will not be so quiet."

"It's a special period now. It's still good to be careful. Don't ink anymore. Let's take a look."

The team leader made his own decision and walked in the direction of Li Lingtian.

Just halfway through, the captain of the squad stopped and frowned and said, "Something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" The squad members, haven't felt anything yet.

"People of the fifth team can't feel their breath, which is a bit wrong." The captain of the small team analyzed.

After thinking for a while, Li Lingtian was hidden in a boulder, staring at these ten people, ready to kill at any time.

Ten members of the team finally reached a place 100 meters away from Li Lingtian.

"It wouldn't be killed." The captain of the squadron doubted again.

After all, this patrol team is in this area, patrolling back and forth, saying that other places, this is impossible.

Suddenly a soft light passed from 100 meters away.

Ten people immediately fell into the illusion. It turned out that Li Lingtian used the big puppet to launch the wheel of illusion.

With strong strength, directly suppress the ten people, so that the ten people immediately fall into the illusion.

Li Lingtian rushed out immediately, holding the nine-star chopping moon knife with a thunderous thunder, and drew out the sword.

Reaping life, the ten stars of the ninth-rank powerhouse can't waste any time on Li Lingtian, especially with the cooperation of the wheel of fantasy.

However, if you can explode the sky-killing array, the seven-nine sky-killing array, the effect will be even more terrifying.

It's just that at this time, he can't expose his breath.

The five teams have gone to the second, Li Lingtian knows that at this time, he can't wait any longer.

The longer this time is, the greater the possibility of other teams discovering.

Zi Chong looked at the people in his own family and died one by one. He was very painful in his heart.

Although he was for his own life, he brought Li Lingtian into the Purple Family.

Although it was also a betrayal, he did not harm anyone at least on the bright side.

But now it is different. He looked at the people in his family and died from his eyes, if there was no thing to kill the base.

Perhaps he will not be able to control his emotions, and will fight desperately with Li Lingtian.

But he recalled that in the jail of Zijia Prison, Lan Yun's hatred of Zijia was a kind of hate that was rare in his life.

Although he didn't directly touch the blue cloud, the blue bone's iron bones were in his eyes. He admired the blue cloud as a man.

That's it, Zi Chong refrained, he had to look at it anyway, how terrifying the killing base of their Zi family was.

Li Lingtian changed to another place, ready to start another team, but now there are only three teams left.

And it is divided into three directions, so for Li Lingtian, this is not too difficult.

Finally, the three teams arrived at the edge of the place, and Li Lingtian was already waiting at the edge of the place.

With the help of the big puppet, a spike was made in minutes, and no sound was revealed, it was so direct.

There was a sneer in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, followed by two other teams.

Under the complete suppression of strength, as always, the five teams, a total of fifty people, were all killed by Ling Tian.

Li Lingtian was so strong that when he found Zi Chong, the center of Wuya Mountain where the two finally went,

It's just that Li Lingtian still has to deal with it carefully.

Li Lingtian also knew that he had little time left and killed five patrols.

No one knows in a short time, but after a long time, someone will find out that after all, 50 people have disappeared.

So in the time that has not yet been discovered, Li Lingtian must enter the killing base, otherwise all this time is wasted.

Li Lingtian and Zi Zi, who had been silent, rushed to the center and saw that there was a passageway, and there was an organ at the mouth of the passageway.

Li Lingtian took out the token and placed it directly on the organization, which was displayed above and confirmed his identity.

The opening of the passageway just opened, and Li Lingtian and Zi Chong immediately entered the passageway.

Li Lingtian already knows from the record on the map that these patrol members ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't enter this channel by themselves.

There must be people inside the killing base to be led in order to enter the passage.

The main reason is that the tokens of people who are afraid to patrol are snatched, so this is the rule.

This passage is a space-time ladder. After entering the passage, it quickly landed, about 8,000 battles, and then it stopped.

The two officially entered the base, and when they first entered, they immediately felt bloody.

Zi Chong's brow furrowed and his face was ugly, which was obviously the smell of human blood.

The killing base is considered to be entered. In the base, there are no guards, and it may feel that the defense on the channel is enough.

A glance at the map of Zi Chong shows that the underside has been saturated with blood red.

Li Lingtian looked cold and walked out of the corner to see closed rooms, each of which was completely closed.

At the base, there were also a number of dragon crystal cannons and laser cannons. Just glanced at them and saw ten places.

At this time, some people in the monitoring room of the killing base have seen the appearance of Li Lingtian and Chu Yu.

Zi Chong happened to know him, he was a sister-in-law, and immediately used intelligence to communicate.

"Boss! Boss! Master Zi Chong appeared in the base, please instruct."

"Don't worry about it, let me see it." After a moment, an old voice came out of intelligence.

Li Lingtian carried the ancients and thought they could be shielded, but did not expect that there were thousands of monitoring equipment in this killing base.

There are high-end equipment, as well as the original monitoring equipment, so even if it is ancient, it cannot be completely shielded.

There is a mark on the map where the killing machine is made, so the target walks directly.

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