War God Supreme

Chapter 2737: Dead Sea

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At this moment, an old man from Baihu came from the innermost place, followed by two big men behind him. Book Fan Building

Old Baihu is the person in charge of the killing base.

Li Lingtian looked at this old Baihu man, not even a star, but a star.

You should know that the star rating has no place in the family like the Purple Family.

But the two behind the old man Bai Hu were the strongest stars of the nine peaks, and Li Lingtian responded very quickly.

Quickly put the token on Zi Chong's body and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Be careful."

Old Man Bai Hu looked at Zi Chong. Before the person arrived, he asked: "Master Zi Chong, why are you here?"

"The family owner said that the tense is serious now, so look at the progress." Zi Chong immediately used the family owner as an excuse.

Old man Bai Hu raised his eyebrows and looked at Zi Chong, said: "Did not Miss Miss just leave? Let you come."

Zi Chong sweat immediately flowed down, did not expect that this Zi Feng just came here.

Li Lingtian said at once: "The owner did not know that the young lady was coming, so let Master Zi Chong come to see the situation, mainly because of the chaos in the shining holy city, and there may be problems at any time."

The old man with white beard has some doubts. Looking at Li Lingtian, he already has some doubts.

But still said: "The progress is good, the mechanical number three can be completed in three days."

Turned to look at Zi Chong and asked, "Master Zi Chong, I think you are a little uncomfortable?"

Zi Chong was also afraid of being exposed. Now he asked about the **** smell in the killing base, and knew that what Lan Yun said might be true.

Hurry to cover up: "The **** smell inside is too strong, and it is really not suitable."

"Oh! It turns out that this is the case. Many people will be uncomfortable at first. It should be said that Master Zi Chong should have brought a token."

Zi Chong immediately took the token that Li Lingtian had just placed on him, took it out, and put it in

Old man Bai Hu said, extending a hand, and said to Zi Chong: "Master Zi Chong, don't you want to see the progress? Then please."

Li Lingtian patted Zi Chong on the shoulder and gestured to reassure him.

Zi Chong and Li Lingtian walked together. If Li Lingtian wanted to be able to enter directly and make a killing machine, then it is easy to say.

The old man, Bai Hu, was always expressionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

This is within Wuya Mountain, but the killing base is still very large, and finally at the most central position of the old Baihu.

A place that is hundreds of miles wide and hundreds of miles wide is presented in front of Li Lingtian and Zi Chong.

The **** taste here is more intense, and Zi Chong's face is paler. Obviously, this also has a big impact on him.

Bai Hu's old man looked at Zi Chong, and there was a trace in his eyes, although in a blink of an eye, it had disappeared.

But Li Lingtian still felt it. He was also curious about this old Bai Hu. This was just a star rating, but he seemed to have a strong personality.

Old man Bai Hu looked at Zi Chong and said: "Master Zi Chong, I see your state, you may enter here, you may not be able to adapt."

Hearing this, Zi Chong already had a scene in his heart, but he came here.

Seeing the Zi family, he died in front of his own eyes, and he was going crazy.

All of this is because he wants to know what the Purple Family did.

What is the killing machine in the end is what people and gods resent, can make Lan Yun want to break his life so much that he wants to break his life.

If it was not because of this killing machine, he left the Purple House, otherwise according to what Li Lingtian said.

He was able to stay in this purple house, but he chose to go to the killing base without hesitation.

Suddenly at this time, Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became much firmer.

Looking at the old man Bai Hu said: "Relax, I'm only temporary, the owner told me my task, I must complete it."

The old man Bai Hu said nothing to the two strong men: "Open the door!"

When the two big men heard what the old man Bai Hu said, the power of the source burst out immediately.

On the fist, the horror light flashed on the fists, two people were full, one bombarded the stone gate on the left, the other bombarded the stone gate on the left.

Under the joint attack of the two, the stone gate burst apart.

As soon as the stone door was pushed open, he felt the violent **** smell and threw them into the body.

The next thing that came into view was the corpse mountain, yes, it was the corpse mountain, and it looked like tens of thousands of people in a sweep.

It was the first time Zi Chong saw such a scene, but he did not feel any discomfort at this time.

Because he has become numb all over, he has been in the Purple Family. Although he is not a perfect family, he still feels like a good family.

But when he saw the place where the piles of corpses had formed, he suddenly understood directly, and understood why Blue Cloud reacted so.

Why do many families have to fight against their purple family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, he has a lot of mental preparation in mind.

Otherwise, he can't stand it.

Old man Bai Hu looked at Zi Chong and said, "Master Zi Chong, let's go in."

Zi Chong already had a decision in his heart and walked forward, Li Lingtian followed.

This is the real killing base. There are not a few people in this killing base, there are forty-five people.

Near Corpse Mountain, there is a blood pool, which is formed entirely of sperm blood.

Old Man Bai Hu looked at Zi Chong and said to him: "Kill No. 3, it will be finished soon, tell the owner to rest assured."

Zi Chong's firm pace looked at the killing No. 3, which was still being built.

Li Lingtian was very powerful when he saw the killing No. 3 hung by Zhihong in the air.

It's still made of dragon crystal iron, but more places are made of dragon crystal essence.

Looking at the appearance, it is quite a lot more than the killing one.

In the body, you can see that the blood path is completely introduced by the essence blood, which can provide very terrifying power.

There are also many dragon crystal cannons on his body, except that every process of Killing No.3 is meticulous.

Li Lingtian can easily see that in this killing number three, a defense function has also been added.

I just don’t know. The defenses that I have added are several levels of defense. If I can join the defense of four levels, I can’t imagine the power.

The chest is also completely made of dragon crystal cannon, without wasting any part, and the whole body can be fully used.

Old man Bai Hu looked at them and said, "How is it? Feel this killing number three, how?"

Zi Chong asked the question he cares about now: "How many people's blood is needed for this killing number three, if it starts?"

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