War God Supreme

Chapter 2743: Rebirth

Zi Chong also walked over and looked at the old man, Bai Hu: "There is no such thing as a killing machine, and there are serious sins."

Everyday Venerable made a humming sound.

"Compared to me, it's still cruel, and it's a good life for millions of people."

Venerable Sun Tian still has no objection to this kind of thing, just because Li Lingtian is now his master.

Otherwise, the style of the old Baihu, the style of the purple family, and his appetite.

For the purpose of any means, under the strength are ants.

The old man Bai Hu finally retreated to the edge of a mountain, and several people of Li Lingtian walked past.

"You have survived so many people. For you, it is enough, so go die."

Before Li Lingtian's words fell, he rushed towards the old man of Baihu.

The old man, Bai Hu, panicked, took out a scarlet pill and swallowed it immediately.

There was a terrifying power on his body, and there was blood around him.

After taking this elixirs, instead of directly dealing with Li Lingtian, he smashed the wall, a tunnel appeared, and the old man Bai Hu immediately entered the tunnel.

The speed is so fast that only one afterimage can be seen.

Li Lingtian was a little shocked. This old Bai Hu was just a star. He first had terrible murderousness, and the speed immediately after taking the panacea.

This panacea is powerful, and it must have certain limits, but the speed has just reached the speed of the domain master.

He is nothing more than an industry star, how many times this speed must be increased in order to be so horrible.

The rate of increase during this period is not a tiny bit, but a lot of speed.

Li Lingtian was about to enter the tunnel and continue to pursue it. Suddenly he felt that there was terror in the tunnel and bombarded.

Li Lingtian's spirit was shocked, his face was shocked, and he shouted: "It is the Longjing Cannon, back away!"

Li Lingtian and others flashed off, and three dragon crystal cannons immediately bombarded the mountain at the other end.

Li Lingtian thought, this guy is really cautious, leaving the tunnel to escape, and the terrifying dragon crystal cannon.

It can be considered adequately prepared, otherwise, under the hunt of Li Lingtian and Sun Tianzun, this guy will naturally be unable to run.

Li Lingtian looked at the tunnel, and there was no trace of the old man, Bai Hu, and said, "Forget it, that's it."

Then the ancients were removed from the puppets.

Li Lingtian asked to the ancients: "In the beginning, the scene of the killing of No. 3 was recorded in the **** corpse mountain?"

"I'm working, you can rest assured that the record shouldn't fall, the record shouldn't."

Li Lingtian looked at what was recorded in ancient times, and it did.

Li Lingtian immediately sent Lantiancai, and then contacted by video.

Blue Sky was ready at any time and immediately connected Li Lingtian's video.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​how is it now?"

"The killing base has been destroyed by me. Just now the record of the Zijia base, I have already reached your intelligence. You quickly pass it to the city's main palace and immediately start attacking the Zijia."

Li Lingtian said straight away.

"This matter is going to be delayed. Ten minutes ago, the Tianmen Gate rebelled and began to attack the city's main palace, and practiced other families. Now the Zi family can't move."

Li Lingtian felt that there was a problem with the killing of the Tianmen, but he did not expect that the people of the killing of the Tianmen could even directly rebel.

And ten minutes ago, Li Lingtian felt some coincidence.

"What is the strength of this Tianmenmen, can the city's main government have problems?"

"Our Lan family and war fighters all help the city's main palace. The city's main palace also has a certain strength. It should not be a problem to deal with the killing of the Tianmen, but the purple family can't move for a while, otherwise it will be easily attacked."

Lantian hurriedly talked to Li Lingtian, and suddenly the voice of the Lan family head came from outside.

"Blue sky, go to the main palace immediately!"

Blue Sky immediately said to Li Lingtian: "You also heard that we are going to the city's main palace to support it. In any case, the city's main palace cannot be defeated.

Li Lingtian did not know here. The specific situation said to Blue Sky: "In this case, I will see that Lan Yun has been rescued from the Zi family. Otherwise, it will be a long time. I am afraid of an accident."

"Then trouble you!"

After Blue Sky finished speaking, she hung up, and you can see how hurried it is.

Zi Chong looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "What's going on here?"

"The Tianmen Gate should be related to your Zijia. When we were going to deal with the Zijia, the master of the Tianmen Gate spoke, or else we would just start doing it at that time."

Li Chongtian remembered Zi Chong's performance. This is indeed a timid person, but he knows what is right and wrong.

Then take a white elixir out of the dragon ring.

Threw it to Zi Chong, and said to him: "This is the antidote to the Soul Pill, eat it."

Zi Chong shook his head and said, "This panacea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't take it, I have something to ask you."

"You said."

"My father is the cousin of the head of the Zi family, but the internal affairs of the Zi family never touch. He is a good person and has absolutely no knowledge of the killing base. I would like to ask you to help me rescue my father."

Zi Chong said with the light of prayer in his eyes.

"Where is your father now?"

Li Lingtian was able to help, especially Zi Chong, when he was bombarded by the Longjing gun and the laser gun.

Zi Chong rushed over, trying to save his life, although in the end it was the Heavenly Venerable who appeared and saved him both.

But this relationship Li Lingtian has written down, Li Lingtian is such a person.

"Just in the purple house."

"Okay, I happened to be going to the Purple House, and I came out of the blue cloud, which happened to be solved together."

Li Lingtian put away the big puppet, and took the Heavenly Lord Venerable back to the Dragon Ring.

Killing No. 3, no essential blood, although it has been scrapped, Li Lingtian thought about Longjing Iron, there is still a lot of value.

Retracted from the Dragon Ring, Li Lingtian took Zi Chong. A large-scale search to the killing base.

Because there are other people in the killing base, such as the surveillance room, and the rest of the patrol unit.

Because the passage was blown up, it was no longer possible to escape, and it was impossible to enter at all.

Li Lingtian wanted to kill him with all his might, and with Zi Chong, he started to kill.

However, this person was not enough. Under the circumstances of the ancient scan and Li Lingtian's close search, I finally found more than a dozen people in the base.

Li Lingtian did not have any mercy on his hands, some people begged for mercy, and there was no use for them.

Finally, all the dragon crystal cannons and laser cannons were unloaded and put into the dragon ring, which is also a wealth.

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