War God Supreme

Chapter 2744: Leaving Wuya Mountain

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Also in this institution, there are stars left behind, Li Lingtian did not leave anything. Book Fan Building

All are collected as their own, the star crystal is only one billion, but not too much.

Li Lingtian and Zi Chong entered the channel, without the Longjing Cannon, Li Lingtian was also relieved.

This tunnel is directly leading to it. Fortunately, there is a tunnel under the cliff.

Otherwise, the killing base has completely collapsed, and it is harder than going to the sky if you want to go out from the place where you came in.

Li Lingtian took Zi Chong and finally left Wuya Mountain from the tunnel.

When leaving the tunnel, it happened to be at the foot of Wuya Mountain. Li Lingtian knew that the current situation was urgent.

I don't know what happened to the Heavenly Gate, but Lan Yunhe agreed with Zi Chong.

The two rode in a spaceship and returned to the Purple House not far away.

Seeing that it is quieter now, Zhan Jia and other families have left.

The Zijia's current guard is more strict, and there are two hundred people outside the Zijia's door, defending.

Li Lingtian's brow furrowed. This is really troublesome.

As long as he shot, these two hundred people are naturally not opponents.

But he couldn't do it directly, if Zizi found him, if he threatened with Blue Cloud, or Zihong's father.

In this case, things are really difficult to do. Li Lingtian is secretly outside the door of the Zi family, thinking about how to deal with the Zi family's washing and guarding, and then enter the Zi family.

Zi Chong is also full of sadness, if he goes on like this, it really is not good.

Thinking of a way of brainstorming, I suddenly looked up and looked at Li Lingtian and said, "I remember that Zijia had a secret passage and could enter the interior of Zijia directly. It was many years ago, when I was a child, Ziyang took me from there Going in once, I was a little impressed, I don’t know if this channel is still there

When Zi Chong was young, it was really a long time, no matter whether the secret passage is still there, it can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Looking at Zi Chong said, "Where are we going to take a look."

Zi Chong took Li Lingtian to the edge, this is a palace with some messy things in the Zi family.

Coming here, Zi Chong, disappointed in his heart, sighed and said: "It has really been blocked."

Li Lingtian did not have much hope, so he was not so disappointed.

However, Li Ling Tianan looked for the place in his memory. This position already belonged to the edge of the Purple Family, and it was far away from the center of the Purple Family.

"What palace is this palace?" Li Lingtian asked Zi Chong looking at him.

"This palace is a collection of messy things, normally there are only one or two guards."

Hearing Zi Chong's words, Li Lingtian immediately noticed.

Since this is already the case, there is no other way. In this case, it is better to start developing a channel directly here.

If there are not many people, start quickly and the problem will be solved.

Li Lingtian took out the flame of extinction, and then said to Zi Chong: "Just in this position, start to work."

Zi Chongkan and Li Lingtian were really about to start, so they asked, "Are you sure? This is very loud and will be discovered."

"Is there any better place?" Li Lingtian asked directly.

"No!" Zi Chong replied awkwardly.

Li Lingtian didn't talk nonsense and started working immediately. Since you have no choice, don't think too much.

This palace is not particularly powerful, but the main reason is that it is a townhouse. There is an absolute connection in each palace.

Especially for the big family like Zijia, all the palaces are arranged according to the formation of the formation method.

Therefore, this palace is not an ordinary palace, and the normal destruction is too strong.

For Li Lingtian, it was considered a technology. When I remembered the ancients, I asked the ancients: "Is there any way to disconnect this palace from other palaces?"

The ancient virtual screen appeared, swept to the surrounding space, and began data analysis.

Ten minutes later, ancient times said: "Yes, this formation is the basic formation of the corners of the mouth, and obviously it has been a long time, the strength of the formation has weakened a lot."

Li Lingtian immediately looked at the virtual screen. It was obvious that the flaws in this situation had been analyzed and analyzed.

It is very simple to break the connection between this palace and other palaces.

Li Lingtian immediately followed suit, and then he was ready to go directly to the palace.

Holding the flame of extinction, he began to hack madly, showing that he had broken the accompanying defense power, and then directly caused damage to the palace.

Under Li Lingtian's violent attack, this seemed very crazy. Soon after, the palace was smashed into a big hole by Li Lingtian.

Immediately seeing a lot of debris, Li Lingtian and Zi Chong did not hesitate, walked in, and immediately buried both bodies with a debris~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, Li Lingtian felt that there were two people outside come over.

"What was the sound just now? I really wanted to hear something."

"I seem to hear something, so let's go and see."

The two walked in the direction of Li Lingtian and Zi Chong, because they were covered in groceries, so they really could not see anything.

When the two were about to walk to Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian immediately shot.

Nine stars cut into the moon and burst out, directly bombarding the past, taking away the lives of the two in a single shot, although this is the seventh order of the star.

Li Lingtian and Zi Chong finally entered the Zi Family and immediately went to the Zi Family Prison.

Li Lingtian and Zi Chong have all changed their makeup, after all, now Zi Chong has been exposed.

The two went to Zijia Prison and just arrived near Zijia Prison. They found that there was no gatekeeper at the door of Zijia Prison.

Li Lingtian frowned. Obviously this was wrong. How could this be possible? At this critical moment, there was no one to guard the Zijia Prison. This is indeed a bit overwhelming.

Zi Chong looked at Li Lingtian and said: "There must be a conspiracy inside, what should we do?"

How to do? There is no way. Today, Li Lingtian also has to rush in.

Looking at Zi Chong said, "You stay here. I am enough to go to prison."

Zi Chong said firmly: "This is not going to work, I will follow you in."

Li Lingtian looked at Zi Chong's determined eyes and knew that Zi Chong was also a rising temper, so it must not work.

Then he looked at Zi Chong and said, "I let you go in together, but you have to remember that when I let you enter the nanospace, you have to enter the nanospace, otherwise it will also cause me trouble, this you Can it be done?"

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