War God Supreme

Chapter 2969: Calculation

It is absolutely impossible for the wind to act indifferently. It is absolutely impossible to say that he can defeat the three Zheng Tiangang himself.

After fighting, his original law also consumed a lot.

Even in the peak period, you can't do a dozen or three, at most it is to delay the time.

To say that it is a fight is actually to want to delay the time for yourself and give Chu Yu the escape of Li Lingtian, leaving a certain amount of time.

The wind was not ready, looking at Zheng Tiangang and saying: "Since the mind of the Zheng family has been decided, I have nothing to say. It is impossible for me to leave. Then fight in the end."

They are all superpowers, although they are not in a holy city, they are also to be afraid of each other.

So if the wind does not want to leave, Zheng Tiangang absolutely agrees.

Because as long as the wind is not dealt with and the status of the wind is not in the house of the wind, this enemy must be determined.

But if this does not leave, then it can only be dealt with together.

In itself, the three-life stone that Li Lingtian obtained was the treasure he had to obtain as an enemy to the world.

There is Chu Yu now. If you catch Chu Yu in this way, you can still be taken as a hostage, threatening the Chu family. If you operate properly, you may be able to get a big puppet.

In this case, the Zheng family will definitely rise and become a super power among the super powers.

"The wind doesn't act. I originally wanted to give you a face of the Feng family. Since you shameless your face and toast without eating fines, then go for it."

While holding a long sword, the wind said softly to Chu Yu: "After a while, the battle started, there is nothing to say, just evacuate!"

Chu Yu looked ugly, but he knew he had no effect in facing such a fight.

The only thing that can be done is to quickly bring Li Lingtian to a safer place, and let the windless sacrifice not be wasted.

The wind was not ready, and immediately rushed to Zheng Tiangang.

The long sword in the hands of the interaction exploded in absolute madness, entangled all three domain masters.

At this time, it opened directly, and hundreds of phantoms rushed to the three people.

Chu Yu immediately carried Li Lingtian and fled quickly.

It's just that when I was about to leave, I suddenly found myself behind him, empty.

When he turned around, Li Lingtian had no problems, and smiled in the sky.

When Zheng Tiangang saw Li Lingtian's smile, his body shook unconsciously, Li Lingtian fainted, he could ignore Li Lingtian.

But Li Lingtian lived right in front of him, but he had seen Li Lingtian's terrorist forces.

Wan Lang, as strong as the fourth order of the domain master, was defeated by Li Lingtian's men, not to mention her.

Li Lingtian, who was not surprised by the wind, said, "Are you all right?"

Li Lingtian looked at the wind inaction and was very satisfied with the performance of the wind inaction.

When he first fought against the wind, he already felt that there were definitely people watching him behind him.

Knowing that it must be a bad comer, and then Wan Lang arrived, the people behind this scene still did not come out.

It was like a knife hidden behind his back, which could be inserted into his heart at any time.

So when he defeated Wan Lang, Li Lingtian made the decision immediately, pretending to be in a coma, and letting the hidden people out.

As expected, it was Zheng Tiangang and others who were moved by the inaction.

Otherwise, Li Lingtian was planning, if the wind is not greedy for him, then the wind will not be resolved for a long time.

The wind did not disappoint him, which was unexpected.

The appearance of Li Lingtian stopped the fighting that had already begun.

Zheng Tiangang looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "How did you wake up?"

"You have already appeared, so I have no reason to fall into a coma." Li Lingtian said with a smile.

What has been said is so clear that Zheng Tiangang has naturally understood the meaning of Li Lingtian.

Some said angrily: "It turns out that everything is pretended, just to let me out."

Zheng Tiangang did not respond to the wind, and he also gave a thumbs-up and said, "It's pretty good to pretend."

The wind did not know what to say, because he was also kept in the dark, but he was also fortunate for himself, but fortunately he defeated greed.

Chu Yu was also relieved, so that is the best result.

Zheng Tiangang saw Li Lingtian appearing, his body was shaking, and the elder Zheng family, seeing his owner, had become this look, it was absolutely impossible, and he would lose without fighting.

Immediately said in Zheng Tiangang's ear: "Homeowner, you don't have to be afraid. This guy has already consumed too much in the battle of the wind soul and Wanlang, especially when fighting Wanlang, so we still have a winning percentage. "

When Zheng Tiangang heard this, it only reacted and made a lot of sense.

Li Lingtian is no longer Li Lingtian at his peak, and they are still at their peak, so they are not inevitable. What are you afraid of?

How can I say that I am the head of the family, how can I surrender without fighting?

Zheng Tiangang looked at Li Lingtian and said: "You just blasted us out, what can you do? So much has been consumed, do you think the two of you are opponents of the three of us?"

Li Lingtian's previous consumption is indeed very large. Various formations have been used in order to deal with the words. The hegemony is invincible.

But after so much delay, Li Lingtian has recovered a lot.

It is not necessarily a victory against one person against these three people, but if the wind does not work, then naturally there is no problem.

Looking at Zheng Tiangang, he said, "This is still thanks to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You guys helped me and prolonged so much time, so are you ready to die?"

In Li Lingtian's body, the fighting intention erupted, and there was a killing intention in his eyes.

Zheng Tiangang saw such Li Lingtian, and also thought that Li Lingtian's original strength, a fear came out again.

Although he is a master of the domain, he can see the difference between him and Li Lingtian in the battle between Wind Soul and Ten Thousand Waves, as well as the existence of wind inaction.

Relative to one's own life, perhaps these three stones are not too important anymore.

Thinking this way, Zheng Tiangang did not have any battle at all, and shouted to the two elders beside him: "Withdraw!"

Then he started to retreat as soon as he took the lead. Li Lingtian and Feng did not look at each other, and immediately divided into two directions.

Li Lingtian's strength has reached the point of fascinating, the speed of the wind is still above Li Lingtian, Zheng Tiangang wants to escape, really is not a wise choice.

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