War God Supreme

Chapter 2970: Lu Zichen

Li Lingtian held the flame of extinction, and began to bombard Zheng Tiangang. The wind was not a struggle and he was not allowed to get out.

The field of Xuanhuo Xuanhuo opened, and the field at this time is more mature, trapping all three of the Zheng family.

Fighting is fighting, the fighting intention is first, the fighting intention is lost, the fighting is like walking dead.

At the peak, Zheng Tiangang, who had never been injured, was not as good as Li Lingtian, but he faced Li Lingtian, who was very expensive.

Still able to contend, but at this time there is simply no idea of ​​fighting.

With one heart and one mind, it is an escape, lack of fighting will, and naturally the battle cannot reach its peak.

The three Zheng family shot together, but they were defeated by Li Lingtian and the wind.

This is already the case with the strongest Zheng Tiangang. The two elders of the Zheng family naturally need not say much.

In a short time, it has become scarred, and the more it is, the lower the will to fight.

In the end, the three of them were trapped in the field of the Halloween Fire by Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian's Sky Sword Array broke out again.

Tens of thousands of swords, merged with the sword domain, let the three of the Zheng family be slashed in the sword array.

Li Lingtian left all three people's space rings, and the chaotic treasure in his hand.

The harvest this time is really not small. In the Wan Family Space Ring, two trillion star crystals were obtained, six Chaos Treasures, among which the Best Chaos Treasure Magic Gun.

Obtained from the Zheng family's space ring, three trillion stars and four chaotic treasures.

Li Lingtian began to divide the wind into no spoils, and the wind did not know that the main fighting power was still on Li Lingtian, and the Fengxing Dan he wanted most was already obtained.

This popularity has become great, but Li Lingtian is determined to split equally, and Li Lingtian is not the kind of love that takes advantage.

Since at the most critical time, the wind does not retreat to be able to withstand the whole body, but it is still inseparable, so Li Lingtian must also pay attention to it.

And this chaotic treasure is really nothing to him.

Li Lingtian looked at the wind and said, "You choose first, even if this chaotic treasure is not used, it can be used by your family."

Feng Lingwei thought of people in his own family at this time, Li Lingtian was right.

This chaotic treasure will play a vital role in the family.

The wind did not evade this time, and chose five chaotic treasures, but when it comes to the star Jingjing, this wind doesn't just kill it.

In the end, Li Lingtian did not insist, and other things, that is, casually divided.

Li Lingtian said to Chu Yu: "Contact Chu Family Master and see what happened?"

Chu Yu contacted his father, but no one answered,

Li Lingtian immediately began to locate, and soon found that Chu Yu was three million miles away.

The wind didn't know that Chu Yu was the youngest member of the Chu family, so naturally he knew what he was going to do.

Ask directly: "Need my help?"

How to say this is also a strong third-order domain master, still very much needed.

The two also experienced life and death, so he was not polite and said directly: "Let's go together."

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu were still indifferent, and the three of them headed in the direction of Chu's head.

After walking a million miles, a person suddenly appeared in front of three people.

When Li Lingtian saw it, this man was exactly the legend Chu Chu had said, that is Lu Zichen.

Lv Zichen stared at Chu Yu without even paying attention to Li Lingtian and Feng Feng.

Lv Zichen looked at Chu Yu and said, "Hand over the nine waves, how many star crystals do you use, and I will give you star crystals."

Li Lingtian knew that Lu Zichen was very interested in Jiu Chonglang, so he gave up Jiu Chonglang because of inheritance.

But I didn't expect that I finally found Chu Yu and wanted to get Jiu Chong Lang.

Li Lingtian looked at Lu Zichen and said, "What if we disagree?"

Lu Zichen snorted coldly: "If you don't agree, then you don't need your consent, I will do it myself, and then give Xing Chenjing to you."

Li Lingtian smiled, this guy is really interesting, not robbing, and will give Xing Chenjing no matter what.

Chu Yu also wanted to find his father quickly, so he said to Lu Zichen: "I am in a hurry. I will talk about this in the future, so don't block our way."

Lu Zichen was also a straightforward person, watching Chu Yu frown, and said, "Since this is the case, I can only do it."

Li Lingtian remembered that Chu Yu had said about Lu Zichen, so she was still interested in Lu Zichen.

Then he said to him: "Okay, then you shot. I will see how powerful a star can explode."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Lingtian rushed past, and the speed was maximized. The original law broke out, and a punch directly blasted past.

Lu Zichen's face was cold, and the original power in his body also burst out.

Boxing like iron, walking like wind, the two are fighting together.

Between the breaths, the two had thrown hundreds of punches and bombarded together.



The space is turbulent, the void is broken, and a powerful energy breaks out in the middle of the fists of the two.

The more Li Lingtian fought, the more shocked he was, the original power of Lu Zichen.

But the power that erupted was no worse than the third-order master of the domain master.

How can this make Li Lingtian not surprised, Li Lingtian's strength is above the fourth order of the domain master, but Li Lingtian is injured and the consumption of the original law.

The strength is definitely above the third order of the normal domain master, and Lu Zichen can be comparable to him.

Lu Zichen was also shocked, letting his own strength be clear to him.

He has his own pride, because he defeated the domain master third-order strong.

Being able to feel that Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was injured, he was able to match his strength, which was enough to shock him.

After the two bombarded thousands of fists, the two separated.

Li Lingtian looked at Lu Zichen and said, "Today you and I are indifferent between high and low. It doesn't make any sense to fight anymore. The matter of the nine waves can be discussed in the future.

Lu Zichen is also a more real person. Looking at Li Lingtian, he said bluntly: "I lost, I am the pinnacle of power, and you definitely experienced a fierce battle before this, so I lost."

It is a man to leave after speaking.

At this moment, Chu Yu shouted to Lu Zichen's back, "Senior Lu, I can give you Jiu Chonglang, but you have to do something for me."

Lu Zichen stopped, turned around, looked at Chu Yu and said, "Whatever, I never do anything that hurts the world."

Chu Yu directly said: "I said the Chu family, my father got a big puppet, it may be dangerous, I need Senior Lu to help me."

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