War God Supreme

Chapter 2973: Show your magical powers

Lv Zichen used the giant axe to break the large array, at this time Lv Zichen was unstoppable.

With his help, the remaining four domain masters have obviously been unable to control this puppet.

The world was turbulent, the puppet riots broke out, and the four domain masters were all repelled.

A smile appeared in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, and the overall situation was settled.

In the battle between Han Li and Li Lingtian, Han Li felt that he had no advantage over Li Lingtian.

The big puppet will soon be out of control, so that's it.

Leng Wushuang and Long Yu, directly to the puppet puppet.

If they control the big puppet, they still have some hope, but if this big puppet can't control it.

Then they really don't have any hope, so only the strong third-order masters of the two domains directly rushed past.

Han Li has reached Crazy God II. This Crazy God II is naturally mad and doubles his strength.

This is a great improvement for a domain master third-order strongman.

And automatically activated the mad **** tactics, the whole person is covered with blood, just like an extremely desolate lunatic.

But Li Lingtian knew that even if this was a lunatic, it would definitely be a lunatic with rules.

Li Lingtian finally took it seriously. If it is at the peak strength of at, this Han Li's mad god's second form will naturally have no effect on him.

But now he has gone through two wars and consumed a lot, so this must be cautious.

In Han Li's eyes, Li Lingtian was locked, and his whole heart was to kill Li Lingtian.

The wind is not to deal with the second-order strong domain master, although he also consumes a lot, but this can be said to be within reach.

There is no difficulty, the domain master second-order strong, two together against him alone, this is suppressed.

Leng Wushuang and Long Yu dealt with the puppet puppet together.

How to say it also has the fifth-order strength of the domain master, and has absolute domineering power.

Leng Wushuang looked at Long Yu and said, "What should I do? Li Lingtian appears, which makes us very passive."

Long Yu is also not looking good, because he is still very clear, and the current situation is not optimistic.

Their damage is getting bigger and bigger, and big puppets are getting harder to control.

Long Yu finally said helplessly: "Leng Wushuang, don't hide it. In this way, we are all easy to die here. What about the lunar palace's Tian Luo Di net? Use it quickly."

When Leng Wushuang heard this, the whole person was a little tangled.

Because this day Luodi.com is one of her cards, he has not used it.

Because he knew very well, even if the three of them defeated the Chu family, in the end, the three of them would still have to fight for your life.

That's it. The unmatched Tian Luo Di Wang is the treasure of the Moon Palace. If you want to stay until the end, you can catch them by surprise.

It was just like this that Long Yu gave it out.

Long Yu looked at Leng Wushuang and did not speak. He hurriedly said, "The most important thing we need to do now is to survive. I will also use the dragon body of our dragon family."

This Wanlong body is the ancestral treasure of Wanjia.

This dragon body is not a physique, but also a treasure of refining.

It is handed down by the Wanjia ancestors. Every generation of the Wanjia people will catch some dragons to refine the dragon body. This dragon body is very powerful.

But this is not inexhaustible, and it will consume some if it is useless.

This is also the time when Longyu uses Wanlong's body, it is the time of life.

Leng Wushuang also knew that after seeing Long Yu intending to explode the body of Wanlong, there was nothing to say.

"Tian Luo Di Wang!"

"Body of Wanlong!"

Tian Luo Di net appeared, this is a transparent line, no one can see what kind of material this is.

But this contains powerful energy, which directly envelopes the puppet.

Wanlong's body is a white bead, and Longyu swallowed it directly.

The body immediately transformed into a giant dragon, with a potential of 1 dragon.

Very powerful, a dragon chant erupted, giving everyone a shock, but it had no effect on the puppet.

Because the big puppet is just a puppet, there is no life.

Li Lingtian sees everything in his eyes. He knows the flaws of big puppets, but this kind of bison's collision with ordinary attacks will have no effect.

Tian Luo Di Wang trapped this big puppet, and Long Yu, the body of Wanlong, began to bomb wildly and was extremely powerful.

The big puppet's shortcoming is that he has no thoughts. Compared to Mu Na, fighting is fighting, without any mess.

This is a disadvantage, but it is also an advantage. If it is a normal person, after experiencing such a battle, he is surrounded by the heaven and earth.

I will be angry and overwhelmed alive, but the big puppet is without such emotions, and is still an attacker as always.

Li Lingtian knew that this breakthrough might still be here.

Han Li, who has the three types of crazy gods, is indeed very powerful. Li Lingtian is a treasure that can be used, and it has been used, which gradually suppresses Han Li.

Crazy flashed in Han Li's eyes, watching Li Lingtian, madly attacking, shouting on the side: "The big puppet is mine, it's mine, no one should rob me."

Li Lingtian didn't expect that this guy, even having his obsession, was also very interesting.

Li Lingtian's halloween fire field broke out, trapping Han Li in it.

Han Li is still as crazy as ever, and the law of origin has exploded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if there was no consumption.

In the field of Halloween fire, crazy bombing began, powerful.

None of Li Lingtian’s treasures were idle, and the wind blade in Qianyan Saint Wing appeared and bombarded away.

In the field of Halloween Fire, Li Lingtian is the master, and the crazy bombing with Han Li made Han Li lose.

But now Han Li is more like a lunatic, and no one can provoke him. As long as it is provoke, then it is really trouble.

Han Li is fighting for the Han family, and Crazy God II has used it several times.

But Crazy God III has never tried to let it go, because the side effects of Crazy God III are so unimaginable.

However, the strength obtained from this is also very horrible. The strength will be four times higher than normal.

The side effects of the second form of madness have already had an impact on the heart, hurting the fundamentals, and the third form is directly killing people.

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