War God Supreme

Chapter 2974: Die hard

But Han Li at this time could not control his thoughts, and he was already in a weak position.

Finally uncontrolled opening, the third form of madness.

When the third form of crazy **** opened, this Han Li really became a blood man.

The whole person was rendered with blood, and his eyes turned completely blood red.

Looking at the horror, and Han Li, who was used to the cold sound, the sound at this time is more like in the Nine Nether.

Listening made the anger shudder. Fortunately, Li Lingtian experienced more and would not be affected by this scenario.

Li Lingtian shouted: "This is in my field, and I want to deal with me, it is really whimsical."

Han Li's physical riot, at this speed, Li Lingtian could not see clearly.

However, Li Lingtian knew very well that this speed has completely surpassed the ever-changing trend.

It is popular but Li Lingtian is not the opponent's body style, which is enough to see the horror of Han Li.

Han Li flew, and rushed directly in the direction of Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian felt as if he only saw an afterimage and could not see it at all. This was Han Li's body.

When he was about to escape, Li Lingtian suddenly discovered that Han Li was already in front of him.

The action of double fist bombarded directly on his chest, with a muffled sound, let Li Lingtian fly directly.

However, Li Lingtian's fighting will has not been dispelled, Han Li is certainly strong.

But he believes that as long as he is in his own field, he is the master. If the field is not scattered, then he is the master.

Li Lingtian's carp fights and flies high in the sky. Li Lingtian can already see that Han Li must have used some kind of secret method or the like.

Otherwise, how can it be four times more powerful, and now Li Lingtian feels that it is a bit overwhelming.

But he still has the only advantage right now, that is, Han Li is still in the field of his Halloween Fire.

For him, this field can be added, and Li Lingtian quickly runs the Halloween Fire Technique.

Let the field of the Halloween Saint Profound Fire become more solidified. In a sea of ​​fire, countless flames suddenly fell from the sky.

Li Lingtian held the flames of extermination, waving wildly, and the flames of the flames were integrated into the field of Halloween fire.

Li Lingtian already knows that the field of Xuanhuo of the Holy Saint is divided into nine layers.

Levels 1 to 3 are primary, levels 4 to 6 are intermediate, and levels 7 to 9 are advanced.

Li Lingtian's current field of Halloween fire is at the initial stage, which is the third field.

This third area is not particularly powerful, but when it comes to the fourth area, it will be completely different.

Realms are self-contained worlds, and a realm is equivalent to a world. In this world, Li Lingtian is a master.

People outside the field can't see things in the field.

So what Li Lingtian wants to do now is to let the field evolve to the fourth level.

As long as it reaches the fourth level, the outsiders do not know if they are strong, what they are doing inside.

In this way, Li Lingtian can use the world's treasures in the field.

Han Li frantically bombarded the field of Halloween Fire, against Li Lingtian.

Now Han Li's speed has completely surpassed Li Lingtian, so this Han Li shot against Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian couldn't avoid it at all.

That's it, Li Lingtian was devastated, but at the same time, Li Lingtian was also perfecting the field and becoming his own independent world as soon as possible.

Li Lingtian was trapped and had no advantage in this matter under the field of Xuanhuoxuan.

Feng Weiwei was also trapped by two people. With the double resistance of Leng Wushuang and Longyu, as well as the help of the four domain masters, the big puppet showed no signs of breaking away.

That's it, Li Lingtian became a critical point. Li Lingtian won all, Li Lingtian lost, all lost.

No one can have such power.

Li Lingtian is still perfecting the non-stop Halloween fire.

Han Li instinctively knew that the time left was not too much.

So he started attacking with greater intensity. It was crazy. Li Lingtian's injuries gradually spread.

Finally, he was seriously injured, and Han Li's eyes showed a light of bloodshed. He looked at Li Lingtian and said: "It's not too early, you can die."

Li Lingtian looked at Han Li and said, "I'm not your current opponent, but you should be very clear about it. How much damage you do to yourself by using such exercises!"

Han Li looked at Li Lingtian and gave a roar like a beast.

"I don't want to. You forced me, you forced me!"

Li Lingtian looked at Han Li's thinking has been messed up, naturally did not want to chat with him, but now everything is to delay time.

Continue to say: "I didn't force you, you forced yourself. Even if you defeated me, you won't survive. Your goal is to be a puppet. You feel you are seriously injured or dead. Leng Wushuang can give you the big puppet, or Long Yu can. What are you trying to do with me now?"

Li Lingtian's words made Han Li, who was already mad, stand still, as if he had calmed down. This was very rare.

Han Li kept mumbling: "What the **** am I for, what am I for?"

Li Lingtian didn't dare to mess up. Using this time, he quickly restored his original law of origin, and then operated the Halloween Saint Fire Technique.

At this time, Han Lina was about to calm down, to retire his **** eyes, and once again completely red.

Li Lingtian rushed over directly: "Don't talk nonsense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just want to kill you!"

Li Lingtian finally knew that this obsession was terrible, and that Han Li was really not saved.

Han Li frantically bombarded Li Lingtian, and the violent source law bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian flew away immediately, Han Li pursued and continued to attack, his fists broke out, and the speed was terrifying.

Li Lingtian punched one punch after another, but Li Lingtian knew clearly that until the last step, he would not be able to expose the world treasure.

He exposed the treasures of the world, not only him, but also his friends.

Nor can it be like before, let the big puppet help him and bring people into an illusion.

That's Zheng Tiangang. They are far away, and there are relatively few people. Now this is completely impossible. Many people have a lot of eyes. His big puppet is temporarily not enough energy.

The field of Xuanhuo Wansheng can't be supported, but Li Lingtian didn't give up and still struggled to maintain it.

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