War God Supreme

Chapter 2975: Qing Yi

The third form of Han Li's Mad God has been played to a certain extent, extremely crazy.

At the last minute, Li Lingtian finally allowed the field of Xuanhuo to be evolved.

By the fourth level of the field, an independent world has been formed.

Li Lingtian knew that the best time had come and could not wait any longer.

The Tianlong Temple burst out directly at this moment.

The power of terror descends from the sky. Han Li, who is already crazy, is already clearly aware of his feelings.

Han Li's face was horrified. Although he had fallen into madness, this subconscious instinct was still there.

Li Lingtian shouted: Let me die! "

Three types of Han Li Crazy God, the automatically activated Crazy God tactic, immediately took Han Li to attack from other directions, and immediately entered and evaded.

Li Lingtian went all out and spared no effort. This world treasure has already exploded and must be determined quickly.

Even if it is in the realm of the Halloween Fire, it will not be discovered, but it is still necessary to avoid long nights.

Han Li did not know what happened, but he was suppressed by Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian took control of the Tianlong Temple and began to bombard Han Li with horror.

Not long after, Han Li was seriously injured and spread to the ground.

Li Lingtian immediately ignited the Sky Sword Array, which is to make a play.

When he surrounded Han Li with the Destroyer Sword Array, Li Lingtian also directly evacuated from the field of Wansheng Xuanhuo.

What everyone saw was the moment when Li Lingtian's sword array killed Han Li.

On the side of the big puppet, with the help of Lu Zichen, the big puppet got out of trouble, and the power of terror broke out again.

As soon as Han Li died, the big puppet got out of trouble and everything went in a good direction.

Li Lingtian didn't stop to rest. If things were not resolved, he would not be at ease.

Immediately bombarded the past to other powerful people, Li Lingtian can be said to have consumed a lot.

However, Li Lingtian was still at hand to deal with the second-level master of the domain master, without any surprises.

The Master Chu knows that the overall situation has been decided today, and he is the winner.

The big puppet got out of trouble, and the first time he destroyed Tianluodi.com, the so-called Wanlong body, could not resist Li Lingtian's crazy bombardment at all.

A wave is stronger than a wave, the power of terror, absolute madness, the body of the big puppet, even the medium chaos treasure can't hurt the big puppet.

Completely suppressed, Leng Wushuang and Long Yu, when being suppressed.

I finally felt that it was absolutely impossible to go on like this. Long Yu said to Leng Wushuang: "We are gone, what should we do?"

"Han Li is also dead. We only ran away. The green hill we stayed in was not afraid that there would be no firewood."

Long Yu is also planning to do so. Now the gap between the two sides is not a slight one.

Long Yu and Leng Wushuang met each other at a glance, and then the two of them immediately turned left and right to start the runaway mode.

Li Lingtian’s Qianyan Saint Wings were opened, and the wind and the wind of the wind were also erupted. Li Lingtian pursued Leng Wushuang, and the wind did not pursue Longyu.

Lu Zichen saw that Li Lingtian had consumed a lot, and he immediately followed Li Lingtian directly.

Leng Wushuang's speed is indeed faster than other domain masters.

However, Li Lingtian's full-scale outbreak is not an opponent at all, and it can be said that it is far away.

Li Lingtian was in front of Leng Wushuang, and Lu Zichen was behind him.

Leng Wushuang finally stopped and looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Can't we really let it go today? There shouldn't be such a big hatred between us, right."

Li Lingtian looked at Leng Wushuang with a sneer and said, "Too much to say is useless. Today you are all going to die. If you want to plunder someone else's things, it is best to prepare for destruction."

Li Lingtian did not have any procrastination. As soon as the voice fell, he rushed past, and Lu Zichen also started.

The two shot together without any suspense. Leng Wushuang died under Li Lingtian's flame of extinction.

Feng Yuwei also intercepted Longyu, and Liangzi was already knotted, so he didn't hesitate to kill Longyu directly.

Han Family Han Li, Moon Palace Leng Mushuang, Long Family Long Yu, the three leaders, are all dead.

Distraught people, no fighting spirit, no strength to fight again, the head of the Chu family and the head of the Xiahou family led the people of their respective families to wipe out all the people.

The domain master-level strongman, also did not run out, all killed.

Master Chu's family is like a rebirth, there was no hope.

But the sudden turning point is to make a person seem to go from heaven to hell.

The battle is over, that is to say, this big puppet with the fifth-order strength of the domain master.

Others began to quickly clean the battlefield, and the Chu family thanked everyone.

After all the trophies are brought together, there are nearly twenty chaotic treasures, and all the stars and treasures are distributed.

The wind did not do what was supposed to be done. It should not stay here for a long time. Farewell to Li Lingtian and left.

Lu Zichen got the nine waves from Chu Yu, thanked Chu Yu, and walked to Li Lingtian.

"On the day of goodbye, there must be a difference between us!"

Li Lingtian also admired Lü Zichen, had no root of spirit, and could not absorb the power of the law of origin, but still did not give up.

The star powerhouse can get the third-order powerhouse.

Li Lingtian suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he had obtained a recipe for a root-rooting panacea.

Then he looked at Lu Zichen and said, "You have inherited it. If you still can't break through the domain master level, maybe you can come over and find me. I might be able to help you."

Lu Zichen gave Li Lingtian a meaningful look and left. Some things should not be understood now.

Therefore, Lu Zichen will not waste this time, and all who should leave have left.

The head of the Xiahou family, because it was a family, had a lot of treasures and left.

In the end only ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chu people and Li Lingtian left.

The Chu master looked at Li Lingtian, and he really didn't know what to say.

"Da En does not say anything, I remember the Chu family!"

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "Where did I say, Chu Yu and I are brothers, and I should do it."

After this battle, for the entire Celestial Star, it is definitely a big shuffle between super powers.

Moon Palace, Han Family, and Dragon Family are all dispatched, and there is no longer a domain master powerhouse, so this super force is completely abolished.

This is an era of rising, and will also allow disputes to fly, but this is nothing to Li Lingtian.

The Chu family has the existence of a big puppet, and it will definitely stand out. The Lingtian Palace is also developing steadily, and no one can provoke it.

Especially after this battle, Li Lingtian was famous for the entire Celestial Star, which made Ling Tiangong appear in the world.

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