War God Supreme

Chapter 2976: Xing Luozong

There are very few people left by the super powers, and the Chu family has big puppets, so Li Lingtian did not send the Chu family back to the Holy City of Aoba.

Chu Yu followed his father and returned to the family, while Li Lingtian was alone and returned to Yaoshi Holy City.

Just after parting ways, Li Lingtian summoned the spaceship and wanted to take a ride back to Yaoshi Holy City.

Li Lingtian felt that there was a strong man behind him.

Turning around, a black man appeared behind him, looking very cold.

In both eyes, there is no sensation, just pay attention to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian felt a little wrong, and this person's identity was wrong. At first, he felt that he might have watched the fire from the other side, and wanted the mantis to catch the cicada.

But think again, it is indeed wrong, if that is the case, it will not be the current situation.

There is no big puppet in his hand, nor has his world treasures leaked out. Obviously, the big puppet is more precious.

Li Lingtian guessed the identity of this person and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and said, "You are Li Lingtian!",

Hearing this sentence, Li Lingtian was directly determined. This purpose is definitely not a puppet, otherwise he would have shot directly before.

And this is still named, just to find him.

Li Lingtian looked at the man in black and said, "Yes, if you can't change your name, if you can't change your surname, I am Li Lingtian."

The man in black is still expressionless, looking at Li Lingtian and saying: "I am not looking for the wrong person, are you ready for death?"

Li Lingtian didn't see any murderousness from the man in black, but it was obvious that he could say this, that is, the comer is not good.

"I don't know what kind of power your lord belongs to? Why should you be against me?"

The man in black looked at Li Lingtian, as always, calm, without any mood swings.

"I'm from Xing Luozong, you should know why I came to you."

Xing Luozong, when Li Lingtian heard these three words, he knew that this battle was inevitable.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the person of Xing Luozong, he really did not die with Xing Luozong.

After all, the people who killed Xing Luozong also subdued the three Xing Luozong people.

"So it turns out, Xing Luozong is really, entangled with me."

The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and was so calm. There was no emotion because he was the person of Xing Luozong.

"His Royal Highness said, if you are willing to join our Xingluozong, you can spare your life."

Li Lingtian will not succumb, but he can be sure. The person in front of him must be a strong man. How powerful he is, he can't see it for the time being.

Li Lingtian looked at the man in black and said, "I didn't expect your Martyr to think so much about me, but I can only say sorry. Born to be a person who would rather stand and die than kneel."

The man in black watched Li Lingtian say such a decisive, a long sword appeared in his hand, medium chaotic treasure.

Li Lingtian did not dare to be careless, because he could feel how powerful the person in front of him would be.

His consumption is huge, and the law of origin in the body is less than two layers.

If this man in black is a third-order person, he still has the possibility of surviving.

But this is the person from Xing Luozong. Li Lingtian feels that he should not be the third-order person of the domain master. 90% of the time, this is a super-strong person of the fourth-order domain master.

Li Lingtian now knows clearly that if he now encounters a strong fourth-order domain master.

Then even if there is no doubt, Li Lingtian will definitely die.

So as long as there is still hope, he will not give up his life easily.

Looking at the man in black and saying, "I consume so much, I know I am dead, so can you satisfy my last hope?"

The man in black is finally impatient, but he still has a lot of confidence in his strength.

So watching Li Lingtian said directly: "What's the matter? Hurry up and say, you can wait to die."

There are so many things in Li Lingtian, and what I have said so much now is that I simply want to delay time.

Li Lingtian pretended to think for a while, and then looked at the man in black and said, "It is like this, I am also a person with a head and a face. I don't want to die under the general public. I want us to find a quiet place and wait for death quietly."

People in black have absolute self-confidence in themselves, and they do not care about Li Lingtian's demands.

So he agreed happily and said to Li Lingtian: "Well, you choose this position."

Li Lingtian took the man in black at his slowest speed to a place five million miles away.

This is deserted, although not far from the holy city, but within a million miles. No one exists.

This is the perfect location Li Lingtian chose.

Li Lingtian looked at the man in black and said, "Today may be my last battle. I hope I can die a little decently."

The man in black was finally impatient and shot directly.

Holding a long sword, he rushed towards Li Lingtian.

At this moment, Li Lingtian finally captured the strength of this man in black, and he was definitely a strong fourth-order domain master.

And it can be felt, although this and Wanlang are the fourth-order strong domain masters.

However, the fourth order of the domain master is also divided into different levels. Wan Lang is obviously a strong fourth-order master of the ordinary domain.

But this man in black is different. With such a little captured momentum, Li Lingtian feels a great danger.

Li Lingtian looked at the black man who rushed over. For the first attack, Li Lingtian did not dare to face it.

At his peak, he may be able to fight against the man in black. But now he can never do it.

The remaining 20% ​​of the original law ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and he broke out several times, he is already a little weak.

When the man in black rushed over, Qianyan Shengyi was immediately unfolded and quickly exploded.

Li Lingtian did not dare to have any delay in time. As soon as the consciousness moved, the Dragon Temple descended from the sky.

This is also the main reason for Li Lingtian to let people in black here, and no one will find out.

Therefore, it is possible to use the deeds so unscrupulously.

When the man in black saw the treasures of the world, he was surprised, and then his eyes showed a greedy look,

He is already very powerful, and he is completely ignorant of ordinary chaotic treasures.

What can feel the effect on him is the ultimate chaos treasure.

The World Treasure has only appeared in imagination, never thought of such a powerful Chaos Treasure, even one day, it can appear in front of him.

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