War God Supreme

Chapter 2980: Go to Bai Yingxing

As soon as the three arrived at the entrance of Ling Tiange, Leng Fei was already waiting outside.

Seeing Liu Banxian get off the spaceship, he immediately greeted him.

"Master hasn't seen you for a long time, congratulations to the master who broke through the domain master."

Liu Banxian looked at Leng Fei, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: "You are also good here."

"This is still thanks to Master. I have realized my own value when I come here."

Li Lingtian remembered this. The reason why Leng Fei was able to go to Lingtian Palace to help him do things was mainly because Liu Banxian,

"Half fairy, you have done a good job. Leng Fei has helped me a lot."

Liu Banxian laughed and said: "This is natural, he will follow you and will definitely stand out."

Liu Banxian didn't say much. The three entered the Lingtian Pavilion together.

It was arranged on the fifth floor, very high grade.

"The elimination battle is about to begin, I don't know how you are preparing."

Li Lingtian looked at Liu Banxian and Chu Yu and asked.

"Just broke through the domain master strong, relatively speaking, still a little confident."

Facing Li Lingtian, Chu Yu was not humble, so he spoke out.

Liu Banxian shook his head and said, "I calculated it before going to the Holy City of the World. This time, there are huge risks. I can't be more specific."

"It's not a good thing to know everything. We have to go to Bai Yingxing anyway. Don't think too much. The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it."

Li Lingtian looked at Liu Banxian and said with a smile, this matter of fate, sometimes the prophet is not a good thing, but sometimes, it will make a mess. It's not a good thing.

Liu Banxian thought the same way, if he practiced this way, he had to face the difficulties when he was in danger.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you going alone this time? Or do you want to take people forward?"

Leng Fei said at this time: "There are three people who are going to go with their bosses. They are all those who pass the assessment of the Holy Alliance, and their strength is in the top nine of the star."

Li Lingtian knew a little about this. The people who passed the assessment of the Holy Alliance were not only these three people in Lingtian Palace.

It's just that the assessment of the Holy Alliance is also dangerous. People who are too weak have no value.

So I selected only these, the three most powerful of them, and Leng Fei also wore Chaos Arcana.

Adding one's strength is not weak.

Li Lingtian remembered Ling Tiangong just now, and there are still some things to be arranged, but now the other holy cities have changed so much, and the super powers have fallen a lot.

The Chu family is in the sky, and Ling Tiangong, the shining holy city, is the only one in the world. Because of the battle in the Cangyun holy city, Ling Tiangong appeared in the eyes of the world.

Therefore, in Tianlingxing, no one dared to commit evil in Lingtian Palace.

Li Lingtian briefly explained that these domain masters would all obey Leng Fei's arrangement.

But there was an accident that Yali killing must follow Li Lingtian to Bai Yingxing. She said she would go to meet the world.

Bai Yingxing is dangerous and has many powerful people. Li Lingtian naturally does not want Yali to have any risk of killing. After all, he promised his brother, Yazhan.

But in the end, Yali used a series of threats, meaning that, as long as he was not allowed to kill him, he would definitely make this Ling Tiangong chicken dog restless.

This Yali kill is not an ordinary person, and Li Lingtian is really not at ease, so he finally compromised.

Li Lingtian was also helpless. Of the three people selected, two were from the blood-slaying group, one was shallow air, one was Han Zhongyu, and the other was also Tianshenwei, Ziyuan.

The three men were joined by Chu Yu, Liu Banxian, and Yali. A total of seven people went to Bai Yingxing together.

Li Lingtian brought the golden giant tiger, and the remaining domain masters who had conquered remained in Lingtian Palace.

Li Lingtian believes that this star Luo Zong's warlord absolutely knows that this man in black is dead, and he will never go to Ling Tiangong against him.

It is more likely that he shot himself, otherwise it would be difficult to kill him.

Li Lingtian's account should also be explained. With Leng Fei in, he was very relieved.

A group of seven people finally took the spaceship to Bai Yingxing.

Bai Yingxing is a great place for a great thing. It is the smallest holy city of Bai Yingxing, comparable to the shining holy city, plus the green leaf holy city, and the blue cloud holy city, all of which are generally large together.

There are also a lot of powerhouses in Bai Yingxing. In Yaoshi Holy City, there are very few domain-level powerhouses. Many people have spent their entire lives and have never seen the true face of a domain-level powerhouse.

But Bai Yingxing is different. You can see it on the streets of Bai Yingxing, the domain master.

In the Celestial Star Territory, the third order is already the peak, the fourth order is already rare, and the fifth order is already there, and it does not exist at all.

However, in Bai Yingxing, there are so many domain master level strongmen. Domain masters of the third or fourth order, that is, ordinary strongmen, can only be regarded as true strongmen if they are above domain master sixth order.

Because of Bai Yingxing, there is such a terrifying existence of the ninth order of the domain master.

Li Lingtian is still in the third order after the retreat, but the law of origin has broken through to five.

Let Li Lingtian become more powerful, but in places like Bai Yingxing, you must always be careful.

People from all the surrounding planets traveled in all directions, Bai Yingxing.

The battle to be eliminated is in the Yulong Holy City of Bai Yingxing.

Originally, Baiyingxing did not exist in the Jade Dragon Holy City, but the elimination battle of the Jade Dragon Holy Alliance was in the Baiying Galaxy.

Every time the event starts, it will be chaotic in every city because of the large number of people

So ten thousand years ago, this jade dragon holy city was opened. This jade dragon holy city is usually unmanned.

Only when the event opens, will the Jade Dragon Holy City be opened, and the elimination battle will take place in the Jade Dragon Holy City.

The Jade Dragon Holy City is a place for killing battles. Every time the elimination battle ends, it is bloodshed.

half year later……

Seven of Li Lingtian finally entered Bai Yingxing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The target is directly the closest to the Jade Dragon Holy City, Storm Holy City.

The Jade Dragon Holy City can only be opened on the day when the elimination battle begins, so now we can only find a place to live.

The spaceship has just arrived at the gate of this stormy holy city.

Immediately stopped by someone, this is a fifth-tier native soldier in a suit of armor, carrying a hand.

When Li Lingtian looked at it, he already recognized that this is the second-order master of the domain master.

I really did not expect that this domain master second-order strongman should be a guard here, which would definitely not be seen if he was on Celestial Star.

Li Lingtian stopped the spaceship and said to Chu Yu several people: "Wait, I will go down and ask."

One person left the spaceship and walked to the side of the domain guard.

The domain-level **** saw Li Lingtian and immediately said, "Please show your identity token!"

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