War God Supreme

Chapter 2981: Storm City

This so-called identity token is to prove whether or not the person in this holy city would normally not let anyone present this identity token.

Li Lingtian could only helplessly say: "We participated in the elimination of Yulong Holy City, and there is no identity token for your precious Holy City."

"Please show the Holy League assessment number!"

Li Lingtian can only check out the number of the Holy Alliance's assessment, and the domain master's guard immediately checked it.

After being accurate, he said to Li Lingtian: "This is a special period, because there will be many people participating in the elimination of the Holy Alliance, so it is not allowed to contact other people and enter the white Yingxing at this time."

"Understanding, can we go in now?"

The domain **** still did not open the enchantment of the Holy City, and continued to Li Lingtian: "During this period, you are not allowed to bring the spaceship into the Holy City."

As soon as the voice fell, another instrument was taken out. This is an instrument that fetched the stars.

"The cost of entering the city, one person one million stars, seven people seven million, we provide a dedicated spaceship."

Li Lingtian wanted to profiteers, this one million stars is not too much, but there are so many people, it is no wonder that Bai Yingxing will open up a holy city for his elimination battle alone, which turned out to be because of profit. what.

One million stars per person, ten thousand people are ten billion stars, one hundred thousand people are 100 billion stars, one million people are trillion stars.

Ten million people, that is ten trillion stars, and every time you participate in the assessment of the Holy Alliance, there are tens of millions of people, and there will be some friends and relatives who will accompany you, and some will meet the world. of

Therefore, every time there are hundreds of millions of people entering Bai Yingxing, that is to say, but the cost of entering the Holy City is one hundred billion stars.

This is not much, and there are other consumptions, which is a huge economic chain.

Li Lingtian didn't say anything. Since this rule was in place, he could only recruit and write 7 million stars in his universe bank account.

Li Lingtian called down all seven people of Chu Yu, Liu Banxian, and took the spaceship.

The main guard of this domain waved his big hand, and the enchantment of this storm holy city disappeared.

Several people in Li Lingtian entered the Holy City, and a spaceship appeared immediately, and quickly rushed in to invite them.

The man in the spaceship asked, "Where are you going?"

It was still early for Li Lingtian and others to come, and there are still many places to live in the Storm Holy City.

Inquired the place of accommodation of this storm holy city with intelligence, and soon got a place.

Li Lingtian is not short of stars now, so he chose one of the most luxurious restaurants, called Piaoxianglou, which is mainly used for food and accommodation.

Li Lingtian said to the driver: "Piaoxianglou."

The driver smiled and said: "This Piaoxianglou is really good, but the consumption is really not low!"

There are a lot of stars in Li Lingtian's hands, so he asked, "Why is it not a low law?"

The driver said with a mysterious smile on his face: "This dish in Piaoxianglou has hundreds of thousands of yuan, and it also has the price of millions of stars. If you live here, you need some stars in half a year."

When hearing a dish with hundreds of thousands of stars and millions of stars, Li Lingtian thought of his own Ling Tian Pavilion for the first time, and the prices were almost the same.

Li Lingtian asked tentatively: "Is this one joining?"

The man looked at Li Lingtian and smiled: "It seems that you understand, this is indeed the case, although this is expensive, but it does not say that the taste is still very hot."

Li Lingtian knows well, knowing that it is estimated to be more than joining Lei.

Just taste it, the same is all joined, the gap between Piaoxianglou and Lingtian Pavilion.

"Okay, it's Piaoxianglou."

The location of Piaoxianglou in the center of the Holy City of Storms, this geographical location can be said to come from all directions, very good.

The spaceship stopped in front of the Piaoxiang Tower. Li Lingtian got out of the spaceship and entered the Piaoxiang Tower. He was immediately bowed and welcomed.

When he was at the door, Li Lingtian had already felt that there were indeed a lot of people coming and going.

When I entered Piaoxiang Building, there were hundreds of tables in the lobby on the first floor and few private rooms on the second floor.

Li Lingtian walked to the counter and said to the cashier, "Is there a private room on the second floor?"

The cashier checked and said, "There are also private rooms, but the offset of the private room is 10 million stars!"

Li Lingtian smiled helplessly, this is really someone outside, there are days outside, and a family is more black than a family.

Li Lingtian feels that his Ling Tian Pavilion is already quite expensive, but there are not so many requirements. This is the Fragrance Pavilion.

Liu Banxian said beside Li Lingtian: "You also have today,"

Yali kills Ling Tiangong. Although he doesn't care too much, he also knows how profitable Li Lingtian's Ling Tian Ge is.

Then he smiled and said, "I should have given you some blood."

"A private room!" Li Lingtian had already seen the request of the Piaoxianglou.

The private room must first pay 10 million star crystals.

Li Lingtian pressed ten million stars, and this was brought into the private room by the waiter.

Li Lingtian looked at a few people and said: "Want to order what you want, I will treat you."

In the shallow sky of the Purple Plain, Han Zhongyu is a person from Lingtian Palace. Naturally, he dare not say much, even Li Lingtian gave it, and he dare not.

Yali killing is not polite, she ordered five dishes by herself, Liu Banxian smiled and took the recipe from Yali killing,

While saying, "Sorry, let me bleed Ling Tian!"

Something happened between the two. Naturally, you don't have to be polite, and you know his temper, so she ordered a few dishes.

The last seven people ordered 14 dishes and ordered some wine.

After serving the food, looking at the color and fragrance, it is indeed complete, but Li Lingtian took a sip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ tastes really good.

However, the taste is still a bit worse than that of Ling Tiange's chef who is a chef. This is because the ingredients make the gap smaller.

If this is ordinary food, the absolute gap is even greater.

However, the ingredients themselves are very good and the taste is very good.

After eating, more than 10 million star crystals are 15.49 million star crystals. After Li Lingtian makes up, he is going to the accommodation registration office on the side.

Suddenly I saw an acquaintance who entered Piaoxianglou. Both Chu Yu and Liu Banxian knew, it was Wan Tianyu.

This is to leave the heavenly world and have never seen it before,

Wan Tianyu also saw several people in Li Lingtian and immediately walked over, with a smile on his face.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu, Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu, the four of them said together, "Long time no see!"

(End of this chapter)

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