War God Supreme

Chapter 2982: long time no see

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Li Lingtian glanced at Wan Tianyu, and also broke through to the domain master powerhouse for nearly ten years.

Becoming a domain master is also a talent.

Wan Tianyu also naturally sees that Chu Yu, Li Lingtian and Liu Banxian have all broken through the domain masters.

It's just that some do not understand Li Lingtian's strength, and then think about it, this Li Lingtian is a perverted, demon-like existence.

There is no way to compare them. Wan Tianyu looked at the three people in front of him and said, "Half fairy, why are you with them too?"

Liu Banxian casually said: "I turned to Ling Tian, ​​and now I am his man."

Wan Tianyu didn't know what this was going through. At this time, Wan Tianyu's companion came over.

Wan Tianyu immediately introduced to Li Lingtian: "This is my brother, Song Haiming."

Then he said to Song Haiming: "I know these three in the heavenly world."

He pointed to Song Haiming one by one, but Li Lingtian could see that there was a trace of pride in Song Haiming's eyes,

Although Wan Tianyu nodded his head when introducing several people, the slightest disdain revealed in his eyes was captured.

Li Lingtian can feel that this Song Haiming is the top 9 star of the stellar, so I don’t know what strength, how proud of self-confidence.

Liu Banxian looked at Song Haiming and smiled: "Everyone is a big household, it is normal to look down on us."

Wan Tianyu is naturally quite clear, and Song Haiming said quickly: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​but the talent of evil spirits, the strength is unfathomable, so is Brother Chu, and the power of the destiny of Banxian is also fascinating."

Song Haiming didn't even listen in, looked at Wan Tianyu and said, "Come on, let's eat."

Li Lingtian frowned, but didn't say much, after all, this was Wan Tianyu's friend.

Wan Tianyu also felt embarrassed and showed a trace of apology. He said to Li Lingtian, "Sorry, we will go first."

Li Lingtian said: "You are busy first, and then get together again when you have time."

Wan Tianyu and Song Haiming went to the counter, and Li Lingtian took the person to the accommodation registration office and opened seven rooms. The price was more expensive than normal, but it was completely acceptable.

After half a year in the spacecraft, I was full of food, so I rested separately.

After Li Lingtian entered the room, he did not rest, but waited for Wan Tianyu.

Because at the time of separation, Wan Tianyu passed on his knowledge to Li Lingtian, saying that he would come over to find him,

Li Lingtian also left a mark at the door. Two hours later, Wan Tianyu knocked on the door. Li Lingtian opened the door, only Wan Tianyu was there, and Song Haiming was not.

Li Lingtian invited Wan Tianyu and asked directly: "Tell me, where is this Song Haiming sacred?"

Wan Tianyu was shocked and looked at Li Lingtian and said, "How do you know that I want to tell him about you?"

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "When you first met, you told me with your consciousness that it was obviously not hiding them from Chuxian Chuyu. Obviously, I didn't want Song Haiming to know that what he said was naturally related to him."

Wan Tianyu withdrew his astonishment and chuckled lightly: "It's really powerful, I just want to tell you about him."

Li Lingtian did not answer, waiting for Wan Tianyu to say.

Wan Tianyu organized the language and said, "Song Haiming is the holy city of the storm. The Song family, his father and my father are brothers. He has looked down on people since he was a child."

When Li Lingtian heard the Song family, he was shocked, because Li Lingtian had investigated before, and the major forces of this storm holy city.

One of the super powers is the Song family. The strongest of the Song family legends is the seventh order of the domain master, whose strength is unpredictable.

Li Lingtian thought, no wonder that Song Haiming was so proud that it had something to do with his family background.

Then think about it, Wan Tianyu is absolutely extraordinary, the memory in the brain flashes quickly.

The final stop was a superpower in the Holy City of Storms, with no door, the door owner Wan Feilong.

Wan Ling, Li Lingtian's first reaction is that Wan Tianyu is the son of Wan Feilong.

Li Lingtian looked at Wan Tianyu and asked directly: "The forces you are in should be unprecedented."

Wan Tianyu was taken aback, looking at Li Lingtian, and asked in disbelief: "What happened? Did you learn anything from Liu Banxian?"

Li Lingtian shook his head and said, "It's very simple. I have understood the strength of the Holy City of Storms. It just happens to be the doorkeeper and the surname is Wan, so I sniffed casually."

Wan Tianyu did not expect that Li Lingtian was just a guess.

Helplessly said: "Yes, I am a door-to-door person, Song Haiming is also a super force of the Song family, with a strong background."

At this time, something more puzzled appeared in Li Lingtian's mind.

"You are from the Holy City of Storms, why did you come to the Holy Star to participate in the assessment of the Holy Alliance?"

Wan Tianyu said casually: "I met when I encountered it, mainly because we participated in it, there were too many acquaintances, and the level in my eyes was reduced."

Li Lingtian knows what is going on. Wan Tianyu is the young master of the superpowers and has a strong background.

Participating in the ordinary assessment is the strength under the domain master, there is no one at all, dare to shoot him.

This safe and sound pass has no meaning to him, so I chose to participate in the assessment at Tianlingxing.

This is also admirable to Wan Tianyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This assessment is also dangerous, you can use it without a background, you have to go to a strange place, it is not easy, no wonder when the heavenly world.

This Wan Tianyu showed more than others knew, which is not difficult to explain.

Wan Tianyu looked at Li Lingtian and continued: "My father and Song Haiming's father used to be brothers, but after controlling their own power, they became intolerable, but on the surface, they still need to be in place to prevent others from reading jokes, so this Song Haiming followed me and participated in the elimination battle together."

Li Lingtian knew what was going on. No wonder Wan Tianyu would be with him.

"It turns out that I said that Song Haiming's strength is not good, but in the eyes, I really want to look down on anyone."

Wan Tianyu said with a sneer: "That guy is like this, because of his family power, his eyes are above his head, and some treasures in his hands think he is invincible!"

"Such a person who has left the family will die soon."

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