War God Supreme

Chapter 2994: Wind Blade Plume

This is already a moment of crisis for Li Lingtian, but he remains as calm as possible.

Thousand-Yan Sheng Wing wrapped the whole body and defended.

The demon-killing style is already terrifying, and the speed is extremely fast.

Li Lingtian knew that he could not avoid it, but could only defend with all his strength.

The God of Destruction book also appeared at the same time, and began to increase the role of Qianyan Saint Wing.

Heavenly Demon destroys heavenly horror like this, as if heaven and earth are going to be destroyed, everything is going to sink.


With a loud noise, the demon-killing style finally attacked Li Lingtian.

The huge bombing force instantly blasted Li Lingtian and blood spewed.

Fortunately, the Qianyan Holy Wings were extremely defensive, removing most of their strength.

Otherwise, Li Lingtian is absolutely dead or disabled. He also knows that he can no longer be attacked, otherwise he will have no chance to fight back.

And an hour is just halfway through.

He must not die, so when he was bombarded into the air, he quickly took advantage of Qianyan Shengyi to stabilize his figure.

The furious battle rose again, with a smile of evil spirits in the corners of his mouth.

Murderous intentions emerged, stating that Li Lingtian had stopped, and said dismissively: "You are still too weak, which makes me very disappointed."

The law of Li Lingtian’s origins broke out, and the treasure protects him. Although he has been seriously injured, his fighting will does not diminish.

Looking at the mad war, coldly said: "This battle, I feel that it is just the beginning."

The field of Halloween fire was opened, and the golden monster was summoned by Li Lingtian.

When he saw the golden behemoth wildly, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help being surprised: "This turned out to be an ancient beast."

Li Lingtian said to the golden behemoth: "It's time for a long rest, it's time to do something right."

The golden behemoth felt the strength of the mad war and felt the situation was not good, but there was no way but to listen to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's field of Halloween fire is extremely penetrating, and it is still powerful, covering the mad war.

Attack the mad war with the golden monster.

The battle is still not afraid, because he is a bit surprised by the golden giant tiger, but he can't feel any coercion.

In fact, Li Lingtian didn't think that this golden behemoth could help him overcome the mad war, but only delaying time.

At the same time, regardless of consumption, Li Lingtian once again used the Tianjianmang to fight against the mad war.

In Piaoxianglou, the mad team has arrived, and the goal is Chu Yu and others.

All the squad members of the mad squad were converted into ordinary people, and they entered the Piaoxiang Tower from different directions.

Unify together at one point, has already inquired where Chu Yu and others are located.

Ten members of the frantic squad gathered together and finally prepared to break in.

And not far away, the Wanjia people have already stared at the mad squad

Just as several people were about to break in, the manager of Piaoxiang Building also appeared.

This is a strong fifth-level domain master, with the staff of Piaoxianglou appeared.

The manager of Piaoxianglou, named Li Wei, looked at the squads and immediately stopped them.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Although the squad members did not know Li Wei, they knew the staff of Piaoxianglou.

A temporary leader of the Mad Battle Squad, looked at Li Wei and said: "We are the members of the Xing Luozong Mad Battle Squad, come here to deal with something, I don't know if you can give us a face for the King of War?"

Li Wei got the request of the doorkeeper, so he came to help.

Of course, this is also Wan Kun. He promised Li Wei something in exchange for,

Li Wei looked at the battling team and asked, "Why, just a few of you, can represent the face of the warlord? Even if your master battles daringly, it doesn't dare to represent the face of the warlord. What are you, dare you? Is something wrong in our Piaoxianglou?"

The people of the mad squad are the people of Xing Luozong. Generally, this kind of thing is not controlled by the people of Piaoxianglou.

After all, it is clear which is more important, but I did not expect to come forward to stop them.

For a while, the people of the mad team didn't know what to say.

In the end, there was a person who looked at Li Wei and said, "We are just shooting a few people on other planets. I have these few people. Do you have to stop us? Is it worth it?"

Li Wei sneered: "What kind of thing are you? Also qualified to bargain with me? Leave me all if you don't roll."

When the mad team saw Li Wei angry, he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, the background of the Piaoxianglou is not small, even if they can't afford to provoke mad fighting, let alone say they.

The man headed by the mad squad took a look at Li Wei and then exited Piaoxianglou.

The dynasty came out as soon as the men of the frantic squad left.

Looking at Li Wei, he smiled and said, "Boss Li, thank you very much this time."

Li Wei shook his head and looked at the dynasty and said, "I also listen to people's orders and do things for others."

This matter came to an end, and Li Lingtian fought the battle.

Still in dire straits, the golden behemoth has been bombarded with serious injuries and was taken back by Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was also seriously injured and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Li Lingtian fell to his knees and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Most of the time has been spent, and the warfare knows that his time is running out.

So he could only quickly shoot Li Lingtian and watch Li Lingtian's mouth show murderous intent.

The speed of the mad war erupted and bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian, who was badly injured, was also very expensive. There is no way, the world treasure can not be used.

Li Lingtian can only take out another part of Qianyan Shengyi, and there is no way to fuse it.

All the blood on the body entered into the Qianyan Holy Wing.

All the blood entered it, and among the thousand Yan Sheng wings, there was no anger.

But there was an accident at this time, and there was a feeling of recovery.

The battle also saw this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ feels a bit wrong, for the night long dreams.

The power of terror erupted again, a force so powerful that it exploded, slammed into Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian couldn't avoid it, and once again bombarded him.

The blood spattered again, all on the Thousand-Yan Saint Wing.

Qianyan Shengyi's masterpiece shines out again.

The brilliance of Qianyan Shengyi echoes the Qianyan Shengwing behind Li Lingtian.

Qianyan Shengyi finally blended together, bursting out a powerful light.

Li Lingtian finally saw the hope that this Qianyan Shengyi had three parts merged together.

The wind blade erupted and gathered on Li Lingtian.

Formed a wind blade feather coat to defend.

Li Lingtian felt the gentle power, and his body seemed to be lighter.

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