War God Supreme

Chapter 2995:


The strong wind gathered around Li Lingtian, forming a feather coat composed entirely of wind blades, defending against the explosive power of terror!

Feeling this gentle power, Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. He just felt that his body seemed to be lighter and his body injuries improved greatly.


Although it is said that this Qianyan Saint Wing only merged three parts, but the derived Wind Blade Feather has a very strong defensive ability, enough to help him survive this last half of the hour!


The violent force continuously bombarded Li Lingtian, however, the wind blade feather clothing swept through, Ling Yun's strong wind cut all the violent violence, and could not hurt Li Lingtian at all.

"Damn it! How could this be!"

Seeing this scene, the frantic battle was stunned for a while, and then the fierce light suddenly burst into his eyes.

"Damn it, die to me!"

Drinking violently, he shot with all his strength, and the blood-red blade of mansions gathered from his hands like a long whip, lashing at Li Lingtian!

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian also wanted to try the defensive strength of Wind Blade Yuyi. In the face of such an offensive, Li Lingtian did not retreat, but greeted him instead.

"court death!"

Can't help but sneer out loud, he already labeled Li Lingtian with a mortal label in his heart, took a deep breath, and his body's strength exploded!


However, when the hot knife mangfu split into the wind blade feather garment, he was cut by the strong wind, and then the power contained in those knife mangs was dispersed.

In this way, the power that has been dispersed will naturally not hurt Li Lingtian.

However, Li Lingtian didn't feel much joy, he suddenly realized that the wind blade feather coat's bearing is also limited, just before the blow, watching him is nothing, but he can clearly feel that the wind blade feather coat around The vibration amplitude of the wind blade has been slowed down.

In this way, Li Lingtian's face was dignified, and he dared not fight hard again with the mad war.

"Damn! Your strength... how could it be immune to my attack?"

However, the mad battle did not understand. When he saw his attacks were successively cracked by the wind blade feather clothing around Li Lingtian, he was horrified.

Is it possible that Li Lingtian's chaos is so strong?

His eyes turned, and he couldn't help but hesitated, but when he thought of the great gap between him and Li Lingtian, he couldn't subdue Li Lingtian within an hour, his heart was angry!

If this matter is passed on, how can he be confused in the future?

"No, I must get rid of Li Lingtian. If I can get the treasures in his hands, my strength will be improved by at least 20%!"

Fists clenched tightly, and the furious battle immediately made up his mind. With a sip, he hit Li Lingtian at a more violent speed.

This time, the mad battle did not use the rest of his abilities. Although he did not understand why Li Lingtian could exert such a powerful force through Chaos Arcana, he knew that this state of Li Lingtian must not last too long, as long as he could consume Li Lingtian to the end. In this state, you can forcefully kill Li Lingtian!

Of course, the realm of mad war is higher than that of Li Lingtian after all. Even if he didn't do his best, Li Lingtian didn't dare to confront hard with mad war, but just kept dodge and tried to avoid confrontation with mad war.

Originally, Li Lingtian's speed was indeed not as good as that of mad war, and he could not dodge, but now that Li Lingtian has merged a piece of Qianyan Saint Wing again, the speed has been enhanced again, which has already surpassed the mad war.

With the advantage of speed, Li Lingtian has thrown off the mad war, and every time, he can avoid the mad war in time. As for the aftermath of the attack, for Li Lingtian, it's nothing to say.

In this way, the mad battle was immediately irritated, and the voice of anger resounded all over the world.

"Asshole, Li Lingtian, are you a coward?"

"Li Lingtian, you coward, do you know dodge? If it's a man, just fight me!"

However, when he heard the roar of the mad war, Li Lingtian slightly raised his mouth. The more violent the mad war, the stronger his strength would not be able to be fully exerted. In this way, the mad war could not even touch Li Lingtian’s clothing corner. Arrived, making the mad war thunderous.


Suddenly, the eyes of the mad war were full of anger, no longer thinking about consuming Li Lingtian, intending to use the most powerful moves directly to force Li Lingtian to defend!

Amidst the roar, his hands were waving wildly, and the purple-black light suddenly gathered in his hands.

The depressive breath also slowly fell, like the black cloud beating the city, causing Li Lingtian's heart to sink suddenly.

"Heavenly Demon!"

As the roar of the mad war fell, the eyes of the mad war were full of terrible killing intentions, and the purple and black light instantly turned into a grisly beast, opened a huge mouth, and slammed into Li Lingtian.

Surging to the ultimate momentum, it is like a giant mountain pressing on Li Lingtian's heart. He can feel that this trick of heavenly devil is even more powerful than the heavenly demon!

This made Li Lingtian secretly frightened, and the mad war was worthy of the powerful cadre under the king of the war. This kind of strength is simply too powerful!

However, no matter how powerful the fierce battle is, Li Lingtian will not be able to catch his hand.

Suddenly he looked up, Li Lingtian's eyes were full of fierce fighting intentions, the body's Ten Thousand Sacred Flame was completely ignited, and directly poured into the Thousand Yan Holy Wings.


All of a sudden, flames suddenly appeared in the wind-blade plumage, and the hurricane and the flame swayed together, which looked extremely strange.

"Oh, uh!"

As the strong wind continued to rotate, the flames also quickly turned up, but in an instant, it turned into a wall of fire and wrapped Li Lingtian in it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, Li Lingtian was even more urged Moved the God of Destruction book, once again consolidating the defense of the wind blade feather clothing.

"I don't believe it, so you can still break through!"

After violently clenching his teeth, after Li Lingtian finished all his defense preparations, it was suddenly flashed in his eyes. If he was just defending, it was easy to make trouble, so if he could take the initiative to attack?

"The narrow road meets the brave and wins, fight!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, he killed the sword and exploded at the same time. The sharp sword gas broke through the sky and slammed into the strange beast that was completely condensed by the dark purple light!

"I dare to take the initiative to take the initiative, I think you are looking for death!"

With a snorkling frenzy, it was the pressure of both hands, and the heavenly demon's magical style fell down with a destructive trend, colliding with the sharp sword gas!


Like the needle tip to the wheatgrass, a strong explosion suddenly occurred!

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