War God Supreme

Chapter 2999: Rolling

"Poop! Poop!"

With the sharp blood demon knife slashing on the body of Jiu Cai Shen Python, the blood of Jiu Cai color splashed down!


Nine-color God Python took pain and roared, and at the same time, its body also quickly loosened and shrank back suddenly.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help frowning. It seems that even the Nine-color God Python does not have the strength to win the war steadily.

So what should he do next? Do you continue to look forward to the Nine-color God Python, or use the world treasure?

Just when Li Lingtian was hesitant, Jiu Cai Shen Python suddenly turned around, and then his body became bigger. On the body, the blood of Jiu Cai color solidified, and it turned into a layer of armor!


In the eyes of Nine Colors God Python, a look of rage also emerged.

"Damn, I don't believe it. A big snake is still able to turn the sky!"

Although the body was extremely painful in the wild battle, he did not dare to relax at this time, but he could only bear the violent pain and waved the blood demon knife in his hand again!


The sharp blade fell, but this time, when the blade fell on the armor of the Nine Color God Python, it suddenly made a sound of gold and iron thunder, sparks splashing!

Daomang didn't cause any damage to Jiu Cai Shen Python at all, except that there was a spark, and then it was thrown away by Jiu Cai Shen Python.

"His... how could this be the case!"

At this time, the mad war was finally frightened. Although the nine-color **** python did not have a real state, but the strength displayed at this time was far beyond him!

This is enough to make him tremble!


However, at this time, the Nine-color God Python had already been irritated by the mad war, and he quickly entangled into the mad war in the roar!

Although the armor on its body is heavy, it does not slow down its speed, but it is even faster!

Even if it was a frantic battle, there was no reaction, and it was directly entangled by the nine-color **** python.


The Nine-color God Python squeezed violently, squeezing the body of the mad war wildly, and in a short time, the mad war was howling.

Outside the ring, the group of people saw that the battle was entangled in the air by the Nine-color God Python, and they couldn't help but feel cold and sink.

Although they can't hear the sound of the mad war, they can also see that the state of the mad war is not very good at this time.

This shocked them and made it impossible. Li Lingtian could still defeat the violent battle of the sixth tier of the lord with the realm of the fourth tier of the lord?

If this is the case, what kind of devil is Li Lingtian?

Just when they were shocked, in the ring, Jiu Cai Shen Python had loosened the body bound to the war, and then slammed suddenly, the tail was like a steel whip, and suddenly flew the war away. .

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and when he thought about it, he summoned the golden monster.

At this point, after resting, the golden behemoth has recovered some strength, and with the nine-color **** python, it should still be more than enough to deal with the mad war.

However, as soon as the golden beast came out, he wanted to absent from work and quickly ran to Li Lingtian, which caused Li Lingtian's mouth to twitch suddenly and violently.

Then, when the golden behemoth found out that he was injured in the battle, he was immediately excited and rushed to the battle.

It is naturally afraid of the wild battle in the complete state, but does it need to be afraid of the wounded battle?

In an instant, the golden behemoth rushed to the place where the mad battle figure was about to fall, and a sudden jump was to fly the mad battle body to the top again!


Nine-color God Python will naturally not let go of these great opportunities, the figure rushes forward, and another steel whip is thrown up.

For a while, the mad battle is like a humanoid ball, which is constantly drawn over and hit.

Fighting only feels that his bones are about to be shattered. Under the attack of severe pain, his face is full of greasy expression, but at this time, he has nothing to do!


Dozens of breaths have been beaten all the time, and he roared violently, twisting suddenly, and turned aside.

Between the rotation of the figure, the mad war broke out all the powers in the body and the original law, all infused into the blood demon knife!


With a soft sound, the previous blood-colored figure appeared again, but this time the blood-colored figure was much more solid than before!

Strong momentum, constantly erupting from its body!


At this time, whether it is a nine-color magic python or a golden beast, the look in the eyes has become dignified.

Li Lingtian also frowned, and he could see that the blood-colored silhouette was stronger than the mad war. If it were not so, it would not be possible to live the Jiu Cai Shen Python!

After all, although the Nine Colors God Python has no realm, and it can crush the mad war, it is enough to prove that it possesses the strength of the seventh order of the domain master. War is worthy of being the most effective officer of the King of War, in addition to his own realm up to the sixth level of the domain master, he also has such a means.

"Cough...you all die for me!"

"Go, kill these two beasts for me!"

Due to the constant pain in the body, the body was writhing violently, looking at Jiu Cai Shen Python's eyes full of resentment.

The battle is still unwilling to heal, he will see the nine-color **** python being slaughtered by the **** figure, and cut off its skin, its flesh and blood, its life!


It seemed that he heard the words of the mad war, and the figure of the blood-colored figure flickered, and then came to the front of the Nine-color God Python, and then raised his hand, and a blood demon knife completely recognized by the blood-red light appeared in its hand.

"Be careful, dodge quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel surprised~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The **** silhouettes of Fang Cai have been so powerful, and now the **** silhouettes summoned by fighting desperately will be even more powerful!

However, even with Li Lingtian's reminder, Jiu Cai Shen Python still can't dodge, but just had time to avoid the head and the position of seven inches, the blood demon knife in the hands of the **** shadow is already cut in the Jiu Cai Shen Python On the skin covered with armor!


The sparks were splattering, and at the next moment, that layer of armor was cracked open, making a clear sound of "click! Click!"



The huge body of Jiu Cai Shen Python was also nearly a few feet away from the shock of Juli!

This shows how strong the scarlet figure is!

"His... Damn, this **** figure, how to deal with it!"

Li Lingtian frowned, and could not help worrying.

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