War God Supreme

Chapter 3000: Defeat!

Li Lingtian is entangled. If he can't defeat this scarlet figure, he can't defeat the mad war!

As a result, he could not bring the shallow sky back!

"Right! No matter how arrogant the Scarlet Shadow is, it is still the soul, not the entity! I can use Thunder to deal with it!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian thought of this, his eyes lit up, and his heart was very excited.

That's right, no matter how arrogant and how powerful the scarlet figure is, it's the soul body after all. Even the soul body is not even a thing. It's just a phantom composed of resentment and evil spirit. It's not an entity at all!

And to deal with such evil and evil things, Thunder is the best choice!

At this point, Li Lingtian jumped up and waved his hands, and dozens of dark clouds suddenly appeared above him.



With the appearance of those dark clouds, thunder and thunder, and clear sounds constantly ringing, the electric mansions also descended one after another!

All of a sudden, the figure of the blood-colored figure could not help but a meal, and then its speed was reduced a lot.

"Hahaha, that's true!"

Li Lingtian had been observing the scarlet figure, and when he saw this scene, he burst out laughing. Sure enough, as he guessed, the scarlet figure was greatly weakened as soon as Lei Tingfu appeared!

"Nine Color God Python, give me!"

Li Lingtian shouted loudly, and then his right hand waved violently, and there were several thunders falling.

"Goddess Purple Thunder!"



Several purple thunderbolts, with an unstoppable momentum, instantly split on the body of the blood-colored figure, destroying the general, and directly flying the blood-colored figure out.

Seeing this scene, Jiu Cai Shen Python also sensed that the scarlet figure was weakened, and quickly jumped, the light in the eyes was cold, and the mouth of the blood basin was opened, which directly swallowed the scarlet figure!

Take advantage of your illness and kill you!

After swallowing the scarlet figure, the expression of pain appeared in the eyes of Jiu Cai Shen Python, and his body was constantly twisted. However, after struggling for a moment, the powerful digestive ability of Jiu Cai Shen Python gave the scarlet silhouette completely. Devoured!


The figure stretched out violently, and the huge body of Jiu Cai Shen Python was enough to cover the sky and hiss, and he looked up and hissed, looking terrible.

"No! How could this happen!"

Seeing this scene wildly, he couldn't accept it in his heart, couldn't help but spit out a big sip of blood, his body was trembling constantly, and his face was covered with a terrible look.

"No, impossible! How could I lose to you! This must be fake, this is an illusion!"

The footsteps of the mad war staggered and kept retreating.

"Hush, fight wildly, die!"

At this time, Li Lingtian no longer kept his hands, and burst into a scream, but suddenly jumped up, his hands raised, and two flames poured out of his hands instantly, like a long whip, violently whipped into a frantic battle.

This time, Li Lingtian even directly used Wanxuan Shenghuo. If he directly fought on the mad war, even if he was in the peak period, it would be difficult to bear.


The fire whip infused with the sacred fire of Wan Xuan directly blows the body of the mad war, and the whole person is comatose, and his body is full of hot flames.


The Nine-color God Python rotates in shape and its tail resembles a steel whip, whipping past.

The golden behemoth is also shot, constantly attacking the body of the war, seems to be revenge just now!

"Not good! Quickly remove the ring's enchantment! Hurry up and save the adults!"

In the ring, several men who fought madly saw this scene, and they immediately panicked and quickly removed the enchantment.

Shallow sky is full of joy. Originally, he wanted to give up himself and let Li Lingtian run away, but he never thought that Li Lingtian would be so dangerous for him!

He just saw clearly. On several occasions, Li Lingtian was almost seriously injured, and even died, but even so, Li Lingtian still did not give up to save him, which makes Qiankong grateful!

"Palace, my life is yours! From today, no matter what you ask me to do, I will obey you unconditionally!"

At this time, Qing Kong was very grateful to Li Lingtian.

Even if Li Lingtian asked him to commit suicide, I am afraid he would go without hesitation!


As the enchantment disappeared, Li Lingtian immediately felt it.

As soon as he saw several masters of the fifth-order master rush into the ring, Li Lingtian couldn't help but change his face, so even he couldn't deal with it.


With a whisper, Li Lingtian directly took back the golden behemoth, and the Nine-Colored God Python also turned into a small bug, which fell directly on his body and hid in his skin.

This surprised Li Lingtian. The origin of this little bug could have such a magical change.

It is strange enough to be able to hide into his body. After drinking his blood, it can be transformed into a nine-color **** python. This really surprised Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian has a hunch that if he can figure this out, his strength can still advance by leaps and bounds!

Shaking his head, Li Lingtian only reacted. At this time, the crisis was so heavy that he did not dare to hesitate. His body flashed, and he flew past those people and quickly dropped off the ring.

At this time, the few people were busy to rescue the mad war, but they did not care to intercept Li Lingtian.

Of course, this is also because they all have their own selfish intentions. In their view, Li Lingtian can fight this with the wild battle, which shows that his strength will not be worse than that of the wild battle, but none of them are opponents of the wild battle. , Suddenly thinking, they will not even be Li Lingtian's opponent.

It is precisely because of their greed and fear of death that Li Lingtian escaped so easily!

Qianyan Shengyi urged with all his strength, Li Lingtian appeared like a lightning, and quickly appeared beside the shallow sky.

"Palace, shallow life, you gave it!"

Lifting his head, he looked into Li Lingtian's eyes in a shallow sky, full of gratitude.

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No more nonsense, it's the right way to leave here quickly!"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, grabbed the shallow sky, and accelerated his figure again, like a flash of electricity, and brought out several phantoms, which was to rush towards the road when he came!

On the ring, those people came to the side of the mad war, only to realize that the mad war revealed the fluorescence at this time, although the breath was weak, but still alive.

"Hoo, just die!"

Aware of this, several people sighed involuntarily.

The mad war is the king of the king of war, if anything happens to him, the king of war will never make them feel better!

"His...that Li Lingtian is so strong! But it is only the fourth order of the domain master, but he can beat the mad warlord like this! What a devil!"

"Fortunately, we didn't do it with him just now, otherwise,..."

Speaking of which, several people were afraid.

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