War God Supreme

Chapter 3004: Perfect integration

After leaving Piaoxianglou, Li Lingtian quickly rushed out of the city.

After leaving the crowded place, Li Lingtian directly used a dedicated spaceship to quickly rush to the gate of the storm holy city.

And Li Lingtian's move was also observed by many people.

Suddenly, people of all forces, whether they want to kill Li Lingtian or those who want to protect him, are all nervous.

They didn't understand that Li Lingtian was not staying in Piaoxiang Lou properly, what else did he run out of?

After all, the knockout of the Yulong Holy City is about to start. Isn't Li Lingtian afraid of losing time?

However, even if this is the case, they have to send people to protect Li Lingtian.

As for those who want to take action against Li Lingtian, they are even more excited. In this way, without the prevention of Piaoxianglou, they can shoot unscrupulously.

However, this is just what they think about. Why could Li Lingtian not guard against their minds, as long as they went out of the Storm City, Li Lingtian could be hidden, so that this group of people would not know his trail.

Of course, if those people were too lucky, the blind cat bumped into the dead mouse and found the place where he was closed.

After coming to the gate of the city, Li Lingtian changed his appearance, but walked out.

However, just walking to the gate of the city, the two domain-level guards guarding the gate were stopped in front of Li Lingtian.

"The cost of going out of town, half a million stars!"

Hearing the words of the guard, Li Lingtian's mouth suddenly twitched violently.

Nima, these people really make money!

Even if you need to charge for entering the city, you still have to charge for leaving the city?

Although it is said that the collection is relatively small, it is only half a million stars, but it will not be too little in accumulation!

However, Li Lingtian had to follow the rules now, after all, he had to follow the rules, not to mention that he didn't want to make trouble, he touched his nose, even if he was upset, he could only pay.

After handing over half a million stars, the two guards let Li Lingtian go out smiling.

After leaving the storm holy city, Li Lingtian first found a place where no one was, changed his face again, and walked away, only to summon his spaceship.


At the next moment, Li Lingtian urged the spaceship to search for the abandoned and dilapidated planet in space.

This time, Li Lingtian is not just a closed-door practice, but a move to experiment with the power of the law of fusion. Therefore, he must find a rather perfect planet with energy conservation. Only in this way can that planet withstand his resistance. Attack, what if you find an abandoned planet and blow it up directly?

The explosion of the planet, even if Li Lingtian owns the world's treasure, will be injured!

After searching for more than ten days, Li Lingtian found a fairly suitable planet.

This planet is very remote, and there are no other planets around, and the energy stored in it is quite complete, but it is just chaotic.

But in this way, it proves that this planet is not suitable for survival, and the people on the planet have already been transferred to other planets.

"This is the planet!"

After confirming, Li Lingtian was in control of the spaceship and landed directly on that planet.

After going deeper, Li Lingtian took away the spaceship and wandered through the planet, suddenly feeling that the surrounding air was turbulent, the energy fluctuated violently, and a small explosion occurred from time to time.

However, as it went deeper and deeper, the surrounding energy became quiet.

At the deepest point, it is almost like a normal planet.

This is why Li Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, if the planet was full of irritable energy, he could not continue to practice here.

If he directly exploded these energies during his cultivation, wouldn't it be done?

After carefully visiting the planet and making sure that there are no more people, Li Lingtian found a relatively stable place and began to restore his spiritual power.

In any case, it took a lot of spiritual energy to urge the spaceship for such a long time, and the next thing he has to do must be done in the most perfect state!

But it was only a moment, Li Lingtian's own state was adjusted to the most perfect point.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Li Lingtian extinguished the Hurricane of the One Hand and the Holy Fire of the Profound Thousand Xuan, and his hands slowly approached.

Because I already had two experiences, this time, Li Lingtian was no longer nervous, and his fingers were very melodious.

With the rhythm of Li Lingtian's hands and fingers, Wan Xuan's holy fire and Hurricane Extermination are also in a beautiful shape, completely integrated together!


The Hurricane God is constantly rotating. In the gap of the wind, the flames of the Ten Thousand Flames are burning, and they look quite beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but breathless.

This period of effort has not been in vain, Li Lingtian, he can finally quickly merge the God of Extinction and the Holy Fire of Wanxuan!

In this way, Li Lingtian has another big trick. Although there is no way to kill the domain master's fifth-order strong, but if you want to resist it, you can still do it!

"Hoo, give me!"

The hurricane hurricane in his hand was thrown out suddenly. The next moment, the hot flame erupted, and together with the strong hurricane, rushed out.


After the hurricane of extinction and the sacred fire of Wanxuan completely broke out, the shock wave brought by the surging power suddenly swept through and raged, and there was a great potential of swept through the eight wildernesses!


Everything around is shattered and shaken by powerful forces!

"Is this the power in perfect condition? So strong!"


Seeing this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even Li Lingtian couldn't help but take a breath.

This power is really too powerful, even Li Lingtian himself did not imagine it!

"Just because of the fusion of two laws, it can have such power! What if there are three? Four?"


"The aggression of the wind, the flames of fire, the wind can help increase the fire, and the fire can make the aggression of the wind more domineering...the two complement each other, so they can be merged. What kind of power can match the wind and fire? ?"

"Yes, Ray!"

"Thunderbolt can not only make the flame stronger, but also make the wind faster!"

"Whether it's matching wind or fire, Thunder and Lightning can do it. So, what about the three?"

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian's mouth couldn't help but slightly whip up. What kind of power will burst out when the forces of the three original laws of wind, thunder and fire merge together?

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