War God Supreme

Chapter 3005: Storm, Fire, Thunder, 3 Rules Fusion!

At this point, Li Lingtian no longer hesitated and directly summoned God of Thunder.


The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds and lightning and thunder.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian extinguished the hurricane hurricane on his left hand and Wan Xuan Shenghuo on his right hand, and brought them together again.

With the previous experience, this time, Li Lingtian's movements were more rapid, just a few breathing time, Li Lingtian was a perfect fusion of the God of Hurricane and Wan Xuan Holy Fire!

The Hurricane Extinction spins and the Ten Thousand Flames burn fiercely in the gaps of the wind. The temperature of this space also rises abruptly.

I have to say that this fusion, although not as perfect as the last one, is also much better than the previous two, making Li Lingtian very satisfied.

Looking up, Li Lingtian stretched out his hand, but the Thunder with a few purples fell.

Under the guidance of Li Lingtian, those Thunder seemed to have spirituality, wrapped around his hands.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian pressed the thunder in his hand slowly toward the extinct hurricane.


"Oh, uh!"

However, the speed of the Hurricane Destroyer was too fast at this time, and the purple Thunder had just approached the Hurricane Destroyer, and was taken out.

This made Li Lingtian frown slightly, and it seems that it is still very difficult to integrate three different forces.

However, it is precisely because of the difficulty that Li Lingtian wanted to conquer it, otherwise, to complete these things, it is really too challenging.

"Fortunately, Hurricane God Extermination and Thunder God Extermination have the same essence, otherwise, they will explode directly!"

Li Lingtian felt terrified, and then directly dissipated the thunder in his hand, leaving only a thunderbolt, ten fingers rhythm, controlling the scattered thunderbolt, and gradually nested into the interior of the Hurricane of Extermination!

I have to say that Li Lingtian's idea is correct. In an instant, the thunderbolt of the God of Extinction slowly entered the interior space of the Hurricane of Extinction and gradually merged with the hurricane.

However, just when Thunder God Thunder and Hurricane God started to merge, Wanxuan Shenghuo was unwilling.


Almost instantaneously, the Wanxuan Holy Fire burst out violently, and the surging flame instantly met the **** of thunder and thunder.

The rank of Wanxuan Shenghuo itself is stronger than Thunder God Thunder, plus the Thunder God Thunder at this time is just a thunderbolt, no matter how it is compared, it is not the power of Wanxuan Shenghuo, instantly engulfed!

However, this is the critical time for the merger of Hurricane Destruction and Thunder Destruction. In this way, when the three forces come into contact, a strong explosion will erupt!


In the violent noise, the aftermath of the violent explosion suddenly swept through, even Li Lingtian was shocked by that force.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian responded quickly enough, and summoned the God Destroyer suit in time. In addition, Qianyan Saint Wing has merged three pieces, and the defense power has been qualitatively improved. This is not a serious injury.

But even so, Li Lingtian fell to the ground and coughed violently for a while before recovering.

Looking up, the place where Li Lingtian was originally turned into waste soil, and there is a deep pit on the ground.


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but took a breath of air, quickly got up, flew over and looked, the mouth suddenly twitched violently, this big pit is two feet deep!

It can be seen how powerful the explosion just happened!

"If there is no integration, there will be such power! If I can really integrate the three forces, even the master of the fifth order of the domain master can't stop it!"

At this point, Li Lingtian's eyes suddenly burst into flames.

With this motivation, Li Lingtian next step is to work harder, constantly trying to integrate the three forces.

However, no matter how Li Lingtian integrates, it is impossible to successfully integrate the three forces of wind, fire and thunder!

Each time, there is a strong explosion at the critical moment when the three are about to merge.

In this way, even Li Lingtian's strong defense was hurt.

In a month, it passed quickly. Since this period of time, Li Lingtian has been merging for almost three days, and he has to rest for a day. Otherwise, he will not be able to hold it.

What annoys Li Lingtian is that there is still no success!

"Damn... how could this be? Why was the fusion unsuccessful?"

Li Lingtian frowned, thinking about his steps carefully. He wanted to know exactly what was wrong!

Since this month, Li Lingtian has made many attempts. Even, he first merged the Thunder God Thunder with the Ten Thousand Flames, and then merged the Hurricane Thunder God, or first merged the Hurricane Thunder God with the Thunder Thunder God, Then go to fuse Wanxuan Shenghuo.

But the result is the same!

This made Li Lingtian surprised. He can already skillfully fuse Thundergod Thunder with Hurricane Wrecker or Ten Thousand Flames. The speed is extremely fast and it is quite perfect. But why can't the three forces be combined?

"Will it be... After the fusion of the two forces, it has already turned into a force. In this case, then the new forces are merged. The difference between the strengths of the two forces is too large, resulting in the inability to merge and an explosion. ?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian thought of this possibility and could not help frowning.

"Huh, maybe this is the case! Try it out, the three forces merge at the same time!"

At this point, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth fiercely, and his thoughts moved, and the Thunder Thunder suddenly appeared. In both hands, the Hurricane Extinction and the Ten Thousand Flames also appeared.

"Unsuccessful, then Chengren! Fight!"

His eyes narrowed, this time, Li Lingtian also made up his mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fight, if it is not possible, use the fusion of two forces, although not as powerful as the fusion of the three forces, but also enough to make him Contend with the domain master's fifth-order powerhouse.


With the push of Li Lingtian, the extinction of the hurricane, the extinction of the thunder, and the sacred fire of Wanxuan were quickly integrated together!

The surging power instantly gathered at the core of the three contacts.

Sensing this, Li Lingtian did not dare to slack off, and quickly moved with ten fingers, using his spiritual power to reconcile and consolidate the balance of the three forces!

Soon, the three forces gradually merged together under Li Lingtian's coordination!

Almost at the same time, the Hurricane of Extinction merged with Ten Thousand Sacred Fire on one side, and Thunder Thunder on one side, as did Thunder Thunder and Ten Thousand Sacred Fire, which combined two forces.


The hurricane continued to tremble, and the fire light concealed into the thunder, and merged with it into the hurricane!

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