War God Supreme

Chapter 3018: Deep in the ice

Hearing Chen Mouliang saying this, Wan Tianyu believed in him a little.

However, for safety reasons, Wan Tianyu still asked some questions. After finally confirming Chen Mouliang’s identity, he turned to look at Li Lingtian and said softly: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​it is indeed Chen Mouliang. He is after all from the Chen family, we Save, let's save!"

The Chen family is also a big family in the Storm City, so they cannot survive.

It is said that Li Lingtian also nodded his head. He also understood that saving Chen Mouliang was more cost-effective than not saving Chen Mouliang.

If they can let Chen Mouliang owe him a favor, then in the storm holy city, if they really encounter something, they can also let them help!

"Okay, let's take a look together!"

Li Lingtian nodded, and then the four quickly rushed towards the nearest fault.

Walking to the fault and looking down, the four people found that the original ice layer was not hollow, but had countless icicles and ice layers, and it looked like a huge maze!

"His... this is troublesome!"

Seeing this scene, the four of Li Lingtian immediately tangled up. How should they find Chen Mouliang's figure?

"Chen Mouliang, is there anything obvious around you?"

As soon as Wan Tianyu's eyes rolled, he shouted.

"Chen Mouliang, are there any obvious things around you... obvious things..."

As the sound passed through the ice, the echo suddenly sounded.

Soon, Chen Mouliang's voice also rang.

"There is a huge icicle around us, but be careful. Under the ice, there are many strange frozen monsters. Their strength is all about the first-order peak of the domain master. The strength is strong. You must be extremely careful! "

Hearing Chen Mouliang's voice, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu were relieved. Since Chen Mouliang also knew to remind them to be careful, it was already 100% certain that Chen Mouliang was himself.

Moreover, there are frozen dragons on the ice, and they have already guessed that there are powerful beasts under the ice.

Otherwise, with Chen Mouliang’s strength, even if it fell into the ice, how could it not be possible?

"Be careful, they are not bad in strength, but they never get up. It can be seen that he still has hidden..."

Li Lingtian reminded Wan Tianyu carefully. Hearing that, Wan Tianyu was a little stunned. He immediately understood it and nodded slightly at Li Lingtian, and then the four of them jumped directly.


Falling on the first layer of ice, Li Lingtian and four people looked around and looked at it, only to find that there was no cave under the ice!

Not to mention the neatly arranged icicles, it means that there are channels around the ice.

Those channels gradually **** down, and if they go straight ahead, they will definitely reach the deepest part of the ice.

"Go, keep going!"

Realizing that there was no danger around, the four of them walked quietly down.

For another moment, an ice-blue frost earth dragon suddenly appeared in their sight.

This time, these frost earth dragons are different from the previous frost earth dragons. Not only is the body bigger, but also the sculpt of the ice layer on the body is more complicated.

Just seeing this frost earth dragon's first glance, Li Lingtian can confirm that the strength of this frost earth dragon is definitely the domain master!


It seems that they found Li Lingtian's figure. The frost earth dragon roared and rushed towards them quickly.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian took a step forward, his right hand raised, and the flame of extinction instantly turned into a fire whip, and fell towards the frost ground dragon.


As soon as the fire whip hit the frost earth dragon, it quickly entangled, and then the power of the flame exploded. The hard ice suddenly turned into a pool of ice water and dropped on the ice.

This time, Li Lingtian went all out. After all, no one knew what was going on. Since he had already decided to save Chen Mouliang and others, he must ensure their safety.

Therefore, Li Lingtian did not keep his hands at all.

His strength is comparable to the domain master's fifth-order strong, plus the fire attribute itself restrains the ice attribute, can kill the domain master's first-order frost earth dragon, but it is a matter of course.

"It's important to save people, we can't delay anymore!"

With a deep drink, Li Lingtian rushed down immediately.

Wan Tianyu smiled bitterly, and quickly killed Liu Banxian and Yali.

At this time, Li Lingtian broke out completely, and no longer kept his hand. Whenever he encountered a frost earth dragon on the road, the flame of extinction was instantly entangled, and then in the flame eruption, the frost earth dragon turned into water. And can no longer stop them!

However, it was only half an hour. Li Lingtian and his team came to the deepest part of the ice.

However, after they saw the scene in front of them, they could not help but take a breath.

In front of them, densely packed, all are the first-level frost earth dragon!

However, there seems to be no restrictions around the standing icicles. Around the icicles, there is no frost dragon.

"His... so many frost earth dragons, how do we break through?"

Wan Tianyu gasped, his face full of despair.

Indeed, there are too many frost earth dragons here, so much so that he is desperate.

If it is only the frost earth dragon of the first order of hundreds of head domain masters, then with their strength, you can also try to break through.

But now, there are thousands of frost earth dragons of the first order of the domain master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if those frost earth dragons stand differently and let them kill, they can be exhausted!

"No, there are too many of them. After entering, we will be madly besieged by them! With our four strengths, we can deal with more than 500 frost earth dragons at the same time! So many frost earth dragons, as long as we are surrounded Wake up, there is no way to rest, it is absolutely impossible to break through!"

"Even, it may be buried in Longkou!"

At this time, Liu Banxian also said somberly.


Yali hesitated for a moment, and said softly, "Should I sneak in and see what happened?"


It was said that Li Lingtian directly rejected Yali's request to kill, and Shen Sheng said: "Aren't you a nonsense? So many frost earth dragons, what if something goes wrong? How can I face your brother?"

Li Lingtian's face sank, and it looked quite scary, but Yali killed him with joy.

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