War God Supreme

Chapter 3019: Weird icicle

Although Li Lingtian's face was extremely gloomy and looked extremely scary, Yali killed him with joy.

Anyway, this shows that Li Lingtian cares about her!

"Okay, I know you care about me, then I won't go!"

Yali killed her mouth and smiled, and suddenly, Li Lingtian's mouth twitched violently.

There is no way, who let him have agreed to Ya war, to protect the safety of Yali killing.

"Look carefully."

Li Lingtian quickly changed the subject and pointed in the direction of those icicles. Shen Sheng said: "There are no frost earth dragons around those icicles!"

"And Chen Mouliang they can rest under the icicle. It can be proved that there should be special power around these icicles to block the frost earth dragon."

"And the distance between each icicle is about thirty feet. For us, it is just a few breathing times. As long as we are fast enough, we can rush through!"

It is said that the three of Wan Tianyu also looked up at those icicles.

As expected, there were no frost earth dragons around the icicles.

After hesitating for a while, Wan Tianyu shouted abruptly: "Chen Mouliang, can you still talk back? Tell me, as long as you step into the icicle, those frost earth dragons will not chase them in again!"


Suddenly, a loud echo echoed through the empty ice.

At the same time, Li Lingtian and the four of them were all quiet. They all raised their ears and listened carefully, always preparing for Chen Mouliang's answer.

After being quiet for more than a dozen breathing hours, Chen Mouliang's voice also rang.

"It's true, there are many icicles on the ground floor, and those frost earth dragons can't get close to the icicles! We are able to survive because of hiding in the icicles!"

"However, be careful. Among the frost earth dragons, there is a frost earth dragon with strong strength, which has reached the third level of the domain master! It is difficult to deal with!"

Suddenly heard of the existence of a frost earth dragon with a strength up to the third level of the domain master, Wan Tianyu's face suddenly changed dramatically, and even Li Lingtian frowned.

If it is only a single third-level frost earth dragon, then Li Lingtian can still kill it!

Among the thousands of frost earth dragons, he is not sure that he can kill the frost earth dragon of the third order of that domain unless he uses the world treasure!

"You can rest assured, that frost earth dragon has been moving, we are in the middle of the icicle, you should not have to touch it!"

Hearing Chen Mouliang's voice again, Li Lingtian was relieved and looked up. There were a total of 17 icicles, and the middle one was the ninth one!

Only nine roots, they are still very confident to break through!

"Hoo, everyone be careful! Follow me, I will help you open the way!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian stepped forward with one step.


"Click! Click!"

Li Lingtian had just stepped out a few steps, and the frost earth dragon on the outer periphery had already discovered Li Lingtian's figure, and turned around and rushed towards Li Lingtian.


Suddenly, the ice shook violently, and the faces of several people in Li Lingtian couldn't help but change suddenly. This impact will not shatter the entire ice layer!


However, now is not the time to worry about this, Li Lingtian roared, his hands raised, and Wan Xuan Shenghuo suddenly burst into flames.

The field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, broke out!

The hot high temperature instantly turned the first few frost earth dragons into ice water in an instant!

However, countless frost earth dragons are like moths fighting fire, knowing that they are dead, they must rush towards Li Lingtian.

In this way, the frost earth dragons, although dying at a rapid rate, are still getting closer to Li Lingtian after all!

"Can't drag on anymore, rush!"

With a soft drink, Li Lingtian directly summoned the Destroyer Set, Qianyan Saint Wing, and the two wings were shocked. Qianyan Saint Wing suddenly exploded at a very fast speed and galloped forward.

While Li Lingtian rushed out, he left a trace of flame in the place where he rushed.

These traces will not cause harm to the human body, but the hot high temperature is enough to turn the frost ground dragon into ice water!

Seeing this scene, the three of Wan Tianyu were all moved by their hearts, dared not delay, and got up one after another, following Li Lingtian.

And Li Lingtian has completely attracted the attention of all the frost earth dragons. Those frost earth dragons are chasing Li Lingtian one after another, and there is no time to manage Wan Tianyu and other three people.

"Oh, uh!"

Fortunately, under the extremely fast flight of Qianyan Shengyi, Li Lingtian was only a dozen breathing times and rushed into the icicle range!

As soon as he entered the range of icicles, Li Lingtian felt that there was a special force flowing in his body.

This made him very surprised, because he could clearly sense that that kind of power is a brand new kind of power, similar to ice, but different from ice.

"Strange, what is that power?"

Brows frowned slightly, but when Li Lingtian realized that the power was not harmful to him, but would help him restore the spiritual power and the power of the law, he was relieved.

"Forget it, let's ignore this force first. The top priority is to rescue Chen Mouliang first."

At this point in his thoughts, Li Lingtian turned his head and saw that Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, and Yali killed three people, following the traces left by his Wanxuan Holy Fire Field, and also broke free from the pursuit of the frost earth dragon, successfully rushing Within the icicle range!

"Hoo! It turns out that so many domain master first-order attacks add up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also so terrible!"

Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Yali killed three people, all of them pale.

This is the first time they have encountered so many first-order existences of the domain master at the same time. That kind of pressure is really too powerful!

Originally, in their minds, the first order of the domain master was just a ants. Although they were not extinct, they could kill the first order of the domain master as long as they were serious and did not make five moves.

But now it seems that when the number reaches a certain level, the first order of the domain master is enough to destroy them!

That is not the first order of dozens of domain masters, but the frost earth dragon of hundreds of domain masters!

"Do you need to take a break?"

Li Lingtian looked at a few people. In fact, he didn't need to ask. He also knew that the three of Wan Tianyu would definitely need to rest.

Because even for him, the consumption of talents is extremely strong, and if he comes on a few more occasions, he will not be able to bear it.

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