War God Supreme

Chapter 3026: Fight

"No, the frost earth dragon is about to leave, let's get out as soon as possible!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Banxian couldn't help but change his face drastically, exclaimed, his figure was like an arrow off the string, and quickly jumped out.

"Tu, where to run!"

With a sip, Liu Banxian introduced it with his right hand, and a white light shot out suddenly, quickly tangling to the body of the frost earth dragon.


Suddenly, the movement of the frost earth dragon was intercepted by Liu Banxian.


However, the frost earth dragon suddenly shocked its wings, just a moment of effort, the white light was directly broken, and the force was violently removed, Liu Banxian's entire body suddenly planted forward, almost did not fall to the ground !

"His... Damn, how could this be!"

"Hurry up, you guys!"

After this brief confrontation, Liu Banxian's heart suddenly froze, and he could sense it. Although this frost earth dragon's realm is indeed the third order of the domain master, it is made of ice and is extremely hard, even if it is ordinary. The domain's fourth-order strongman will not necessarily be its opponent!

"Be careful, don't fight it hard, try to hold it down!"

At this point, Liu Banxian reminded him.

However, at this time, Song Haiming had already made up his mind. He must have a blockbuster. How could he obey him?

"Hahaha, let's go!"

Relying on the strength of the fiery sky sword, Song Haiming rushed out directly before the rest of the figure, and the figure was still in the air, that is, holding the hilt of the flame sword with both hands and slashing the sword.


Suddenly, a flash of fire suddenly sputtered out of the sword's body and suddenly fell towards the frost earth dragon.


It was almost the moment when the flame fell on the frost earth dragon. The frost earth dragon was howling, and the loud sound shook the cave!

"Hahaha, look at me!"

Song Haiming constantly waved the flaming sky sword, and countless flames also fell one after another.

Seeing that Song Haiming was so domineering, the rest of the people couldn't help but stopped. They just watched Song Haiming waving the flaming sky sword alone, of course, they didn't admire Song Haiming's strength, on the contrary, in their eyes In the eyes, a look of disdain!

However, the frost earth dragon is not a vegetarian, after being burned, its body suddenly began to condense a very cold breath!


At the next moment, the extremely cold breath erupted, and instantly the flames flying in the air were all frozen to ice!

"Click! Click!"

At the same time, thick ice crystals began to spread along the air and quickly rushed to Song Haiming!


At this time, Song Haiming finally felt terrified, and quickly waved the flaming sky sword, several fires rushed out, however, in front of that extremely cold breath, the flame was just as frozen as it was useless!


Seeing that the ice crystal gradually spread in front of him, Song Haiming panicked and quickly stepped back, exclaiming: "Save me quickly!"

Wen Yan said that the rest of the people, including Peng Zhi and others, sneered. Was it just that you were quite tolerant?

Why is it now that it is like a bereavement dog?

However, even if they are extremely upset, it is necessary to protect the safety of Song Haiming. After all, they came together, and it is a bit unreasonable not to save him!

"Do it!"

With a sip, Liu Banxian and Peng Zhi swept together and came to Song Haiming, and then five fierce attacks fell directly on the spreading frost!

Upon seeing this, Song Haiming gritted his teeth, but did not attack together, but stepped back a few steps.

"Song Haiming, what are you doing!"

Aware of this, Peng Zhi's face suddenly changed dramatically and exclaimed.

This time, they were only in danger to save Song Haiming and faced the frost directly. But now, Song Haiming escaped directly and did not fight the frost with them. This is simply to abandon them for life and death Ignore it!

All of Peng Zhi's hearts were irritated. We kindly came to rescue you. You are good. Let us fight against you for you. Run away?


Fortunately, after their power and frost hit together, it was clear that the power of the frost was not as strong as they thought, but it was a stalemate for a moment. The strong power directly gave the frost to The complete shock became powder!


Seeing this scene, several people could not help but relieved.

Fortunately, after all, it is the power of five people. If even this cannot be resisted, then they have to re-evaluate the strength of that frost earth dragon.

"Song Haiming, come back quickly, you suppress it with the flaming sky sword, we are entangled with it, don't let it attack you!"

Peng Zhiqiang endured his anger and shouted at Song Haiming. If it weren't for dealing with the frost earth dragon now, I'm afraid Peng Zhi was going to be angry!

Afterwards, Peng Zhi, regardless of Song Haiming, rushed towards the frost earth dragon together with Liu Banxian, and at the same time, the hands of the five of them each brought out the chaotic treasure.


The intense attack kept bombarding the frost earth dragon, making it hissing and busy running.

Seeing this scene, Song Haiming's horrified heart finally stabilized.

Looking at the frost earth dragon that was beaten by the five people, he remembered what he had just done. His face suddenly turned red.

Even he himself felt a little shameless!


An embarrassed cough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Song Haiming just pretended to be justice and shouted: "Brother Peng, it's just that my flaming sky sword has a problem, and now I'm here to wish you only!"

With that said, Song Haiming also jumped up again, the flaming sky sword waved, and another blaze of flames fell down, shooting at the frost ground dragon.

Hearing Song Haiming's words, Peng Zhi and others showed a sneering look on their faces. After getting along with each other during this period of time, they had already seen Song Haiming's shamelessness coming. Where would he believe him?

But at this moment, we still have to focus on the big picture. ,

Therefore, Peng Zhi did not pay attention to Song Haiming, still entangled with the frost earth dragon.

The frost earth dragon is worthy of the third-order realm of the domain master, and the ice layer is extremely hard. Even if they all attack together, they each use the chaos treasure, but when the attack falls on the frost earth dragon, there is even a trace It's hard to row down!

Fortunately, with the flame support of the flaming sky sword, the frost earth dragon can not make an effective counterattack. Whenever the cold air condenses, it is interrupted by fire!

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