War God Supreme

Chapter 3027: Song Haiming's Decision

With Song Haiming's flame suppression, the frost earth dragon can't gather too much coldness, and can only rely on its hard frost to go against Liu Banxian!

In this way, Liu Banxian, although they had no words to cause too much damage to the frost earth dragon, but in the end they have been consuming the frost earth dragon, but after half an hour, the body of the frost earth dragon has become transparent. , The color is not as deep as before.

With the gradual change of color, the frost earth dragon seemed to be irritable, the offensive became fierce and crazy, and it was unreasonable.

In this way, Liu Banxian and others were a little difficult to persevere.

After all, the frost earth dragon is all made of frost, and there is no pain at all. If they fight like this, they will suffer.

Even if Liu Banxian had put all their strength, it was very difficult to cause damage to the frost earth dragon. On the contrary, they themselves could not bear it a little.

They finally understand why Li Lingtian must insist that they return to their perfect state. After all, although this frost earth dragon has a relatively low level, but it has no sanity, no pain, and it is formed by the condensed Xuan Bing. The realm of the third level of the master can even exert the strength of the strong man beyond the fourth level of the general domain!

At this time, they finally understood Li Lingtian's pains. At the same time, they also hoped that the three of Li Lingtian could recover quickly!

If Li Lingtian does not recover, I am afraid that they will be unbearable.

After all, that kind of attack is really too strong!


Soon, the offensive of Liu Banxian and others began to slow down. Frost Earth Dragon was like the most perverted machine. It directly caught the opportunity to increase the offensive. In an instant, Liu Banxian and others were oppressed by Frost Earth Dragon.

At the same time, the frost earth dragon also slowed down completely, and was flapped by its rear wings, and the coldness was so cold that it directly weakened Song Haiming's flame offensive.

"What's the matter with you? Hold me up!"

Realizing this, Song Haiming's brow furrowed, and he was screaming, but suddenly the frost earth dragon became stronger again, and even exhaled the coldness, which made him very uncomfortable.

But Song Haiming did not think about the feelings of several other people.

"Song Haiming, if you increase your offensive, you must support it!"

When Liu Banxian heard Song Haiming's questioning tone, he was very angry, but thinking that he still needs to use the flaming sky sword in Song Haiming's hands to suppress the frost earth dragon, they still endure.


Peng Zhihuu's hands flickered, and a long red bow appeared in his hands.

At this critical moment of life and death, he no longer hides himself!


With a soft drink, Peng Zhi pulled back the bow string with both hands, and the surging spiritual power and law power poured out, and suddenly turned into a fiery red swordmand, condensing on the bow string!

"Shoot me!"

Fire red swordmans burst out of the bow string, and quickly hit the body of the frost earth dragon, the hot flame erupted, instantly making the body of the frost earth dragon back a few steps!

"Flame Sky Sword, change form!"

Seeing this scene, Song Haiming's eyeballs turned and sipped, and then the fiery sky sword suddenly decomposed into dozens of crimson red swords, rushed to the frost earth dragon with a thunderous speed!


In an instant, the fire sword and the frost earth dragon kept colliding with each other, and the sound of gold and iron thunder was also constantly ringing in everyone's ears.

"Good guy, you are still hiding!"

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people could not help but twitch slightly in the corners of their mouths, but they also knew clearly in their own hearts that it was not only Peng Zhi and Song Haiming who were hiding, they also did not use their full strength!

"Huh, it's already this time, don't think about hiding!"

"If you keep hiding, we will all follow the luck together!"

Peng Zhi scolded in a hurry, his face filled with a grim look.

After hearing that, Liu Banxian also had a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth, and then Liu Banxian and Yali killed each other and looked at each other. It was also decided that they could not hide anymore!

After all, it would be a big trouble if they hid their clumsiness again and prevented them from persisting until the three of Li Lingtian recovered.

Not only did Liu Banxian and Yali kill, but the other two also decided that they could no longer hide!

"Okay, everyone shot together!"

In between, they exploded in full force, and in a short time, they again suppressed the frost earth dragon.

It's just that the wings behind the frost earth dragon are extremely hard. As long as it curls up its body, the hard wings can resist all their attacks, which also makes them distressed!

Fortunately, as their attacks continued, the body of the frost earth dragon became transparent, and the coldness contained in it gradually dissipated.


Another time for Yi Xiangxiang passed, Li Lingtian and the three had recovered, and with a long roar, they rushed out of the icicles.

"Everyone, work hard! Next, let us do it!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Li Lingtian saw the scene where everyone was beating Frost Ground Dragon. However, his heart shook violently, and he suddenly found that Frost Ground Dragon was breeding a very powerful Move!

If you let the frost earth dragon out, Liu Banxian and others will all be frozen!

"His...what a terrible beast! Is this really something that an ice dragon without wit can do?"

Seeing this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Lingtian suddenly felt chills, and then quickly shouted out, let Liu Banxian and others retreat.

Suddenly hearing Li Lingtian's shouting, Liu Banxian, Yali killing and Peng Zhi all looked at each other with joy, and then retreated.

However, only Song Haiming's body stiffened, his heart hesitated.

From Song Haiming's point of view, if he can kill that frost earth dragon this time, he can grab the limelight from Li Lingtian's hands, and now, frost earth dragon looks weak, Song Haiming thought that the frost earth dragon was about to perish. He doesn’t want Li Lingtian to enjoy his hard work for so long!

At this point, Song Haiming's heart was completely mad, and his eyes were red, and he squeezed the flaming sky sword in his hand, retreating back, rushing towards the frost earth dragon!

"Drink, die!"

In the roar, the fiery sky sword brought a blaze of fire, just like the **** of fire came, and suddenly cut down!

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