War God Supreme

Chapter 3034: The storm will start

Storm Holy City!

Li Wei, the shopkeeper of Piaoxiang Tower, was kneeling on the ground on one knee in the Pagoda on the top floor of Piaoxiang Tower. He did not dare to raise his head. His face was full of respect.

"How is the messaging?"

A cold voice came out, sitting on the seat, a figure wrapped in a black robe.

"Look back to Master, the rest is almost passed. Half a month later, the star debris area will completely trigger a storm!"

Speaking of which, Li Wei couldn't help but whispered slightly, said softly: "It is estimated that even if the old guys want to break their heads, they will not know that the news of the ruins this time was revealed by us!"

"Not bad!"

The figure said with a deep voice: "Now, the ruins of Qinglong have been opened by them. I'm going to look at them and show them the way by the way. I'll leave it to you to do everything outside!"

"Yes, my subordinates will not let the messenger adults down!"

Li Wei clenched his fists, his face dignified.

"If something goes wrong, then when I come back, you don't have to appear in front of me again!"

The figure gave Li Wei a cold look, and at the next moment, his figure disappeared into the room quietly.

There was a little cold sweat on Li Wei's forehead.

Just a glimpse of the old messenger, Master Cai, gave him a feeling of facing death, which made him terrified.

"Well... as long as I finish my own things..."

With a sigh, Li Wei got up slowly, patted the dust on his pants, and then exited the room.

No matter who you are, you never think that there is still someone above Li Wei, the shopkeeper of Piaoxianglou!

One day later, the whole storm holy city was shocked!

The news about the ruins and the debris of the star field is already well-known throughout the city. The countless contestants are all strong players from the first order of the domain master to the second order of the domain master.

Some self-perceived domain masters of Tier 5 and Tier 6, and even stronger people, are single, rushing towards the Star Debris.

It can be said that in these few days, all the options that had been active in the Holy City of Storms were all rushed to the Star Debris and began to find the so-called relics.

This makes the people of the super powers angry. In the past, this was their patent, which was specifically used to enhance the strength of their descendants. But I did not expect that this time, this news was actually passed out and made Everyone knows it.

In this way, even if they want to blockade, they can't do it!

Although the majority of those elections are relatively poor, they are won by a large number of people. If they dare to block them, the Holy City of Storms is likely to be changed within a few days, and all the super powers will change hands!

Therefore, those people of great power, although extremely unhappy in their hearts, can only break their teeth and swallow it, and bear it themselves!

All of a sudden, the starry debris area, which was originally empty, was suddenly overcrowded, and countless domain masters and other strongmen were looking for ruins among the star debris groups!

Every time the ruins are born, the battle that broke out is even more shocking! It can be said that thousands of horses and horses crossed the single bridge, and the battle was very fierce!

Of course, Li Lingtian and others can't feel the intense scene.

With the help of Bingxin, they kept all the frost earth dragons near the other ice dragons along the way.

They made a good guess. Under each frost earth dragon, there is a huge karst cave, and in each cave, there is a frost earth dragon of the third order of the domain master!

Originally, Li Lingtian was also planning to use Ice Heart to collect the frost earth dragons of the third order of the domain, but unfortunately, they could not be recovered. Therefore, they could only work together to kill them again!

Sure enough, after killing the frost earth dragon of the third order of the domain master, another ice heart fragment appeared.

Without any hesitation, everyone gave Bingxin fragments to Li Lingtian by default.

When Li Lingtian merged the remaining three pieces of ice heart fragments, the new law of the original power of his body suddenly became stronger, just like a newborn child, with tenacious vitality!

At the same time, the cool breath kept turning in his body, as if washing his blood and refining his body.

Not only that, Li Lingtian still felt that there seemed to be something in his body that had been awakened by this force.

But when he sensed it carefully, he couldn't sense anything, which surprised him.

However, at this time, four ice hearts have been collected, and Li Lingtian didn't think much. He quickly took the remaining seven people and returned to the guard of the four ice dragon arches!

At this time, when they came to the square again, their breathing became rapid. They all know that soon, the third form of the ruins ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will appear!

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian took out the Bingxin pieces and threw the four pieces into the four gaps in the square.


With the four pieces of ice-heart fragments embedded in the gap, the square squares suddenly burst into dazzling, dazzling and gorgeous light.


Four pieces of ice heart fragments floated out, merged again into one piece, and flew directly to Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the four squares were suddenly twisted, and the surging space fluctuations broke out, and instantly took Li Lingtian and eight others into it!

Not even giving Li Lingtian time to react!

When the eight of Li Lingtian woke up again, they found out that they were in a hall!

Around the main hall, there are pillars up to ten feet long and about one foot thick. I don't know what materials these pillars are made of. The light is constantly flashing, and the ice is cold, and it is also in the space.

Not only that, the entire hall, whether on the pillar or on the wall, is all depicting the image of a dragon. The dragon is cyan, with a very long beard and full of iron chains, just like the legendary image of the blue dragon!


After eight people in Li Lingtian sensed their surroundings, they couldn't help but sighed with air, their faces full of shock.

"These images are exactly the same as the legendary four-elephant beast Qinglong!"

"This time, we have developed! That is the remains of the Qinglong, the treasure inside must be particularly powerful! Undoubtedly, there will be world treasures!"

"Don't think about World Treasure, in my opinion, it is very likely to be the best treasure of Chaos! After all, World Treasure is really too powerful, and we are not in control!"

(End of this chapter)

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