War God Supreme

Chapter 3035: trap? Formation?

Hearing the conversation between several of them, Li Lingtian couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. He really admired these guys, and his nerves were really big!

If ordinary people suddenly come to such a place, they will definitely consider the danger, but they are better, and they actually start to discuss the treasures in the ruins!

Is it possible that they are so confident that they can safely pass through the ruins and obtain treasures?

"Okay, let's take a closer look at the surrounding area to see if there are any problems!"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly and said softly: "This is the remains of the Green Dragon after all. Although there may be strong treasures in it, the danger will be even stronger! We must be careful!"

As the leader of this time, Li Lingtian also reminded them out loud.

Wen Yan, the excited look in Wan Tianyu's eyes, was cold and began to look around carefully.

"Huh? Look at everyone, the tiles on our floor seem to have different places!"

This look really made Wan Tianyu find some unusual places and quickly shouted out loud.

Hearing Wan Tianyu's shouts, Chen Mouliang and others turned their heads to look at Wan Tianyu, his expression gradually dignified.

No matter what, they still believe Wan Tianyu very much.

Looking down, everyone noticed that the pattern of the green dragon was also carved on the bricks under their feet.

It's just that some of the green dragons depicted on the bricks are wrapped with iron chains, but some are not.

What everyone stood at this time was a piece of green dragon wrapped around an iron chain.


"In my opinion, these bricks should be unusual in this hall!"

Wan Tianyu said in a deep voice.

"Watch more."

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, and then turned his head to look elsewhere, only to realize that this hall was completely enclosed, with only four directions from east to west, north and south, each with a gate!

The four gates, if viewed from a distance, are exactly the same, and there is no way to tell the difference.

As for the rest, there is nothing.

It can be said that this hall has nothing but so many pillars and four gates!

Looking down again, the patterns on the ground do not seem to have any rules, but are at the mercy of no rules.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's brow furrowed, and he also didn't understand a bit, what the **** is the layout of this hall!

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​what do you think?"

Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang also saw the four gates, their faces covered with doubts.

"There are actually four doors in this hall, and, it looks exactly the same, which door should we go through?"

Wan Tianyu turned to look at Li Lingtian. At this time, he still chose to believe Li Lingtian.


Wen Yan said that the other few people turned their heads to look at Li Lingtian, his eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty.


Being stared at by so many people, Li Lingtian could not help but frown, and hesitated for a moment, then Shen Sheng said: "Donggong Qinglong, among the celestial phenomena, Qinglong belongs to the east. I think the east gate will be correct. door!"

"Not bad!"

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu could not help but nodded, they also heard the saying of the Four Elephants, but they had never encountered it before, so they would not be sure.

Now think about it, the blue dragon belongs to the east, and the correct path among the ruins should also be in the east!

However, Li Lingtian was still a little unsure. He looked up at Liu Banxian and whispered, "Half fairy, you can count on the auspiciousness of going east!"


However, hearing Li Lingtian's words, Liu Banxian showed a bitter smile.

"what happened?"

In an instant, everyone was surprised.

"Since coming here, I have been unable to calculate."

Liu Banxian said bitterly: "Nothing can be counted, it can only be calculated indistinctly, there are no surprises, nothing else is clear."

"Is it just shocking..."

Li Lingtian frowned, whispering, "If so, it means that there is not much danger in this ruin!"

"Shouldn't it be! This is the legendary Qinglong ruin. It stands to reason that it should be dangerous. How could this happen!"

Li Lingtian did not understand.

However, several people in Wan Tianyu were puzzled. They did not understand why Li Lingtian would be so uneasy after knowing the safety?

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​shall we go east?"

Wan Tianyu asked tentatively.

"Well, look east!"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian also reacted and quickly suppressed the rest of his thoughts. He nodded and said, "Go to the east first and see how to open that door!"

"This is too!"

Wen Yan, several people nodded, they walked eastward together.

However, when walking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they forgot to engrave different patterns on the bricks under their feet!

Soon, they stepped on a completely open blue dragon.


It was almost the moment when a few of them stepped on, and that piece of slate was sunken down.


Suddenly hearing the slight noise, Li Lingtian frowned, shouted directly at the crowd, then raised his ears and listened carefully.

"Listen, what the **** is this?"

"Where is the sound?"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Wan Tianyu and others listened carefully. However, at this time, the slate had already sunk. Even if they listened no matter how hard they heard, they could not hear the sound.

"No sound!"

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​did you hear it wrong?"

Not to mention Chen Mouliang, even Liu Banxian and Yali killed, and looked at Li Lingtian in doubt.

None of them heard the so-called voice!

Suddenly, Li Lingtian frowned, and then Li Lingtian looked down, saw the slate sink, and suddenly took a breath.

"His... you look down and look around!"

Li Lingtian's face was cold, and he suddenly remembered that since the tiles on the ground were carved with different patterns, there must be a reason, but he just forgot!

If this is really a trap, then this time, their trouble will be great!

At this time, seeing that Li Lingtian's face was somber, Wan Tianyu and several others also quickly bowed their heads, and in an instant, they also saw the stone slabs under their feet, which actually fell a bit more than the surrounding bricks!


"How could this be!"

"Isn't this a trap?"

(End of this chapter)

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