War God Supreme

Chapter 3036: Shock

Suddenly, Wan Tianyu were all worried, their faces full of fright.

"Be careful! Don't move for now!"

Li Lingtian said: "According to my guess, this brick should be limited by gravity. Now that Guan has not been activated, but if we leave a person, the gravity changes on it, it is likely to trigger the shutdown directly!"

"Then what should we do?"

Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, and Yali killing the three have great trust in Li Lingtian, so they have no doubt at all.

However, several people in Peng Zhi had a little doubt in their hearts.

At this time, only the slate fell, and there was no danger. They did not understand why Li Lingtian was so careful!

What if it's not off at all, but natural gravity lift?

But at this time, Li Lingtian had the strongest strength. They dared not refute Li Lingtian's words, but they could only echo them one after another.


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then his eyes rolled, and began to think about the way to break the game.

Although Li Lingtian is not 100% sure that this will be the trigger point of Guan, but from a small world, he can become stronger step by step, step by step, relying on prudence, therefore, even if not sure if this is Guan, He must also be careful!

If it is off, it will be in trouble!

This is the relic of Qinglong. The danger inside is absolutely extraordinary!

"Since this is triggered by gravity, if the eight of us can jump on another brick at the same time? As long as we can leave at the same time, the power on this brick should not change. !"

"In this way, it is like a mine, as long as it can rush out at the same time, there will be nothing!"

With a light breath, Li Lingtian said, "Everyone listens to my orders, I count three two one, but everyone jumps together and jumps towards the dragon with the iron chain wrapped in front!"

"it is good!"

Wan Tianyu's hearts sank, and they all stared at the stone brick in front of him.

The stone bricks here are arranged irregularly. The next piece is the same as their feet. The green dragon is not wrapped by the iron chain. Next, the three stone bricks are all depicted by the iron chain. The twining green dragon.

There is no rule at all, and it is precisely because of this that a group of them will ignore this at the same time!

"Three, two, one, jump!"

As Li Lingtian's words fell, Li Lingtian's eight people jumped at the same time.


Soon, eight people jumped on that brick one after another, and behind them, nothing happened.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that Peng Zhi didn't even completely jump on their brick. One of his feet actually stepped on the Qinglong brick without the iron chain.

That brick was also slightly sinking.

"not good!"

Realizing this, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his heart was tense.

However, Peng Zhi is like a person who has nothing to do. In their hearts, it is purely thought that Li Lingtian is fooling around, and he does not put the so-called concern in his heart at all, so he said nothing, that is Quickly lifted his right foot and stepped on the stone brick under everyone's feet.

"Damn! The level triggered!"

It was at this time that Li Lingtian felt suddenly that the coldness in the hall suddenly came together, his face changed, and suddenly his body rushed forward, rushing in front of Peng Zhi, and stretched toward Peng Zhi.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Suddenly seeing this scene, Peng Zhi suddenly became nervous. In his opinion, Li Lingtian's face was full of a stern look at this time, and his movements were quick.

However, his strength is far less than Li Lingtian's after all. He hasn't had time to react. He was grabbed by Li Lingtian, and then Li Lingtian pointedly and quickly retreated.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all surprised, and their faces were full of surprise. Even they don’t know what Li Lingtian is doing!


However, just when they were shocked, almost at the same time as Li Lingtian's retreat, a chill, suddenly swept away from the direction of the previous Peng Zhi Station!


Only a harsh sound was heard, and the place where Peng Zhi stood just before it suddenly condensed into an ice crystal!

Among the ice crystals, the chill was so cold that everyone couldn't help but tremble.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but took a sigh of relief and looked at Li Lingtian's eyes again, all changed.

Only Wang Tianyu and three people really believe in Li Lingtian. Chen Mouliang only wanted to cooperate with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now it seems that Li Lingtian is right!

Among the bricks, there is really a strong danger!

At least, if it was the frost just now, they could not dodge!

Peng Zhi also saw this scene. In an instant, his mouth opened wide and his face was full of dullness. After he reacted, he took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Li Lingtian, his eyes, Full of shame.

If it were not for him to take Li Lingtian's words as a children's play, I am afraid that this dangerous situation will not occur!

But even so, Li Lingtian still chose to rescue him, showing that Li Lingtian's people are still very good.

"Thank you, Brother Ling Tian, ​​you saved my life this time, I will definitely report back in the future!"

When Peng Zhiping recovered his emotions, Shen Sheng said: "If Brother Ling Tian needs anything in the future, I will say, Peng Zhi, I will never shirk it!"

"Huh, that's free."

Li Lingtian glanced at Peng Zhi and released Peng Zhi directly. He said in a cold voice: "Anyway, we are a team. When Qinglong remains, I hope you will all obey my words, otherwise, as long as there is If the individual does not keep up, it is likely to trigger the close!"

"I don't want to cause all of us to be wiped out by just one person!"

"These are extremely dangerous, you just feel the cold breath of it, if we can't dodge it, it will become an ice block in the blink of an eye, it will be sealed up by the ice, if you don't want to become an iceman, then, Listen to me!"

"I don't need someone who deliberately disrupts my team!"

As Li Lingtian's words fell, Peng Zhi's face suddenly became embarrassed. He knew that Li Lingtian was talking about him!

(End of this chapter)

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