War God Supreme

Chapter 3037: Wind Blade

"Cough, Brother Ling Tian, ​​rest assured, then, I will all listen to you!"

Peng Zhi was ashamed, but he also understood that now they are in the ruins and are in critical condition. It is indeed a good thing to have someone like Li Lingtian to lead.

At least, Li Lingtian can keep them safe!

At this time, let alone Peng Zhi, Chen Mouliang also saw the power of the frost and cold. He originally had a little disdain for Li Lingtian, all disappeared, and all were nervous.

They know that with their strength, if they are successful, there will be no reaction!

"Well, I won't care about you this time!"

Li Lingtian's face eased down. After all, Peng Zhi and their strengths were not bad. He also needed their help. He immediately said, "Next, listen to my orders!"

"The key here is to look at the bricks on the ground. Be careful, don't step on the bricks without iron chains!"

After all, Li Lingtian jumped first and jumped on another brick that was wrapped by an iron chain.

As expected, this time, nothing happened.

When everyone saw this scene, they could not help but feel relieved.

Afterwards, everyone followed Li Lingtian and jumped forward.

This time, they did not dare to carelessly, one by one, soon, it was safe to come to the east gate.

When they got close, they could see clearly. On the gate, there were a few pictures depicting blue dragons circling and dancing.

On the last brick, a group of eight people also completely approached the gate.

Chen Mouliang looked up at the door and all of them were puzzled: "Strange, there seems to be no gap in this door!"

"It's not around."

Li Lingtian turned his head and looked around. The surrounding walls were very smooth, and there was nothing to say at all.

This surprised everyone, how to open this door? Is it impossible to force a break?

"Huh, no, you look at the eyes of the dragon!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that there were protrusions in the eyes of the four green dragons.

Hearing that, the rest of the people looked at it, and they all discovered this.

Looking at each other, Li Lingtian's eyes turned softly and said softly: "Brother Wan, Banxian, Brother Chen, we four jumped up at the same time, one by one, understand?"


The three Wan Tianyu nodded fiercely.

"Three...two...one, jump!"

As the voice fell, the four of Li Lingtian jumped up and stretched out on Qinglong's raised eyes!


With Qinglong's raised eyes pressed down, a strange wave suddenly appeared in the whole hall.

"An unknown creature appears, the situation is critical! The situation is critical!"

Almost instantly, the intelligence of Li Lingtian's eight people was all warning, which surprised them. Since they came to the Qinglong ruins, the intelligence has not alarmed, even when they encounter the frost earth dragon.

"Be careful, it seems that the guardian of the Blue Dragon Ruins is coming!"

Li Lingtian suddenly thought of the memory after getting Bing Xin. It seems that there is only one guardian in the remains of Qinglong. As long as he defeats the guardian, he can go all the way to find treasure!


The seven people of Wan Tianyu nodded heavily, and then turned their heads to look around, earnestly alert.

However, there was nothing around, and the hall was empty.

But it was this feeling of silence that made Li Lingtian and eight of them seriously alert!

"Click! Click!"

Suddenly, a slight sound sounded, and then this kind of sound kept ringing in the ears of everyone.

"what sound?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian looked around, and the hall was still empty, but the crisp voice kept coming out.

Suddenly looking up, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that on the eaves of the wall, there were countless silver-white iron frames!


The silver-white arrow lighted up abruptly.

"Not good, relevant!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's complexion changed immediately, and then with a right wave, Qianyan Shengyi instantly appeared on his body.

Suddenly, Wan Tianyu and eight people were stunned. They hadn't seen those levels yet, but they saw Li Lingtian's complexion change so drastically that they even took out Chaos Treasure, they also summoned their own Chaos Treasure. Come, be careful.


In the next moment, countless sounds of breaking the sky came out. At this time, the seven people of Wan Tianyu finally heard clearly where the sound came from. Looking up, they saw countless silver-white feather arrows, which were overwhelming. , Pressing down on them!

Under the sharp arrows, their faces all changed drastically!

They can clearly feel that those arrows and rain are like a rainbow, even if they are the strong fourth-order domain masters, they may not be able to resist!

Subconsciously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The bodies of the seven people in Wan Tianyu are slightly backed a few steps.

"Drink! Wind Blade!"

Li Lingtian waved, Qianyan Shengyi burst into hundreds of wind blades.


The strong wind blade rolled up and instantly turned into a heavenly net, blocking around Li Lingtian's eight people.


Seeing this scene, the seven people of Wan Tianyu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and, with the isolation of the wind blade, the momentum of those feather arrows can no longer affect them!


Just when they were slackened, the sound of Jin Tie's thunder continued to sound.

At the same time, Feng blade is also constantly receding. Seeing this, Wan Tianyu's face could not help but slightly changed, and then looked at Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​do we need to come out?"

Wan Tianyu asked softly.

"No need to!"

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, and then urged the God of Heaven to kill the book. At the next moment, those wind blades suddenly erupted into a stronger momentum, just like a giant beast, angry.


The wind blade burst suddenly, and the violent wind swept out, instantly flicking those feather arrows.

"Oh, uh!"

Li Lingtian turned back to defend, and his thoughts moved. Those wind blades tremble quickly, and then flew out, cutting all the feather arrows that were shot into pieces!

For a while, countless pieces of silver feather arrows fell on the ground one after another.

"His... so strong strength!"

"This is Li Lingtian's true strength!"

Seeing this scene, all the people in Wan Tianyu were shocked, looking at Li Lingtian's eyes full of horror. They were the first time they saw that a third-order person in the domain could burst into such a tyranny. The attack is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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