War God Supreme

Chapter 3080: Deadly organ

Not to mention the ridicule of the group of people, after Li Lingtian and others entered the stone gate, the soft light suddenly lit up in front of them.

  Under the soft light, everyone saw the passage in front of them.

   "His... It turned out that it was brightly lit!"

   Wan Tianyu took a breath, his face full of shock, and admired Li Lingtian in his heart.

   It seems that as long as Li Lingtian takes the shot, he will never fail or do anything wrong.

  Not just Wan Tianyu, but even those Mo Zifen's men. At this time, the worship of Li Lingtian was no worse than Wan Tianyu.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​what shall we do next?"

  Chen Mouliang looked around, and found that the surroundings were all slate, and the paving was tight and neat, and the ground was a series of blue stone slabs with patterns.

   "Of course there will be formations!"

  When Chen Mouliang spoke, Li Lingtian also observed.

   in his mind, the previous map was directly displayed.

   However, there are map routes, and the formations and institutions in the middle still need him to crack.

  Slightly sensed, Li Lingtian found out that there was power fluctuation within the slate on the ground.


  Take a breath, Li Lingtian does not wait for everyone's words, but his heart is moved, **** and a clip in his right hand, a piece of debris appears in his hand.


   turned his wrist, and Li Lingtian dumped the piece.

   "Dangdang Dang!"

  In an instant, that piece of debris just skipped on the floor.

   When passing the first few floors, there was no response, but when passing the fifth floor, the floor fell down, and then a flame suddenly burst out from underneath.


  Not only that, as the flame erupted, various arrows, boulders, and thunder all fell.

   The entire channel is full of energy fluctuations.

   And when these forces broke out, Li Lingtian's eyes were also staring at the channel vigorously.

  He is seeing which tiles are at the bottom, triggering the formation.


Seeing such a strong offensive, Wan Tianyu and others couldn't help but took a breath in shock.

   When that kind of force broke out just now, they all felt the exact sense of oppression.

   That is to say, with their strength, if they trigger the formation, they will die directly!

   "What a strong institution!"

   "This is just the beginning. It's so dangerous. Wouldn't the organization behind it be even stronger?"

   Everyone murmured.

   In their hearts, they all started to quit.

   After all, everyone cherishes his life.

   "No matter how powerful the organization is, it must be triggered."

  Li Lingtian noticed the withdrawal of everyone, Shen Sheng said: "Follow me, I can guarantee that you will never trigger any organs and formations."

   "Of course, the premise is, you have to listen to me!"

   After hearing the words, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, nodding one after another.

   As long as they can protect their own safety, they are still very happy to find out in this ruin.

  After all, this ruin is very dangerous, and the treasure hidden in it must be a superb treasure!

"try again!"

  Li Lingtian was still a little unsure. When he was thinking, another piece of debris was thrown out by him.

   "Boo woo hoo!"


   Organs were triggered, and lightning, flames, and various organs burst out.

  Li Lingtian's eyes gleamed and stared tightly.

   Seeing this scene, everyone was holding their breath, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing Li Lingtian.


   Breathing lightly, Li Lingtian jumped up and jumped over the fourth brick. Shen Sheng said: "Next, follow my pace!"

  As the voice fell, Li Lingtian's figure, like a big bird, jumped up and jumped onto another brick.

   In order to let everyone see his movements, Li Lingtian's speed is not fast, and he keeps jumping, just a dozen breathing times, he skipped the channel.

   During this period, the institution did not trigger once.

   has to say that Li Lingtian's observation ability is really too sharp.


Everyone saw this scene, and immediately shocked: "Hao Qiang... Although his state is the same as Mo Zifen, it is also the fourth order of the domain master, but his strength is far more than Mo Zifen! His upper limit of strength ,What exactly is it?"

   At this time, those Mozi sub-generals could not help but feel lucky.

   Fortunately, they chose to follow Li Lingtian. If they continued to follow Mo Zifen, even if Mo Zifen did not die, they would not be able to lead them through the organization when they encountered this.

"come here quickly!"

  Li Lingtian whispered.

   Wen Yan, Liu Banxian, they immediately reacted, and then followed Li Lingtian's movement trajectory, and quickly jumped.

   It was only a dozen breaths, and he jumped over the passage and came to Li Lingtian.

  Organization was not triggered.

   At this time, Wan Tianyu and their remaining worries were completely dissipated.


  So, Wan Tianyu jumped up all of them, all jumped over.

   This kind of mechanism is set very rigidly, as long as you understand the rules, it will naturally not be triggered easily.

   Of course, it is also very difficult to find out their rules ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Unless the strength is similar to Li Lingtian, and the brain is smart enough to think of using stones and other objects to trigger the organ, and then record the trigger and the slate that will not trigger the organ.

   Otherwise, you can only use your life to slowly explore the rules of the organization!

  This method is not only clumsy, but also causes many people to lose their lives. Li Lingtian will not choose that method naturally.

  After all the people passed through the passage, Li Lingtian recalled the route in his mind, and he took everyone to the east.

   Next, due to the route, coupled with Li Lingtian's outstanding sense of ability, various organ formations had no place in front of him and could not be triggered at all. They also moved quickly along the way.

  At this time, it was half an hour outside.

   The light curtain on the stone door suddenly disappeared, and at the next moment, a passage appeared in everyone's eyes.

"this is?"

   suddenly saw this scene, everyone was stunned, and then they were all ecstatic.

   "Hahaha! This is the channel! The channel is finally open!"

   "The channel is finally open, rush in!"

   had to say that the temptation of that channel was too great. The group of people had a hot head and red eyes, and the wailing just rushed in.

   However, what is waiting for them is a deadly institution!

  :. :

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