War God Supreme

Chapter 3081: Praying mantis catches cicada cardinal



   Almost at the moment when those people stepped on the special floor, countless institutions just appeared one after another.

Whether it is an arrow, a thorn, a thunderbolt, a flame, or a sudden crack in the floor, the sharp stings underneath are not what they can contend with. In the wailing sound, the blood is pervasive, dozens of lives, It is directly damaged in this channel.


   Seeing this scene, some of the more advanced people have stopped their feet and looked at the channel with a shocking look in their eyes.

   They began to hesitate.

   But when they saw this, they hesitated, but the people behind did not hesitate. After hearing the sound of the passage, they were all excited and crazily crowded forward.

   In this way, those who stopped their footsteps were crowded out by these people and stepped on the floor.

"Da da da!"

   The number of people is really too much. They are in a panic, they can't choose their way, but the more panic, the more they will trigger the organ.


  In an instant, it was another group of people who died in the passage!

   And this scene is also repeated repeatedly, until some powerful people come in and see the fierceness triggered by the organ. Then, they burst out their own strength and shocked the people behind them.

  At this time, a group of people finally began to study the organization of the channel.

   And at this time, Li Lingtian and others also came to a closed stone gate.

   On the stone gate, two words are clearly engraved, one for life and one for death!

   On top of the dead words, the bright red blood was dripping, and it looked even more chilling in everyone's eyes.

   Even Li Lingtian couldn't help but frown slightly and chilled behind.

   Such as Liu Banxian, Wan Tianyu and others are even more serious.

   Almost at the moment they saw the dead word, they just felt their skin cold and shivered as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. Their bodies became stiff and unable to move.


  Cold flashes, rushing out of their bodies.

"not good!"

  After realizing this, Li Lingtian quickly turned around and looked at several people.


   frowned, Li Lingtian suddenly realized that his body also had a cold intrusion.

   However, Li Lingtian's strength is deep, and the body has the inherent power of the law of the fire attribute, and he will not be afraid of these chills at all.

   Sighed slightly, Li Xuantian's body exploded with the sacred fire, directly swallowing those cold air.

   looked up and looked at Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian. Li Lingtian's brows were suddenly tight.

  In order to eliminate the strange bugs in their bodies for the past, Li Lingtian had burned them with the Wanxuan Holy Fire. Now, if they use the Wanxuan Holy Fire again, it is easy to cause irreversible damage to them.

  If he doesn’t use the Wanxuan Holy Fire, how should he resolve the cold in these people?

   "I have it!"

  Li Lingtian's eyes lit up, and his big hand waved, and the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire exploded suddenly, directly wrapping their bodies.

  Of course, it's just a package. It didn't invade their bodies to resolve the cold.

  Li Lingtian knew that the reason why Wan Tianyu would be recruited was because they saw the word "death", that is to say, as long as the connection between them and "death" was isolated, the cold in them could no longer be strengthened.

  At the same time, he slowly used the scorching temperature of Wanxuan Shenghuo to bake them and resolve the coldness in them.

   Of course, this alone cannot resolve the cold in them. Wan Tianyu, if they want to get out of trouble, they must look at themselves.

   Otherwise, there is only one way to die!

  In an instant, Li Lingtian looked at them with a worried look.

  He already regarded Wan Tianyu as a friend, not just a relationship of interest.

Fortunately, Wan Tianyu hadn't completely dissipated their consciousness at this time. After feeling that the cold was no longer invading, they all struggled to mobilize the power in their bodies to resolve the cold.

For a while, the whole space was silent.

   Seeing that the cold in everyone's body was slowly being resolved, Li Lingtian was also relieved.

   The eyeball turned, Li Lingtian turned around, walked out of the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, and continued to look at the stone gate.

   However, this time, Li Lingtian was not looking at the word "dead", but at the word "sheng"!

   Gazed for a moment, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that the word "sheng" contained some breath of life.

   Although the breath of life is extremely weak, it is real!

   The eyeball turned, Li Lingtian reached out, and at the next moment, the green light at the word "sheng" bloomed, and those lights condensed into a thread-like torrent of life, rushing towards Li Lingtian's hand.


   With a slight grip in his right hand, Li Lingtian closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

  In his induction, these breaths of life are extremely pure, not those weird bugs.


  Li Lingtian was just a light breath, and then with his right hand, he spread these breaths of life evenly and spread them on Wan Tianyu and others.

   "Oh, uh!"

  As those breaths of life spilled into Wan Tianyu and other people, and coordinated with their fortune-telling exercises, but it was only a dozen breathing times, all the cold in their bodies dissipated, and their spirits and wills were awakened.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian spread the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to resist their sight.

  After all, their state is relatively low, and they can't resist the horror of the word "death".

   "How are you guys?"

  Li Lingtian asked softly.

   "I'm fine."

  Wan Tianyu shook his head.

   Everyone shook their heads too. Obviously, the effect of the breath of life is still very powerful.

   But the kind of almost fatal feeling was still haunting them, making everyone's face extremely ugly.

   If it is not that they have come here, it is estimated that some people want to quit halfway.

   This ruin is really dangerous!

   "Well? Someone is coming!"

   At this moment, Li Lingtian's ear moved, and suddenly heard a sound of footsteps coming from afar.

   "Wouldn't it be that group of people coming? Their speed is so fast!"

   Wan Tianyu also frowned slightly, if there were many people, they would be more troublesome when they won the treasure.

   "Let's hide it first and let them break into this formation!"

  Li Lingtian suddenly flicked his right hand and took the people directly to the corner of the side. Then he used the big puppet and arranged a illusion for the people. Immediately, they all covered up their bodies.

   This time, Li Lingtian is going to come to a mantis to catch the cicadas, and the cardinals are behind!

  :. :

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