War God Supreme

Chapter 3082: misfortune


  As a series of footsteps sounded, all of them also poured in.

   After they came in, they also saw the innermost stone gate of the passage.

   "Hey, look at it! There is a stone gate in it!"

   "Hahaha, wouldn't it be that the formation had already been cleared?"

   Seeing that stone gate, the first thought in everyone's mind was relaxed.

  It seems to them that there was a stone gate at the beginning, then this stone gate must be the end.

   In other words, the formation has been cleared, then they will naturally not be nervous.

   includes the three people who first spoke of the spar fragments of life. They are all relieved, and their faces are quite relaxed.

  However, they would not know that it was precisely because of their contempt for this relic formation that they finally paid a heavy price!

   In the illusion, Li Lingtian and others looked at them and all sneered. They can already imagine that this group of people will wait for the misfortune!

   A group of them slowly walked towards Shimen, at the same time, they also began to look at Shimen.

   "Hey, there seems to be two words on this stone door?"

   "One dead word, one new word..."

   "Hoo, what do these two words mean?"

  Everyone looked at each other, and they were all surprised. Then they all turned their eyes to the words above.

   It was also at this time that the words "sheng" and "death" suddenly flashed, and at the same time, the coldness and the breath of life all waved out.

  While those who stared at the word "death", the cold air intruded into their bodies silently.

  Because the coldness is colorless, tasteless and invisible, after those people are invaded by the coldness, they just feel a little cold behind, and there is no other reaction, so they don’t care.

  In contrast, those who have been staring at the word "sheng" clearly feel that a strong breath of life wanders in their bodies.

  In an instant, they all have a feeling of power!

   "In this word, there is a strong breath of life!"

   "Hahaha, so strong life breath! It seems that this should be the reward for clearing this formation."

   Everyone was pleasantly surprised. However, those who had previously stared at the word "death" were surprised, and asked in doubt: "What breath of life? Why have we not sensed?"

   "Click! Click!"

   Almost at the moment when their voice fell, their faces suddenly became horrified.

   Inside them, the cold erupted, and a layer of weak ice immediately sealed their body to ice.

  Almost instantly, their bodies were all frozen into the cold.

   There are also some people who are more powerful. Even if the cold erupts completely, their bodies are not frozen, but only covered with some ice.

  Even if they were like this, they all panicked.

"How is this going?"

   Not only them, but the rest of the people, those who saw the word "sheng" before, were also surprised.

   They didn't understand why they were okay, but a sudden frost came out of those people.

  Is it possible, is this luck?

   "No! This chill?"

   Suddenly, the group of people who had not been completely frozen were all screaming in pain, and their faces became unbearable.

   Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts and stepped back slightly.


   Those people's faces were grim and white in their eyes, and a bright white light came out, and they looked extremely uncomfortable!

   "His... how could this be?"

For a short while, everyone was surprised, and they stepped back and staggered.


  However, at this moment, those people, just like a monster, roared, and they went directly to the crowd.

   "Not good, get shot!"

  Although everyone was surprised, but when they saw them attacking themselves, they all made the most correct response!


  Everyone shot out and bombarded their bodies directly.


After    landed, those bodies all made a violent noise.

  However, the word "death" burst out with a stronger light. The next moment, the condensing of the cold became more and more direct, so that the body of the group of people became rigid.


  At the same time, those who had been frozen before, also moved.

   They all rushed towards the group of people again.

   The group of people also shot again.

   It's just that this time, when their attack fell on the group of people covered with frost, there was a clear sound of "Dangdang".

   The strong attack only made a white mark on their ice, and besides, it had no effect.


   This time, among the crowd, only a dozen realms reached the master of the fourth level of the domain master, which could withstand their offensive.

   But next, the group of people, but not afraid of death, exuded cold cold all over them, constantly attacking them.

   All of a sudden, everyone tried their best to resist!

   In the corner, Li Lingtian and others saw this scene, but they were all surprised.

   "Hey, what's going on?"

  Li Lingtian's brow furrowed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only after Wan Tianyu was invaded by the cold, they were almost frozen.

   Why did this group of people become this weird look?

   "His? Is it impossible to achieve this, we just have this weird appearance?"

   Wan Tianyu frowned slightly, then said helplessly: "No, our consciousness at that time was still very clear!"

   "Regardless of them, if they die, then they die, what is their relationship with us?"

  Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, his face cold.

   For them, the group of people are strangers, Li Lingtian is not a saint, and naturally will not put their lives in the eyes.

After observing for another moment, Li Lingtian also found some clues, Shen Sheng said: "Although they are all in this place, some people have a breath of life in their bodies, and some people have become that kind of non-human ghost. Not as ghost!"

   "It seems that the key lies in those two words!"

   "Everyone who just stares at the word "sheng" has a body of life breath protector, and stares at the word "death", the body is filled with life!"

"I understand!"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and Shen Sheng said: "Wait a minute, you follow me forward! All eyes show me the word "sheng", no matter what happens, don't stop! Remember, as long as you stop, you Will die without a burial place!"

  :. :

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