War God Supreme

Chapter 3083: Comprehend

"Wait a minute, you follow me forward! All eyes are showing me the word "sheng", no matter what happens, don't stop! Remember, as long as you stop, you will die without a burial place. !"

When Li Lingtian said this, his face was extremely dignified.

Wan Tianyu stunned everyone, then nodded heavily.

At this time, the fighting outside has already reached the stage of fierce heat.

Those who have death in their bodies, like lunatics, constantly attack the rest.

Moreover, they are not afraid of death, and they do not feel pain. They can exert 200% of their strength. Even if there are many masters of the fourth order of the domain master, they cannot suppress them, but are violently attacked. , Forced to retreat in the past.

Seeing this situation, all of them had the idea of ​​retreating.

After all, no one wants to take his own life as a play because of a vague relic.

However, the few people who had obtained fragments of life spar were still reluctant to give up.

They all thought they had obtained the key, and it was only one step away from success. How could they give up?


At this time, Li Lingtian shot, he directly withdrew the formation set by the puppet, the whole person was like a quick lightning, that is, shuttled from everyone to the past, and the body was full of death. The angry living dead hit together!


Li Lingtian broke out with all his strength, and the flames of God of Extinction, like a sharp knife, directly tore the defenses of the living dead and knocked their crowded group into a small path.

And his own momentum of progress, without any pause, hurried forward again.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised, and they all shocked and said: "Who is this person? What a strong strength!"

"Huh, isn't this the guy who came in earlier than us?"

Soon, someone recognized Li Lingtian's back.

"Yeah! He came in earlier than us. Why didn't he come out until now, it is impossible, just now he has been watching the situation around?"

Everyone was surprised, and then their eyes lit up. They were all thinking, are they going to follow Li Lingtian?

Just when they hesitated, Wan Tianyu rushed out of them.

Although their strength is not too strong, but at this time, the group of people were scared, and the living dead were blocked by Li Lingtian. Their speed seemed much faster, and they came directly behind Li Lingtian. .


Li Lingtian waved his hands, directly blending the flames of God of Extinction and the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, and slammed outward.


That blaze of fire and flames, like a sharp blade, directly tears open the crowd of living dead!

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all and rushed over to the stone gate.

In the meantime, Li Lingtian's eyes have been staring closely at the word "sheng" on the Shimen Mountain, a steady flow of life, converging towards his body, supplementing the power consumed by him.

This is also to allow Li Lingtian to have the confidence to be able to fight against so many intrepid living dead.


But it was a matter of a moment. Those groups of living dead were torn out of a road. Li Lingtian came to the stone gate, stretched out his hand, and pressed violently on the word "sheng". At the next moment, that stone gate Above, there is a bright green light.

Suddenly seeing these lights, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Yali killing people who were coming over were all taken aback, but just when they were just about to stop, they remembered what Li Lingtian said before, No matter what happens, you can't stop!

At the end of the thought, although their eyes were hurt by the light, they just closed their eyes and immediately rushed in the direction of Li Lingtian.

Of course, other people did not know what Li Lingtian said. When they suddenly saw this light, they all exclaimed, turned their heads quickly, and stayed in place.

Those living dead people seem to have lost sight of the light completely. When the group of people turned their heads to avoid the light, and when their figure stopped, they didn't pause at all, they just killed them!


"Roar roar!"


Almost instantaneously, the terrible howling sound rang continuously.

Hearing these sounds, Wan Tianyu and others were trembling in their hearts. They also felt the danger, quickly speeded up, and quickly rushed to Shimen. At the next moment, they just felt their heads dizzy, and when they woke up again, they were already somewhere else.

"No, there is danger!"

Among the group of people outside, someone sensed the danger and quickly backed away.

But even so, their original team of nearly 1,000 people, in addition to more than 200 living dead people, only 300 living people left!

At this time, even those strong fourth-order domain masters were worried.

If the number is too small, even if you pass this level, it is not known whether there will be more dangerous levels.

More importantly, whether this level can pass or not is a very difficult thing to say.

As the light dissipated, those people stepped back and continued to fight with the living dead.

The people who retired earlier looked up to Li Lingtian and others, but they were surprised to find that after the light dissipated, Li Lingtian and their group disappeared again before their eyes!

"I depend, how could this be?"

"What the **** are they? Why rushed to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disappeared?"

"His...it's not scientific! It's impossible, are they so powerful?"

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked.

"It's impossible... how could it be..."

Even the strong fourth-order masters of the three domain masters couldn't help but whispered to themselves: "How could I have already got the fragments of life spar, how could it be inferior to him in the exploration of the remains? "

"By the way... it seems that he has been staring at the word "sheng" all the time, and finally pressed the "sheng" pattern! It is impossible to get through the secret of this level. Body?"

"Huh... I see, I just saw the word "sheng" at the first glance, and there was some breath of life in my body. If I had these breaths of life, I am afraid I could not resist these living dead! The secret of cracking the formation is on the word "sheng"!"

At this point, the faces of those people became excited.

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