War God Supreme

Chapter 3094: Heart of life

"What are you still doing? Hurry to conquer those treasures!"

When Li Lingtian saw that Wan Tianyu was staying in place, he couldn't help but got up, shrugged his shoulders, and quickly shouted: "This is chaos treasure. If you miss it, you will have no chance!"

After being urged by Li Lingtian, Wan Tianyu finally reacted, all smiles on their faces, and flew up quickly, looking for his chaotic treasure.

In this regard, Li Lingtian also smiled. These people will be his help in the future. It is a very good choice for them to improve their strength.

As for Li Lingtian himself, he does not need these chaotic treasures.

He has sensed it for a long time. Although the quality of these Chaos Treasures is not bad, but it is not enough to make him tempted. Moreover, if he does not take these Chaos Treasures, and then follow up to conquer that fruit, there are legitimate reasons.

I have abandoned even Chaos Treasure, leaving it all to you, can you still grab this thing?

It was only half a quarter of an hour. Wan Tianyu and others all fell happily. In their hands, they each held a shining chaotic treasure, which contained a rich breath of life.

In fact, these Chaos Treasures were originally just ordinary ranks, not even Chaos Treasures. They just absorbed the breath of life all year round and got the second evolution. Their power is still inferior to that of the real chaos treasure.

It is precisely because of this that Li Lingtian will give up these chaotic treasures so easily.

"How is it, how is the harvest?"

Li Lingtian asked with a smile.

At the same time, he glanced at him and found that those people were still meditating there, absorbing the breath of life, and did not realize Wan Tianyu's harvest.

"Hahaha, I got a chaotic treasure called the highest level! This luck is really good!"

Wan Tianyu was very excited and laughed out loud.

All of a sudden, the rest of the people looked at Wan Tianyu enviously.

The Chaos Treasure at the pinnacle level is indeed stronger than the Best Chaos Treasure.

Smiling and nodding, Li Lingtian turned to look at Liu Banxian and Yali killing, seeing that both of them also had a happy face on them, this was relieved.

It seems that the two of them will not be too bad.

"You go to the side and watch. I will see if there is anything else in this follow-up."

Li Lingtian said softly, and ordered everyone to step back aside.

Everyone was satisfied now, and no longer hesitated, just retreated.

Li Lingtian was also quite satisfied with this. Looking up, she saw the light in the sky and gradually dissipated.

It didn't take long for that round and brilliant fruit to become plain and unpretentious.

However, Li Lingtian is clear that the most important thing in this ruin is contained in this fruit!

After a moment of contemplation, Li Lingtian felt that there was no danger, and immediately jumped up and flew towards the fruit.


Just when Li Lingtian was about to touch the fruit, the green light around the fruit bloomed, but Li Lingtian was powerful, and like a sharp steel knife in his right hand, he directly broke through the light and grabbed it.


Suddenly grabbed the fruit, Li Lingtian just pulled it out.

Suddenly, the light dissipated, and the fruit in Li Lingtian's hands turned into white light, which was quickly injected into Li Lingtian's body.


Suddenly seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but froze in place. What is the situation?

His eyes narrowed, Li Lingtian felt it carefully, and suddenly found that the white light, after submerging in his body, turned into a pure breath of life, constantly moisturizing his meridians and body.

This kind of life breath is more pure than the life breath outside. Although it is not as good in quantity, it is a gap between heaven and earth in terms of purity.

It was just a few breathing hours, and Li Lingtian was shocked to find that the power in his body had turned upside down!

Even the power of the law of origin has been strengthened.

"His...this breath of life, so powerful!"

Li Lingtian was shocked. It turned out that this is the benefit of life breath?

No wonder, there will be so many masters, former and later, would rather die, but also come here.

The benefits of breath of life are really too powerful.

After confirming that there is no danger, Li Lingtian also completely relaxed, his hands spread out, his eyes closed slightly, the whole person's body is floating in the air, absorbing the power of life.


At the next moment, the milky white light also radiated from Li Lingtian's body, like a light curtain, covering his figure.

The rich breath of life constantly moisturizes Li Lingtian's body.

"His... so rich life breath!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu glanced at each other, instructing others to go aside, meditate and adjust their breath, and absorb the breath of life. As for a few of them, they took turns meditating in turn, looking for Li Lingtian.


It didn't take long for Li Lingtian's body to become transparent, and the skin was even more delicate and translucent, full of spiritual breath.

Moreover, in Li Lingtian's body, there are many breaths of life, if it erupts, that force is enough to destroy the world!

At the same time, after finishing the transformation of Li Lingtian's body, that breath of life condensed into a heart, suspended on Li Lingtian's right chest!

"Boom! Boom!"

The heart was extremely powerful, beating like a thunder.

At this time, Li Lingtian also opened his eyes.


With a light breath, Li Lingtian's eyes were full of excitement.


The green light surging ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gradually converged into a key and fell into Li Lingtian's hands.

Li Lingtian looked down and realized that above the key, the shape of a giant turtle was portrayed.

The giant turtle is blue all over, giving a spiritual feeling.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but move her heart: "Huh? Is this the key to the remains of Xuanwu?"

Li Lingtian clearly remembered that among the four elephant **** beasts, the body of Xuanwu was a turtle!

Li Lingtian did not speak straightly as soon as his eyes rolled, but collected the key.

Then Li Lingtian's face was full of joy.

Although this time he did not break through the ruins, the benefits he received were really against the sky.

That's a heart formed by the breath of life! Not only can he continue to provide him with a breath of life, to a certain extent, that heart is also a life guarantee for him!

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