War God Supreme

Chapter 3093: Treasures

The crimson flame swayed in the wind in Li Lingtian's right palm, but the color in the flame was a blood-red scary!


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of horror!

It is too powerful, it is really too powerful!

One person, to deal with several masters with his realm, but within two strokes, kill them all!

No, for the first time, it was not a trick, just a random wave, all the attacks of the masters of the same realm were disbanded, and the next one, the group of people was killed!

This kind of strength has already surpassed the ordinary fourth-order realm of the domain master, even if it is a strong fifth-order domain master, it may not necessarily be able to do this.

Don’t forget that before shooting against the strong fourth-tier domain masters, Li Lingtian killed hundreds of second-tier domain masters and third-tier domain masters!

That is also extremely powerful for the consumption of spiritual power.

Therefore, it can be said that Li Lingtian killed hundreds of masters in an instant!

It is precisely because of this, that group of people will feel shocked.

"Oh, this guy is just a ghost, a pervert! His strength never seems to end..."

A few people in Wan Tianyu laughed bitterly.

They once thought that they had already seen Li Lingtian's strength, but now it seems that what they have seen before is just the tip of the iceberg of Li Lingtian's real strength.

This made them smile bitterly.

"Huh... why do you have to force me to shoot!"

Li Lingtian sighed and shook his head helplessly, "I didn't want to solve them, but they had to betray me and provoked me, so if I didn't fight back, wouldn't I be a coward... "

Wen Yan, everyone looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, all became weird.

"You guys, shouldn't you betray me?"

Li Lingtian said, turning around suddenly, looking at the group of people.

It is said that everyone is chilling from behind, as if falling into an ice cellar, their bodies are trembling constantly.

"No... not dare!"

"Master, where do we dare to betray you!"

Suddenly, the group of people said that they would never betray.

This also made Li Lingtian's face a little more beautiful, no matter what these people said was true or false, but at least, this group of people, now dare not resist him again.

The right hand flicked up, and the hot flame rose up, burning the bodies of those people into a pile of ashes.

After doing all this, Li Lingtian looked around and observed carefully.

Around this, there are towering trees, which look extremely green, which contains a rich breath of life.

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed and he felt it carefully. He suddenly found that in the south not far away, the breath of life there was even more intense!

Suddenly opened his eyes, Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "Follow me!"

As his words fell, Li Lingtian jumped up in the direction he sensed.

Seeing this scene, the rest of them kept up, and they all caught up.

It didn't take long for a huge tree with green colors to appear in front of them.

"His... so tall trees!"

Even Li Lingtian couldn't help but stunned when he first saw the giant tree.

By the time he responded, Wan Tianyu and others had already arrived behind him.

In an instant, everyone was surprised.

They looked up and suddenly realized that in the middle of the tree, there was a trace of splitting. It was also in that place that the main branch of the tree was actually split in two, spreading in two different directions. Went out.

On top of the split mark, the branches twisted and turned into a heart-shaped shape.

In the middle, there is a round fruit floating in a crystal clear, shining emerald green light.


The rich breath of life is constantly escaping from that fruit.


After seeing this fruit, Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became excited, his throat rolled, and he couldn't help swallowing a spit.

Li Lingtian is sure that the most important thing in this ruin is this fruit!

"It's a strong life breath!"

"Hahaha, the life in this place is more than ten times more intense! Hey, it seems that we are in the right place!"

"Quickly meditate to absorb these breaths of life!"

Everyone was so excited that they sat down cross-legged and started to exercise their interest.

Only people such as Wan Tianyu who followed Li Lingtian earlier did not go to exercise power to adjust their interest rates, but turned to look at Li Lingtian, his eyes full of inquiries.

Aware of Wan Tianyu's doubts, Li Lingtian's eyes turned and he pondered for a moment, then he used the method of transmitting voice and secrets, instructing Wan Tianyu and others not to meditate, but to continue to wait.

In this regard, although Wan Tianyu wondered and felt puzzled and puzzled, they still chose to believe Li Lingtian under the trust brought to them by Li Lingtian during this time.

So, for a while, the group of people started to exercise their power to regulate interest rates, and Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu and others raised their heads and stared closely at the changes in the fruit.

But it was only half an hour, and the mellow fruit suddenly shuddered.


Suddenly, the entire space shook violently.


The silver-white and emerald green lights flashed and radiated each other, and they looked extremely beautiful!

"Oh, uh!"

The next moment, one shadow after another suddenly appeared in the air.

"Huh? What is that?"

Wan Tianyu and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly surprised.

Looking closely, however, after they saw the shadows clearly, they were all taken aback in surprise!

Those dark shadows are a treasure of chaos one after another!

Moreover, which chaotic treasure is the highest grade chaotic treasure, when it comes to strength, it is not much worse than a single piece of God of Destruction series.

"What are you still doing? Hurry to conquer these treasures!"

Seeing everyone froze in place, Li Lingtian gently coughed and quickly reminded them.

It is said that Wan Tianyu and other talents reacted, then jumped up and rushed towards those chaotic treasures.

In fact, Li Lingtian had already seen that it was unusual here, so he did not let Wan Tianyu meditate.

If they are also meditating, although they can absorb some breath of life, they will definitely miss these chaotic treasures.

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