War God Supreme

Chapter 3097: Suzaku Ruins

In the debris area of ​​the star field, Li Lingtian and others, after two days of shuttle, finally came to the far south.

Going forward, the expansive starry sky is no longer visible, and there are no more nebula fragments.

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian looked around and began to search for the surrounding nebula fragments.

"Everyone, start looking for nebula fragments, and tell me if you see a Suzaku in shape!"

Li Lingtian directly mobilized everyone and began to look for it.

However, when the group heard Li Lingtian's words, they were all stunned. What is Suzaku?

"Adult, what is the shape of Suzaku?"

After hesitating, someone finally asked.

Hearing this, Li Lingtian could not help but twitch violently in the corner of his mouth.

"Just a huge bird."

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "But whenever you see that strange shape, tell me!"

"Yes, lord!"

In this way, the group of talents reacted and then went to check the surrounding nebula fragments.

Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu, they also looked up carefully.

"I found it! There is a fragment of a nebula with a giant bird on it!"

Not long after, a person suddenly shouted.

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian and others quickly flew over and pushed the man aside.

Li Lingtian took a closer look, and found that among the fragments of the nebula, there was indeed a mark, and the figure on it was exactly the same as Suzaku!

And, in there, there is a strong fire attribute!

"Nothing wrong, this is the ruins of Suzaku!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, Li Lingtian directly took out the key to the ruins of Suzaku and pressed it towards the moment!


As the key entered the mark, the piece of nebula shivered violently, and then the fiery red light bloomed, directly swallowing Li Lingtian and their people!


The bodies of Li Lingtian and others suddenly submerged in the firelight.

Upon seeing this, instead of fear, the group of people rushed in excitedly.

They all know that there is not a demon inside, but a relic that can make them leap!


As everyone immersed in the red light of the fire, the blaze of fire quickly dissipated.

When the crowd reacted again, they were already stepping on a piece of magma.


"It's hot!"

"it hurts!"

Almost at the moment when everyone just landed, they all exclaimed, their faces filled with surprise.

Looking down, he gasped suddenly.

All that appeared in their sight were red magma and slabs. Those slabs, like burnt iron, were extremely red and extremely hot. They were too hot to dare to land and floated.

Even Li Lingtian and they suddenly jumped when they suddenly touched the ground.

Looking around, Li Lingtian's brow furrowed suddenly, and around it, the eyes were filled with fiery red magma, but there was nothing else.



The magma on the ground is rolling, and from time to time there are several blazes, erupting from the magma, causing a burst of exclamation.

"Is it all magma here?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian couldn't help but whisper.


However, this breath blew out, and the air almost ignited a spark, scaring Li Lingtian's mouth twitching.

"Hiss... Inside, can a spark ignite with a breath?"

Li Lingtian frowned, looking back at Wan Tianyu and others, but they saw Wan Tianyu and they looked around with surprise.

I have to say that this environment is really terrible!

It's all magma, even the plates are broken. If you are not careful, you may fall into the magma.

Other than that, there was nothing around, extremely desolate. Even Li Lingtian felt extremely depressed.

"Huh, look at it!"

Suddenly, someone stretched his finger to the distance, and said in surprise: "Look, there is a volcano on the southernmost side!"

It is said that the rest of the people have turned their eyes to it.

Sure enough, at the farthest point of sight, you can vaguely see that a volcano is sitting there.

"There is always a cause for impermanence!"

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "Everyone, fly south!"

With Li Lingtian's order, everyone flew south.


However, almost when the group of people just rushed out of the plate interface and flew over the magma, they suddenly burst into wailing.





Among the mournful screams, the first few people who rushed out, like a broken kite, fell directly from the sky.



They are like ducks falling into the water, falling directly into the magma.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and they quickly stopped and floated in the air, looking at the few people who fell into the magma. Their eyes were full of suspicious looks.


"It's hot!"


The piercing sound sounded, but it was only three or four breaths. The people who fell into the magma were completely melted by the hot magma, turned into a pool of water vapor, and merged with the fiery red magma Together!


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath, his face full of fear.

"It's terrible! How could this happen!"

"It seems... above the magma, it is a no-fly field!"

Everyone is terrified~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is really a no-fly field, it means that they can only walk from here, but the surrounding area is full of magma and can walk, it is really too not enough!

Li Lingtian's face is also uncertain.

He died a few times at a time, and he also had a bit of pain. The strength of these men is not weak. Even in the elimination game, he can play a little role. It is indeed a little loss to die so easily. !

The eyeballs turned, Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, and he felt them carefully, his fists clenched immediately.

Sure enough, above the magma, there is indeed a space-free field!

Looking around again and looking at the intermittent plates, Li Lingtian could only helplessly sigh.

It seems that they can only choose and jump from those sectors.

But in this way, if something unexpected happens, it is difficult for Li Lingtian to protect people who are far away from him. He doesn't want to let his men die in the ruins so unclearly!

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