War God Supreme

Chapter 3098: crisis

Inside the ruins of Suzaku, full of magma, coupled with the inability to float, Li Lingtian was a little worried that those men would not be able to withstand the hot temperature.

But he had already entered the ruins, and even if they were to stay here, he did not dare to determine the safety. For a moment, Li Lingtian couldn't help but hesitated.

"Damn, how could there be a forbidden air field?"

Li Lingtian's brow furrowed and his heart was very depressed. There were no restricted areas in the Qinglong ruins. Even if the environment of the Suzaku remains is worse than the Qinglong ruins, it can't even fly, which is disgusting.

When Li Lingtian pondered, everyone did not dare to speak, but just looked at the surrounding environment, and his eyes were full of horror.

Obviously, people who are not afraid these days are scared under this near desperate situation.

For a long time, Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "Everyone, follow me!"

After talking about it, Li Lingtian strode forward immediately and came to the magma. In an instant, the hot breath hit the face.

Even Li Lingtian felt extremely hot and could not help frowning.

The temperature of this magma is extremely high, and Li Lingtian is not sure. It can fall into the magma without any danger.

However, Li Lingtian stood in front of the magma like this, but also made everyone feel a little calm.

At least, they can understand that this magma is not irresistible.

"Follow me!"

With a light breath, Li Lingtian walked directly along the narrow passage beside him.

Under the oppression of the restricted air field, Li Lingtian's feet also fell on the plate.


It was only an instant, a harsh voice sounded, and Li Lingtian's feet were extremely hot, and he couldn't help but shivered slightly.

You know, Li Lingtian is the fourth-order realm of the domain master, coupled with super control of the flame, it still feels hot, and one can imagine how high the temperature of the magma in the ruins of Suzaku is.

"You all fall down first, let yourself be familiar with the temperature here, and then slowly come over!"

Li Lingtian's eyes turned and shouted directly. At the same time, he no longer moved forward, but stood on the spot.

After a moment, Li Lingtian also adapted to that temperature and continued to walk forward.

"Click! Click!"

The plates seem to be floating. Li Lingtian stepped on each step and could clearly sense that the plate sank down.

This also made Li Lingtian startled, not halfway, the plate suddenly broke?

This is just him alone, if there are many people, maybe it will break!

The more he wanted to go on, the more dignified Li Lingtian's complexion was, and Shen Sheng shouted, "When you come, one by one!"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned. They didn't understand why Li Lingtian chose this way. It stands to reason that a group of people will be safer together. In case of any unexpected situation, you can also cope with it.

Wan Tianyu and several of them looked at Li Lingtian and found that Li Lingtian's face was solemn, knowing that he was not kidding, and they all echoed.

Afterwards, they saw that Li Lingtian had gone a little further, and they also began to try to walk forward.

Wan Tianyu was the first to go up. At this time, they had been standing on the hot plate for a long time, so they had adapted to the temperature, and there was no error, but after walking for a while, Wan Tianyu also felt the plate sink again. At this time, he finally understood why Li Lingtian let them come one by one.

Immediately, Wan Tianyu walked more carefully.

As for Li Lingtian, it is already on the next huge plate.

Stepping on that plate, Angel Li Ling stepped on a few feet and didn't feel the plate sink, which was a relief.

Turning his head, he saw that Wan Tianyu and others had come one by one in order, but they were worried again.

When they come, will there be any monsters suddenly appearing in the magma? Or is there any other danger?

Staring closely at the crowd, Li Lingtian did not dare to call even the atmosphere.

It didn't take long for Wan Tianyu and others to succeed in this sector.

After all over a hundred people arrived safely, Li Lingtian was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Li Lingtian continued to move forward along the plate.

However, what makes Li Lingtian a little depressed is that at such a long distance, if they are allowed to walk like this, how much time will be wasted?

"Mad, I knew that I would not bring so many people! Too many people is also a burden!"

Li Lingtian sighed endlessly, that is, under this kind of psychology, Li Lingtian did not realize that his speed of progress had quietly accelerated a lot.

Wan Tianyu they were closer to him, and they could barely keep up, but the rest of them gradually pulled apart.

After an hour, Li Lingtian had already moved hundreds of miles, but the volcano was still as small as a pocket in his eyes.

Obviously, that volcano is still far away from their location.

"Sure enough, it's Wangshan running a dead horse!"

With a soft sigh, Li Lingtian was just about to continue to speed up, but suddenly there was a roaring sound in his ear.



The surging sound waves suddenly made Li Lingtian's heart tighten, and he quickly turned his head, but he saw that not far behind them behind Wan Tianyu, the magma surface was suddenly agitated, and a column of water completely condensed by fiery red magma flew through the air, Swept towards the people on the plate.

"Not good, dodge quickly!"


All of a sudden, the group of people who were just shrouded in fiery red magma were all startled, panicking and trying to escape.

"Come on, save them!"

Li Lingtian's pupils shrank sharply, and it was also reflected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hurried towards that place.

However, it was impossible to fly within the ruins of Suzaku, and if you wanted to run past, it was too late.


Among the roaring roars, the pillar of magma was transformed into a fire dragon with a twisted shape, a **** mouth opened, and the bite fell sharply!


The fire dragon was extremely fast, and it didn't wait for everyone to react. Its body was already plopped down, and its sharp teeth snapped open and closed, which swallowed the group of people into its mouth.


In the crisp voice, at the next moment, countless red blood sputtered from the mouth of that fire dragon. Under the hot high temperature, it quickly turned into a plume of smoke and scattered in the air!


Seeing this scene, everyone stopped moving and stayed in place.

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