War God Supreme

Chapter 3122: provocative

Under Zhu Yan's speed flight, it was only one day, and went directly from the most western to the most northern.

At this time, in the northernmost part, a group of people are gathering there.


As Zhu Yan's figure stopped in the space, the group of people also turned their attention to Li Lingtian's body.

They didn't care about Zhu Yan, they just looked at the strength of Li Lingtian's four people, and found that among the four people, only Li Lingtian reached the fourth level of the domain master, and he immediately sneered.

"Boy, you'd better leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be hard to say whether we will do anything!"

Among the group of people, the masters of the fourth order of the four domain masters directly stood up and looked at Li Lingtian with cold eyes.

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but have a slight brow, when will this kind of ants be able to show off their power in front of him?

"Huh? This chick looks good!"

At this time, a master of the fifth-order master of the domain suddenly came out of the crowd, and his body flashed, and he jumped over the masters of the fourth-order of the fourth domain, and came to Li Lingtian.

Later, the man was obsessed with watching Yali kill.

Being so stared at by the man, Yali couldn't help but feel angry in her heart, frowning slightly, she moved her body towards Li Lingtian for a little.


Seeing this scene, the figure's face suddenly became somber.

"Boy, you leave this chick and hurry up! Otherwise, I will make you look good!"

The strongman of the fifth tier of the domain was extremely overbearing and looked at Li Lingtian's eyes with a cold look.

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but sneered in his heart, this group of guys, really find themselves dead!

Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no way, you're running!

"Give you three breaths, apologize, or else..."

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian didn't care about the man, but just said indifferently: "Otherwise, a group of you, just die for this stupid thing..."

Although the speech was cold, the murderous intention contained in it made the group of people chill behind, as if falling into an ice cellar!

Even the strong fifth-order master of the domain is frowning. I don’t know why. When Li Lingtian said something, his heart was full of fear!

Originally, he already wanted to succumb, but when he remembered that Li Lingtian's realm was only the fourth order of the domain master, he was stunned.

As a strong fifth-order domain master, why should I succumb to a small fourth-order domain master Li Lingtian?

If you really succumb, how can you still serve the crowd?

Since then, how do you manage other men?

At that point, the man's face became cold.

"Hahaha, funny!"

The corner of the man's mouth slightly lifted, looking into Li Lingtian's eyes, full of murky expression, and said in a haughty way: "You are just the fourth-order realm of the district master, dare to speak to me like this, I see, you are Live impatiently!"


With a frown, Li Lingtian looked at the man interestingly, and his heart was quite funny, this person would not be a fool, he had already given off his momentum just now, he hadn’t reacted yet, he dared Challenge him.

However, since he was looking for his own death, Li Lingtian would not be merciless.

He has never been a troublemaker, but he is not a person afraid of trouble!

"The time of three breaths, let you consider! After three breaths, if you do not apologize..."

Li Lingtian still didn't reply to him, his mouth twitched, and Xiemei smiled and said: "If you don't apologize... then you have no chance to apologize in your life!"


Hearing that, the man was chilling, but he thought that there were so many people watching behind him, how could he admit that he was the boss?

Moreover, if you want to confess, you should also confess to masters. How can you confess to people who are lower than yourself?

"Hahaha, wouldn't this kid be crazy? How dare he talk to our boss like this?"

"Boss, get rid of him and leave the little beauty, hahaha!"

"Boss, this guy doesn't take us seriously! Hurry up and let him see what is a real master!"

Hearing the words, the man's mouth suddenly twitched violently. Now the arrow is on the string and he has to send it. If he doesn't do something, how will he still serve the crowd in the future?

Thinking like this, the man could not help but gritted his teeth, and said with a deep voice: "Boy, I think you are tired of living. Well, forget it, I don't care too much about you, hurry up!"

The man was quite nervous. Therefore, he didn't say anything about letting Yali kill, but just wanted to let Li Lingtian leave them quickly.

But Li Lingtian, would you go so easily now?

"Three breaths have passed, since you don't want to apologize... Then in this life, you don't want to have the opportunity to apologize again!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, Li Lingtian waved his right hand, and at the next moment, a sharp breath, like a flying sword, quickly turned into a white light and shot at the man!


Almost at the moment when the white light broke out, the man felt a killing intent and enveloped him at an extremely fast speed. With a tight heart, he wanted to adjust his figure.

However, no matter how fast he is, can he be faster than the sharp gold?


With a crisp sound, the invisible gas sword, which was completely condensed by the sharp golden breath, just like a lightning, directly penetrated the man's throat!


The man's body stiffened violently, and then violently twitched, and red blood flowed continuously from his throat, just like a fountain!



Seeing this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The man's men were all exclaimed, his eyes filled with horror.

They could not believe that the boss of the fifth-order master of his domain was killed by Li Lingtian in seconds!

"You have been given the opportunity, since you don't know how to cherish, you can't blame me..."

With a frown, Li Lingtian looked at the rest of the people indifferently, his eyes filled with cold looks.

When Li Lingtian looked at it, all of them were frightened, staggering and continually retreating.

Especially the first few people who provoked Li Lingtian were all tense, and the cold sweat on their foreheads penetrated.

Even their boss was killed. If Li Lingtian wanted to fight them, how could they escape?

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