War God Supreme

Chapter 3123: Psychological tactics

Seeing this from Li Lingtian, the group of people suddenly panicked.

Especially the first few people who provoked Li Lingtian were all nervous, and the cold sweat on their foreheads permeated. Their biggest worry is that Li Lingtian will ask them to settle the bill.

Just kidding, even their boss, under Li Lingtian's men, has no ability to fight back.

If Li Lingtian were to shoot them, how could they dodge them?

Seeing the horrified appearance of everyone, Li Lingtian couldn't help but twitched his lips slightly. What he hated most was those who were bullying and hard-working, so naturally he would not choose to let them go.

"This lord... it is our fault... let's go... let's go!"

"Sir, it's just our boss who provokes you! Now our boss is dead, and I hope you can bypass our dog's life!"

"Sir, forgive me!"

I have to say that in front of the threat of life, this group of people all confessed, and knelt down directly, crying one by one with a snot and tears.

If it weren’t for Li Lingtian who knew that they were bullies who were bullying and fearing hard, they might not be able to bear it, and let them go.

"Oh, wasn't it just right?"

Li Lingtian said with a sneer: "Why are you admonishing now?"

"You don't need to beg for mercy anyway, I won't let you go anyway!"

"Today, you only have one end, that is no doubt that it will die!"

As this sentence fell, Li Lingtian's body suddenly burst into endless coldness.

Originally, Li Lingtian did not want to kill these people, but this group of people directly insulted Yali to kill. This is what made Li Lingtian unhappy.

In any case, Yali kills Ken to pay so much for Li Lingtian. Even if Li Lingtian has not accepted Yali killing, he will not allow these scum to insult Yali!

The dragon has a counter scale, which is irritated by touch. Obviously, this time, a group of them just touched Li Lingtian's counter scale!

Therefore, no matter what they do, Li Lingtian will not waver to kill them!

"Brothers, since he won't let us go, then we can't just grab our hands and shoot together to kill him!"

Hearing that, the group of people looked at each other, and they were all in a panic.

However, soon, someone roared out: "Brothers, his realm is about the fourth order of the domain master. It was only when our boss did not pay attention that we killed our boss! His strength must not be very strong, we Take action together! Kill him!"

"Yes, this guy's strength is only about the fourth-order realm of the domain master! Let's take a shot together and kill him!"

Hearing that person’s words, the group of talents reacted. On the surface, Li Lingtian seemed to have only the fourth order of the domain master. Among the group of people, there were six masters of the fourth order of the light domain master. Extremely powerful.

Therefore, they do not need to fear Li Lingtian at all.

Wen Yan, a few people Wan Tianyu sneered.

Domain Master is 4th order, is it amazing?

In front of Li Lingtian, even if he is a strong sixth-order domain master, he dare not say that he can win Li Lingtian steadily. This group of people actually want to defeat Li Lingtian by relying on a few fourth-order ants.

Of course, they sneered in their hearts, but they wouldn't say it, they just sneered and looked at the group of people.

"Drink, brothers, let's go together! Kill this guy!"

As the voice fell, a bald and strong man of the fourth order of the domain leader jumped out first, and his right hand waved, and a dagger with a flash of Hanmang appeared in his hand.

Afterwards, his figure, like an arrow from a string, exploded towards Li Lingtian quickly.

Seeing this scene, the rest of them were no longer afraid, and they followed up one after another, each exhibiting their most powerful attacking methods.

Or fire, or thunder, or blast, or long sword, or sharp blade, or dagger, or heavy gun, a variety of attack methods, erupting surging power, towards the direction of Li Lingtian , Bombarded!


The thunder roared, and the violent power was like a volcano about to erupt.

Sensing these forces, everyone was all excited.

In their induction, with a force, even if Li Lingtian cannot be spiked, Li Lingtian, the fourth-order person in the domain, can be directly injured.

After all, their attack of this level, even if it is a strong fifth-level domain master, if it is hard against it, it may not be able to resist it!

However, when they looked at Li Lingtian, they were stunned.

Looking down their eyes, Li Lingtian's mouth slightly lifted, and his face was indifferent, looking into their eyes, full of contempt.

In other words, Li Lingtian does not take this level of attack power at all!

"Huh? How could this be?"

"Why doesn't he seem to care at all? Is it possible that he is sure to carry this kind of attack?"

"Isn't it possible... how could he be calm? Could it be that he pretended?"

Seeing Li Lingtian's indifferent look, I don't know why, everyone's originally determined mind suddenly shook up.

Even, they have begun to wonder, is it really that their attack is too weak? So much so that Li Lingtian didn't even care about their attack...

It was just such a hesitation that their attack strength suddenly became weak.

In fact, this is also a psychological offensive for Li Lingtian.

Originally, if they could really maintain that state, Li Lingtian really had to pay some price if they wanted to take over their attack.

But now, after seeing Li Lingtian's complexion, their mentality was shaken~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was immediately startled, so that their own degree of attack will also be greatly weakened.

Then Li Lingtian, are you afraid of them?

"Hahaha, come on!"

Li Lingtian laughed loudly and suddenly jumped up, facing the offensive directly and ushered in.

"A bunch of waste, this time, I want to show you what is the real powerhouse!"

"With your waste, even if I don't use spiritual power, your attacks will not hurt me!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian's chest was straight, and he directly greeted the offensive of the crowd.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the group of people were all shocked. They couldn't believe that Li Lingtian rushed directly up like this, and no defensive measures were done!

This scene has a great impact on their psychology!

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