War God Supreme

Chapter 3124: Spike

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the group of people were all shocked. They couldn't believe that Li Lingtian rushed directly up like this, and no defensive measures were done!

This scene caused a great impact on their hearts!

In an instant, they just suspected their own ability came, their hearts were shaken, and the offensive power in their hands was also greatly weakened.

At this time, don't look at their crowds, but their strength is only less than 30% left, not to mention Li Lingtian's strength, even an ordinary master of the fifth-order realm of the domain can easily resist it. This offensive!

Realizing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, the psychological endurance of this group of guys is too weak, just a few words, they can disturb their psychology!


Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, his figure rushed forward, speeding up, directly colliding with those attacks!

Suddenly, a shocking explosion sounded, surging power exploded, and the shock wave rolled out from the place where the explosion occurred, rippling out.

There is a huge swept across the eight wildernesses, and the trend of the world!

Looking at the rolling dust rising from the place where the outbreak occurred, everyone immediately became nervous, all staring closely at the center of the explosion, breathing tightly, even the atmosphere did not dare to call.

What they were most afraid of was that Li Lingtian appeared in the center of the explosion unharmed!

However, what they fear most will eventually happen!

As the wind and dust dispersed, Li Lingtian's figure also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At this time, Li Lingtian's clothes were clean and moved with the wind, and there was no sign of being hurt at all.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but took a sigh of relief, his face full of fear.

They can’t believe it, they can’t believe that Li Lingtian’s strength will be so strong, and they can resist the attacks of so many of them, and nothing else!

If Li Lingtian is injured, they can still raise some spirits and fight with Li Lingtian.

After all, they are almost mortal.

However, so many of them attacked with all their strength, but even Li Lingtian's body could not be shaken, let alone injured him, so how can they still think of resistance?

Anyway, it's all dead, just give up resistance, so that the dead can be happier!

In fact, if these guys can maintain their own psychology, the power they explode, even Li Lingtian dare not underestimate, but it is a pity that these people, after all, are not serious people, and their mental tolerance is extremely poor, Li Lingtian With just a few tricks, you can play with them between the palms!

"Next, it's time for you to try my attack!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, Li Lingtian said quietly, "Please wait, go to Shenger!"

When I say this again, Li Lingtian also quietly used his soul offensive and oppressed the souls of those people!

After hearing the words, everyone shuddered in a sudden, and suddenly panicked.

Li Lingtian's words are really terrifying!


As Li Lingtian's words fell, Li Lingtian's right hand flicked up, and then a sharp grip.


At the next moment, the invisible power of time and space rippled out instantly, but it was just a few breathing times, which completely wrapped up the body of the group of people.

No matter how strong Li Lingtian is, he is only the realm of the fourth order of the domain master. Among this group of people, there are six masters of the fourth order of the domain master. If he uses normal attack methods, when the power shows up, The group of people will definitely react, and when that happens, it will be difficult if they want to take action against them again.

Therefore, Li Lingtian directly chose to use the power of time and space.

As long as the group of people did not find out at the beginning, they were bound by the power of time and space, then, the power of time and space can easily kill them!


The group of people did not find it at all, just looked at Li Lingtian in horror.

And Li Lingtian was not in a hurry. After binding them, Li Lingtian stepped slowly towards the group of people.

"Click! Click!"

Crisp footsteps sounded, however, listening to the ears of the group of people was like the sound of bells and drums from hell, making them terrified, and they were all trembling and trembling.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, You Sen said incomparably: "Wait, it's time for Huang Quan!"

As this sentence fell, Li Lingtian shook his right hand, and then the power of space and time suddenly appeared!


Almost instantaneously, the power of silver-white space-time was constructed as a space cage, and bound the body of that group of people.


Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed, and coldly said: "Broken!"

With the falling of Li Lingtian's broken word, the whole space, like a mirror, burst into pieces!

"Click! Card wipe!"

"Cracking! Crackling!"

Almost instantaneously, the space where the group of people were was completely broken up and completely transformed into nothingness.

Including the body of that group of people, it was also devoured by nothingness and completely fragmented into pieces!

Although bloody, there is no blood under the pulling of the void space!

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu's brows were fierce, even if they had been through the battlefield and had seen too many dead people, but they still could not accept this kind of death method.

It was terrifying, the body of hundreds of people instantly became torn apart! That kind of scene is like **** on earth!


Li Lingtian exhaled heavily, and his face became pale.

This time, in order to kill this group of people, Li Lingtian was painstakingly, not only using the power of time and space, but also the psychological offensive. For Li Lingtian, the power wasted is not small.

After all, the strength of this group of people is not weak, as long as there is an error in the link~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let them react, it will definitely be a fierce battle!

Li Lingtian didn't want to waste too much time outside, so he was so painstaking.

But the fact did not disappoint Li Lingtian. The group of people fell into his trap!

"Tianyu, Banxian, you help me protect the Fa first. I have spent too much power. I have to rest for a while."

The figure backed away from the void space, and Li Lingtian no longer spoke much. He sat cross-legged and began to exercise his power.

Wan Tianyu glanced at each other, but he smiled bitterly.

"This method is really against the sky!"

"His... Brother Ling Tian is like a bottomless black hole. Every time he encounters danger, he will give us a surprise... Just like, his hole card will never be overturned!"

The two were amazed!

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