War God Supreme

Chapter 3127: No air

Seeing Wan Tianyu's face is ugly, Li Lingtian also understood that Wan Tianyu was still a little unacceptable. He smiled slightly and patted Wan Tianyu's shoulder, and then ordered Zhu Yan to fly in the opposite direction!

"call out!"

Zhu Yan didn't hesitate about Li Lingtian's order. Shaking her wings, she flew out to other places, leaving only a group of people under her, and she was vaguely familiar with the surrounding environment.

They may not know that after half an hour, there will be a storm coming here!

At that time, it is a question whether they can survive for more than six hundred people!

Looking at the figure of the group of people gradually going away, Wan Tianyu's face suddenly became more depressed.

If this group of people were outside the Xuanwu ruins from the beginning, he would not have too much psychological burden.

However, this group of people was attracted by his idea. In this way, when he saw this group of people dying because of him, he had a very heavy psychological burden in his heart, and he dared not look at it again.

Liu Banxian gave Wan Tianyu a glance, and suddenly walked in front of Wan Tianyu, said softly: "What's wrong, do you feel a little uncomfortable."


Wan Tianyu nodded slowly.

"Hahaha, I saw you were decisive and decisive before. I didn't expect that you really gave me a big surprise today!"

Liu Banxian laughed softly.

Wan Tianyu shook his head slightly, Shen Sheng said: "This is not the same... This time, I brought them over... If not me...they..."

"Ha ha……"

Liu Banxian said suddenly: "Even without you, they will find other relics... Then, among them, the power is poor, **** or die..."

"Your appearance is just to let them die for a while. Don't care."


Wen Yan, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but change his complexion.

"Huh, brother Tianyu, you know, why don't I like to be the person in charge? Don't like to be the person in charge?"

Liu Banxian asked suddenly.


Wan Tianyu raised a brow, could not help but be surprised.

"Because, to be a qualified principal, you must be cold-blooded."

Liu Banxian said in a deep voice: "You think Li Lingtian is cold-blooded, but if we stay, Yali kills, or I, so what if I get hurt?"

"Brother Ling Tian is also to protect the safety of us, so he chose to do so!"

"Now, I wonder if you understand?"

After finishing this sentence, Liu Banxian patted Wan Tianyu on the shoulder, turned around, and said nothing more.


This also made Wan Tianyu suddenly surprised.

Originally, he was still complaining about why Li Lingtian was so cold-blooded, but he heard Liu Banxian's words, and he reacted. The reason why Li Lingtian was cold-blooded to those people was to keep them safe!

"Oh... I wanted to be a leader of power... Things to consider... there are so many..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Wan Tianyu's expression gradually strengthened: "Since this is the case, then I can't let Brother Ling Tian disappointed! Huh, not to mention, but I want to take over my father's power, Huh, in the future, I must also Be a qualified master!"

The look in his eyes was firm, and Wan Tianyu's mind was firm.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

He already regarded Wan Tianyu as a brother and friend, and he also knew that Wan Tianyu would take over any superpowers in the future. If he could not cultivate Wan Tianyu, he would use Wan Tianyu’s current character, There is absolutely no bone left to be eaten!

It is impossible for Li Lingtian to stay in this ghost place and protect Wan Tianyu forever. Therefore, he must let Wan Tianyu learn by himself!

Of course, even if Wan Tianyu is really unable to support A Dou, even if Wan Tianyu now has this potential, then Li Lingtian will do his best!


Zhu Yan, who was advancing at a rapid speed, suddenly slowed down. At the next moment, Li Yantian's mind suddenly heard Zhu Yan's words.

"Master, there is a forbidden air field in front, I can't fly anymore!"


It was said that Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows and looked around. Then he realized that not far away, there was an island, and he immediately said, "Zhu Yan, fly towards that island!"

"Yes! Master, I try my best!"

Under the suppression of the no-fly field, Zhu Yan's flying height gradually decreased.

However, when he heard Li Lingtian's words, Zhu Yan also gritted his teeth, and then on the surface of the body, the flames were burning hot, and suddenly a powerful force erupted and galloped forward!

All of a sudden, Li Lingtian couldn't help but get nervous.

Below this, it is all endless seawater, if it really falls into the sea surface, it must not be in danger.

If you can fly to the island, it is better to fly to the island as much as possible.

"call out!"

With Zhu Yan's abrupt acceleration, the bodies of Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian could not help but flicker, almost not falling. They quickly raised their heads and asked in surprise, "What happened, what happened?"

"It's okay, but it's just a space ban!"

Li Lingtian's eyes turned and he was just about to say okay, but he couldn't help but a **** burst out: "What's he, in this kind of ghost place, he actually engages in a forbidden air field, this is deliberately playing with us!"




Zhu Yan screamed suddenly. At the next moment, his speed burst out again, and he quickly rushed forward for nearly a hundred meters. However, its flying height was already equal to the sea surface!

"Master, I can't hold it! I will try to send you to the shore!"


With Zhu Yan's words falling down~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhu Yan's body suddenly became smaller, which dragged Li Lingtian and the four people forward, and even flew for another fifty meters!

"Just now, jump!"

Li Lingtian was impressed by Zhu Yan’s desperation, but at this time, he also knew that it was not when he was hesitant. When he saw that he was close to the island, he jumped inside and threw his handle, throwing Yali to throw it. Toward the island.

Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian did not hesitate and jumped directly.


Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian turned around and suddenly grabbed Zhu Yan. Then, as if he was an arrow off the string, he quickly took Zhu Yan to the island!

"Bang! Bang!"

At the next moment, the figure of four people and one animal fell to the island at the same time!

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