War God Supreme

Chapter 3128: Change of the Green Dragon


After falling on the island, Li Lingtian jumped up quickly.

But even so, the sand was contaminated on them.

"His, this place, the environment is too bad!"

Frowning frowning, several people in Li Lingtian shook their heads quickly, and slapped the dust on their bodies.

After slapping the dust, Li Lingtian also carefully looked at the illusion around him.

All around is sand and dust. When the breeze blows, there is sand and dust rising.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, all of a sudden, the sky was flying with dust, and the four of Li Lingtian stood together quickly. Zhu Yan spread his wings and stopped in front of them.

After the wind blew through, several people in Li Lingtian opened their eyes again, only to be surprised to find that on the ground, some bones were exposed.

"There are bones here?"

Frowning, Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, but walked to the skeleton before taking it out.

After taking it out, Li Lingtian took a look at it and suddenly took a breath.

That skeleton is a human skeleton, and it's also a back skeleton!

"Hi... It seems that this is definitely not a good place!"

Li Lingtian pinched it carefully, and found that the skeleton was extremely hard. It was immediately judged. The year of this skeleton is at least three hundred years. That is to say, some people have died here in these years!

"Huh... Baihu once said that Xuanwu is dead, so all the organs and formations are on. If we are not careful, there is a danger of life!"

With a deep sigh, Li Lingtian glanced at Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian, and Shen Sheng said: "You must listen to me, otherwise, it is easy to be dangerous!"


Both Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian knew that Li Lingtian was kind to them. Therefore, they did not resist much, and they just agreed.


The gusty wind was blowing again. At this time, Li Lingtian had already prepared for it. One side of the figure was resisting the gusty wind.

However, after the wind blew away, a lot of skeletons appeared under the dust.

These skeletons come in all kinds. Li Lingtian and his four people saw that the surprise in their hearts suddenly deepened.

Whether it is a human skeleton, or fish, turtles, are buried in the sand.

Moreover, a recent skeleton has not been completely weathered, that is, people who died within a hundred years!

"His, this Xuanwu ruin is really too strange!"

Wan Tianyu couldn't help getting nervous.

Even though he has experienced many things, at this time, his heart is still panicked.

"It's okay, let's go slowly!"

Li Lingtian frowned, when he sensed Wan Tianyu's anxiety, he quickly went to comfort Wan Tianyu.

However, at this time, Xiao Qinglong, who had been hovering around Li Lingtian's chest, suddenly had a movement.


Li Lingtian hadn't had time to move yet. The little green dragon flew out of Li Lingtian's cuff.

"Huh? What happened?"

All of a sudden, Li Lingtian was stunned in place, what is the situation? Is it possible that this little green dragon is hungry?

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian looked at the Qinglong, but saw that Qinglong's eyes were mellow and gleaming, constantly looking at the surrounding illusion.

"Roar roar!"

After checking the surrounding environment, the green dragon flicked and rushed abruptly toward the sea.

"Eh, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's face suddenly changed, and then his brows were suddenly raised, and he just jumped out and reached out to grab the tail of that little green dragon!

However, the little green dragon was extremely fast. It was almost when Li Lingtian was just about to reach out and grabbed it. It was just a flick of its tail, which escaped Li Lingtian's catch and drilled directly into the water.


Li Lingtian frowned, unable to help stomping his feet, his face full of depression.

"It's over, what should we do now?"

Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian also changed their faces suddenly.

They didn't expect that which little green dragon would have a problem, and they got into the seawater directly!

You know, this is Xuanwu Ruins! There are countless dangers!

If you don't pay attention, you will be in danger!

But that little green dragon, but one of the four elephant beasts, they can't ignore it!

"Forget it, what if there is danger! Run in with me!"

Li Lingtian clenched his teeth, no matter how much, he jumped into the sea directly.

Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Yali killing are all extremely trusting Li Lingtian, and there is no hesitation at the moment, so they just jumped down.

After jumping into the water, Li Lingtian was surprised to find that in fact, under the sea water, there was another hole in the sky!

After a little sluggishness, Li Ling's genius reacted. His purpose was to find the figure of the little green dragon. He shook his head violently, only to realize that the little green dragon was still diving deep into the bottom of the sea.

"Huh? Strange, why does it go deep in the seabed? It's hard to be successful. Is there anything special in the deep seabed?"

Frowning frowning, Li Lingtian's heart suddenly moved, it was impossible, this green dragon can really help him quickly find the secret about the ruins of Xuanwu"

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian speeded up, quickly followed the little green dragon and drilled deep into the seabed.


All of a sudden, four people and one beast, led by that little green dragon, headed deep into the seabed.

I have to say that although the little green dragon was just born not long ago, but his speed is very fast, even in the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no slight obstruction, just like walking on the ground general.


As it went deeper into the sea floor, strange sea monsters appeared from time to time, heading towards that little green dragon!

Seeing this scene, at the beginning, Li Lingtian was still a little worried, but soon, he was no longer worried.

That little green dragon is simply a pervert!

Its strength is not weaker than that of the ordinary fourth-order master of the domain master. Even if it encounters those strange sea monsters, it also easily devours them!

Even when swallowing them, they directly swallowed their bodies into their own belly!


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu, they were all shocked, this is just born Qinglong! Can you have such a powerful strength?

(End of this chapter)

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