War God Supreme

Chapter 3129: Tortoiseshell


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu were all shocked!

This is the newly born Qinglong! Actually, you can have such a strong strength, if you give it a period of growth, wouldn't it be against the sky!

"Hehe... It seems that it won't take long for this little guy to surpass me!"

With a bitter smile, Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, or rushed down with Xiao Qinglong.

I have to say that the strength of that little green dragon is indeed amazing!

Under its leadership, it can be said that all the way is unimpeded, that is, it has reached the deepest part of the seabed!


When it fell to the deepest part of the seabed, a small silver-white wave suddenly appeared around Xiao Qinglong's body, and then Xiao Qinglong's body suddenly disappeared into the eyes of everyone!


With a frown, Li Lingtian was immediately excited and shouted: "Come on, there is indeed a space boundary here!"

With that said, Li Lingtian was afraid that he was moving too slowly, he just jumped in and jumped!

Liu Banxian, Yali killing and Wan Tianyu also did not dare to hesitate, and they came in!


The space is rippling, Li Lingtian, four people and one beast, also broke through the boundaries of space!

It seems to have experienced eternity, but it seems only an instant. When Li Lingtian opened his eyes again, the front of them was no longer under the sea, but an open sky.

Not far away, there is a huge water pond, in the water pond, a sturdy turtle.

It's just that the turtle was lying quietly in the water, with his eyes slightly closed, and he looked extremely serene.

Obviously, this is the basaltic beast among the four elephants!

I don’t know why, after they came here, Li Lingtian and all of them were quiet, and even the atmosphere did not dare to call.

That little green dragon, after coming here, is no longer in disorder.

I noticed that several people from Li Lingtian were also here, and the little Qinglong "hooked" wrapped around Li Lingtian's arm. The roar of "roaring roaring" seemed to want to let Li Lingtian pass.

"You mean, let me go and see?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian could not help but stretch his finger to the Xuanwu.

"Roar roar!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Qinglong nodded constantly, Li Lingtian frowned slightly, glanced at Wan Tianyu three people, then said: "You are waiting for me first, I will go ahead and see!"

"Well, be careful. Ling Tian!"

Yali bit her lip with a worried look on her face.

After all, even the White Tiger said, this Xuanwu ruins are dangerous, she will naturally worry about Li Lingtian. Not to mention Yali killing, even Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian are extremely worried about Li Lingtian.

In fact, they don't have to worry about Li Lingtian at all.

The ruins of Xuanwu that Bai Hu said were dangerous, because it thought that Xuanwu had already died, and if the organs and formations within the ruins were triggered, they could not be closed.

But it did not expect that Li Lingtian would choose to hatch Qinglong so quickly.

The Qinglong and Xuanwu have similar properties, so the relationship is very good. Although the newly born Xiaoqinglong does not know the specific things, in the midst, it can still lead Li Lingtian to evade those formations. I just came here and came to Xuanwu's hiding place!

In the place where the corpse is hidden, it is almost the safest place in the entire Xuanwu ruins. It is precisely because of the perception of safety that Xiao Qinglong will let Li Ling go up to the sky.

As early as when he was born, that little green dragon recognized Li Lingtian, and when it was spawned, most of the spiritual power was provided by Li Lingtian, so it had long regarded Li Lingtian as his loved one, naturally Will not harm Li Lingtian.

"Roar roar!"

Seeing that Li Lingtian was still hesitating and dared not step forward, the little green dragon suddenly shouted again.

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian stroked Xiao Qinglong's head and gritted his teeth before he rushed straight up.


Li Lingtian appeared like a flash of lightning and came directly to the Xuanwu.

Approaching Xuanwu more and more, Li Lingtian also sensed that his abrupt tranquility in his heart had stopped, and he no longer felt hesitant and doubtful.

This is what made Li Lingtian quite amazed. This basalt is indeed one of the four elephant beasts. Even if it has been dead for so long, it still has this power to affect people's hearts.

"Roar roar!"

Xiao Qinglong was wrapped around Li Lingtian's arm, constantly pulling Li Lingtian closer to Xuanwu.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian was also almost certain that Xuanwu was not in danger. He simply flew directly over Xuanwu.

Flying forward all the way to the sky above Xuanwu's turtle shell, the little green dragon shouted again.

It was said that Li Lingtian felt something in his heart. When he looked down, he suddenly saw a small tortoiseshell in the middle of the turtle shell.

Above the tortoiseshell, it was still shining with light.

"Huh, what is that?"

His eyes gleamed sharply, and Li Lingtian's figure flickered, and he flew down.

After a closer look, Li Lingtian discovered that the small tortoiseshell was not a basalt, but a turtle shell!

This also made the hope in Li Lingtian's heart suddenly dimmed.

Originally, Li Lingtian thought that it would be better to have a little Xuanwu. In this way, his pressure will be relieved a lot.

As long as the Four Elephant God Beast can grow up again, then he need not worry too much, but now it seems that these burdens have to be pressed on him!

"Roar roar!"

Just when Li Lingtian wanted to turn around and leave, Xiao Qinglong wrapped around Li Lingtian's tail, and suddenly exerted more force, causing Li Lingtian to take a breath in pain.

"His... what's wrong?"

Looking down, Li Lingtian's eyes were full of tension when he saw the little green dragon's eyes, and he could not help frowning.

"You mean, there are good things hidden in this turtle shell?"

After hesitating for a while, Li Lingtian asked softly.

"Roar roar!"

Wen Yan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The little green dragon nodded quickly.

Li Lingtian hesitated for a while, and then sucked hard with his right hand, directly sucking the turtle shell into the palm of his hand.


Grasping the turtle shell tightly, Li Lingtian took a closer look, but realized that there was a mysterious character above the turtle shell.

Those characters are extremely old, and Li Lingtian has not seen it, and there is no way to recognize it, but Li Lingtian is a move in his heart. He is sure that the tortoiseshell above must contain the secret of heaven!

"His...what use is this tortoiseshell?"

Frowning frowning, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved her spirit into the tortoiseshell!


With the injection of spiritual power, the next moment, above the tortoiseshell, suddenly shined a brilliant light!

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