War God Supreme

Chapter 3130: Accept the heritage

"His...what use is this tortoiseshell?"

Frowning frowning, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved her spirit into the tortoiseshell!


With the injection of spiritual power, the next moment, above the tortoiseshell, suddenly shined a bright light!


With strong spiritual power blooming, Li Lingtian's left hand only felt hot, and the next moment, the tortoiseshell turned into a shield, which was fixed directly on Li Lingtian's shoulder!

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The silver-white light erupted, constantly flowing on the tortoiseshell.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but take a deep breath, he could feel that the tortoiseshell contained a huge breath of life.

Even the domain master sixth-order, or even the domain master seventh-order powerhouse's full blow, can't break this tortoiseshell!

"His... so powerful tortoiseshell! What a powerful defense! If I can get this tortoiseshell, who can hurt me under level 7 of the domain master?"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian was immediately excited. It seems that this time he came to the Xuanwu ruins, and he really came to the right.

Although he didn't get the inheritance and other benefits, this tortoiseshell alone was enough to excite him.

"Roar roar!"

The little green dragon saw Li Lingtian got the tortoiseshell and suddenly smiled happily, then opened his mouth and roared.

However, this little green dragon was so small that Li Lingtian couldn't understand what it was talking about, only frowned, and slowly guessed.

After guessing for a long time, I still did not understand that the little green dragon suddenly became angry, only to see that its body continued to rotate, and then it flew to Li Lingtian’s left arm, and opened its small mouth, which was direct Bite it down.


"My God, you little guy is not a dog, how can you bite?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian became depressed and quickly left Xiao Qinglong aside.

However, at the next moment, Li Lingtian moved his heart. He suddenly thought that Xiao Qinglong suddenly bit him, was he reminding him to contaminate the tortoiseshell with blood?

"Xiaoqinglong, do you mean, let me drip blood on that tortoiseshell?"

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Lingtian asked out, and his breathing was also rapid.

He also suddenly realized that in the past, all powerful treasures and chaotic treasures must be contaminated with blood and connected with the blood contract before they can be used.

Does this tortoiseshell also need to be connected to the blood contract?


Hearing that, the little green dragon suddenly nodded quickly.


The throat rolled, and Li Lingtian couldn't help but swallow a saliva nervously.

This is not connected to the blood contract, the tortoise shell's defense power is so powerful, if connected to the blood contract, the tortoise shell's defense power, is it not against the sky?

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then merged his right index finger and middle finger, and swiped sharply on his left arm.


With a soft bang, the skin on Li Lingtian's left arm broke apart, and the red blood of Yin Yin also erupted from it.

"Time after time!"

Blood splashed and fell directly on the tortoiseshell.


At the next moment, the tortoiseshell burst into a dazzling, dazzling, and dazzling light!

At the same time, a surging memory, like the waves, was directly poured into his mind!


Numerous memories, crazy influx, Li Lingtian's whole person was directly in situ, but he also reacted at the most critical moment. In this tortoiseshell, hidden in the cable is Xuanwu's inheritance!

Therefore, he did not dare to pass out, and clenched his teeth, just insisted!

Even if it hurts again, Li Lingtian would not dare to pass out, clenching his teeth, accepting that inheritance force!

Seeing this scene, the little green dragon's figure rotated, and then his mouth opened slightly, and an icy blue spiritual torrent was also injected into Li Lingtian's body.

With the infusion of that torrent of spiritual power, Li Lingtian's body suddenly surging, including that kind of pain, also relieved a lot.

Li Lingtian was very surprised, but he was only sensible at this time, unable to sense what was happening outside, and could only silently accept the inheritance of Xuanwu!

But in his heart, it was already determined that it must be Xiao Qinglong helping him. No one but Xiao Qinglong was beside him!

However, when Li Lingtian accepted the Xuanwu heritage, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Yali Kill, who had been waiting outside, and Zhu Yan were all nervous.

They didn't know what Li Lingtian went in. They thought Li Lingtian would come out soon, but as time went by, they never saw Li Lingtian's figure, and they were all anxious.

If it hadn't been said before Li Lingtian left, don't move around at random, I'm afraid they would have just rushed into the water to find Li Lingtian's trail.

It takes a long time to accept the inheritance, and in a blink of an eye, one day has passed.

Wan Tianyu and Yali killed them, and finally couldn't wait.

"No, it's been so long. Ling Tian hasn't come out yet, he must be in danger!"

Yali killed coldly and said, "You all give me up, I'm going to find Lingtian!"

"Stop it!"

Liu Banxian said in a deep voice: "If Brother Ling Tian's strength can't come out, how can you raise it when you go in? It's just death!"

"Brother Ling Tian hasn't come out yet, we should hold on and wait a second. If we just venture in, we will die except death!"

"This is a meaningless thing!"

Liu Banxian's face is extremely gloomy, he is also very worried about Li Lingtian, but now Li Lingtian is away, he also has to consider the safety of Yali killing and Wan Tianyu.

"Yes, Banxian is right!"

Wan Tianyu groaned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also said: "It is imperative that we still have to stabilize ourselves. We can't help ourselves!"

"Wait a second, maybe Brother Ling Tian is experiencing some delays. Wait another day. If Brother Ling Tian still can't come out like that, let's go in and find him!"

"Huh, I think you are greedy for life and fear of death!"

Yali killed with a sneer and said, "Wait tomorrow, I'm afraid Ling Tian would have been killed! You all gave me away, otherwise, I would blame me for it!"


Suddenly Zhu Yan rushed up and shook his head at Yali.

Zhu Yan and Li Lingtian have a contract, so it can sense that Li Lingtian's current state is very safe.

Unfortunately, Yali didn't understand Zhu Yan's words, thinking that Zhu Yan was also blocking her, and her face suddenly became somber.

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