War God Supreme

Chapter 3131: 4 News of Shenzong


Suddenly Zhu Yan rushed up and shook his head nonstop against Yali.

Zhu Yan and Li Lingtian have a contract, so it can sense that Li Lingtian's current state is very safe.

Unfortunately, Yali didn't understand Zhu Yan's words, thinking that Zhu Yan was also blocking her, and her face suddenly became somber.

"Well, Brother Ling Tian is your master, it's already this time, you are not nervous, and you are still blocking me?"

Yali slapped her right hand with a sharp dagger, and suddenly appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Don't stop me! You cannot find Ling Tian, ​​I will not come out!"

After all, Yali killed her body in a flash and quickly rushed towards the water.

With a knife in her hand, Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian were afraid of what happened to her, so they dared not pull her forcibly, and saw Yali rushing towards Shuibo, but they shook their heads helplessly, full of heart. Is helpless.

They are also very worried about Li Lingtian, but now, they must be responsible for the safety of Yali killing them!

"That's it, let's keep up!"

Looking at each other, Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu also directly caught up.

If you can't stop Yali from killing, then rush in together. In this way, you can still take care of them, even if they are really in danger, they will not be afraid.


However, just as Ya Li's body was about to rush to the water, a light curtain suddenly appeared and was intercepted in front of her.


With a scream, Yali's body was intercepted and shook her head violently. Yali's eyebrows were scrunched, her eyes filled with consternation.

"How is it possible? There is nothing in front of me!"

"Why can't I pass?"

After whispering for a moment, Yali slid her hand forward.


Sure enough, just as Yali's killer's hand extended, a light curtain emerged quietly, blocking Yali's killer's hand.

"How could this be!"

Frowning a brow, Yali suddenly became angry in her heart.


"It's not fair, why can't I pass?"

Ya Li slapped the light curtain constantly, however, no matter how she shot, no matter how hard she tried, she could not cause damage to the light curtain.

Seeing this scene, Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu were also surprised. They also did not know when the light curtain appeared!

When he came to kill Yali, Liu Banxian immediately asked: "What is the matter, Yali killing?"

"I do not know either."

Yali shook her head helplessly and said sadly: "I just flew here, I just can't go any further!"

"Oh, you try it, can you pass through this passage?"

Suddenly, Yali killed her eyes and turned to look at Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu.

"Well, let's try it!"

Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu glanced at each other, then stretched out their hands together and probed forward.

However, almost instantaneously, when their hands reached the limit, the light curtain appeared again and bounced the hands of both of them back.

"It looks like it won't work."

Looking at each other, Liu Banxian shook his head slightly and said to Yali killing: "Yali killing, you also saw that now we can't get in at all. All we can do is wait for Brother Ling Tian to come out!"

"Huh, don’t forget, Zhu Yan is Brother Ling Tian’s contract pet. If Brother Ling Tian is really in danger, it will be the first to call the police. Now it is very quiet. There is no danger."


It was said that Yali couldn't help but frowned, raised her head and looked at Zhu Yan, then she took a sigh of relief, and said helplessly: "This is also, then... wait another day... if after a day, If Brother Ling Tian still can't come out, hum, even if it is ruined here, I will smash the light curtain!"

Fearing that the light curtain would break and cause irreversible damage to the space inside, Yali did not rashly shoot them at the light curtain.

In fact, they are right. If they really smashed the light curtain, Li Lingtian, who is in the process of inheriting, will be disturbed.

It can be said that precisely because they were not reckless, Li Lingtian picked up a small life.

This time, because Li Lingtian already had the experience of receiving the inheritance several times, it was only less than two days. Xuanwu's inheritance was completely absorbed by Li Lingtian.

Slowly opening his eyes, Li Lingtian looked down and saw that the light above the tortoiseshell had already dissipated a lot.

But the power is more restrained.

After carefully sensing, Li Lingtian took a breath.

At this time, the breath of life contained in the tortoiseshell is not less than that contained in his body, and it also contains the power of Xuanwu, endless.

Li Lingtian dared to be sure that even a full blow from the eighth-order powerhouse of the domain master would not cause him much damage.

This shows how powerful this tortoiseshell defense is!

After getting this tortoiseshell, Li Lingtian's life-saving ability is even higher!

In addition, Li Lingtian's greatest achievement is the inheritance of Xuanwu, as well as some news about the Four Elephant God Beast and the Four God Sect.

Originally, Li Lingtian only got three inheritances. Many of the news about the Four Divine Sects are all half-understood. Now, the four inheritances are all gathered together. Those messages that were originally impenetrable are suddenly enlightened.

"It turns out...the four elephant gods and beasts are just the four guardian **** beasts of the Four Gods Sect..."

"What a powerful Zongmen, can even make the strongest level of the four world masters become their door gods!"

"But...who are their enemies? It is just a giant beast that can force the Four Elephants and Beasts into this tragic picture, and even makes the entire Four Gods Sect fall apart!"


After knowing these news~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian only felt very depressed. Originally, he thought that the speed of his breakthrough was already fast enough, but he now understands that his own strength is in the real In front of the strong and the real masters, it is still so vulnerable!

Even the four **** beasts of the highest level in the world are so fragile in front of the mysterious beast!


Li Lingtian sighed quietly, not only said helplessly: "There are people outside, there are heavens outside. It seems that no matter what level I have practiced in, I can't be proud and complacent, and I must be humble. If I accidentally provoke someone who can't provoke, then It's troublesome."

"Full loss, benefit from humility! The ancients said that it really makes sense!"

"Of course, I can't be arrogant. I'm going to go against the sky all the way to martial arts! I can't stop because of the existence of a higher state!"

"I believe that sooner or later, I will reach that kind of state, even, beyond them!"

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